The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Yup...still at the beach!

We haven't taken showers in doors in almost 5 days now. Got to love the outdoor shower. I will have one of those in (on? attached to?) my house one day. For summer time use of course.

Anyway, the beach is glorious. We're having a great time doing a lot of nothing. Updates when we return. Hope everyone is doing well. I miss you all. Really, I do, even while I'm on vacation. I miss my bloggy friends!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Dental Health Day...

So, like the geek that I am, I've been wearing my old retainer for the last 3 nights and my teeth are already moving! I am so excited about this. I had braces, I THINK, in 6th grade. I had some jacked up choppers as a kid and I thank god and my parents for orthodontists on a regular basis. I was also lucky enough to have an asshole dentist that made me keep my lower, cemented retainer in until I think I was in college. Better safe than sorry huh? Anyway, we weren't so lucky with the upper retainer that was easily removed and well, took too much effort for a middle schooler. Yeah it was kind of cool at first but the novelty quickly wears off on things that are good for you. So, like most other things, I kind of gave up on it. And, low and behold, my top teeth shifted. If I didn't tell you, you probably wouldn't know the difference, but I know it and I remember how straight my teeth were when those razor sharp braces came off.

Anyway, I'm taking charge and getting my straight-er teeth back. I must. I am also lucky enough to have had three of my very good friends go into dental hygiene, it's very beneficial. I would puke if I had to put my face in someone else's nasty mouth every day, but hey, they make great money and I don't so who's the smart one now? hmmmm...

So, one of my best friends actually lived with me while she was in dental school and made me and all of our roommates bleaching trays...FOR FREE! Do you know how much people pay for those little pieces of plastic? A LOT, I'm sure some of you do know and are probably cursing me right now. So, I can bleach my teeth any time I want. You would think I would have some perfect teeth but alas, I am lazy. So, I just have normal teeth. Then again, who the hell wants those Hillary Duff horse teeth?


So I will call today DENTAL HEALTH DAY! Take care of your teeth people. It would really suck if you didn't have them!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I don't know about you but sometimes I feel like I have no time for work. I feel like I have so many other things going on in my life that I just don't have time to fit work in. In between sleeping, planning the wedding, making things for my web site (crafts to sell), taking care of my house, working out, whatever...I just feel like work is an afterthought. Is that bad?

I watched the finale of LOST last night TWICE! I loved it. But, because I stayed up so late I couldn't imagine getting up for the gym at 6am. So instead, I decided that I would get in to work around 9:30/10am, then I would go take care of some errands and then go to the gym in the middle of the day. I guess I should be lucky that I could potentially get away with that type of thing with the job I have but for some reason the only part of my job that seems to fit into my life right now is the pay check! I'll also admit that although I do a lot of important things in my position, it's not the most challenging of jobs...

Anyway, the Sweet One and I are heading to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for the long weekend. We're actually leaving Saturday and not coming back until next Thursday. I am so excited to lay on the beach and do virtually nothing. My Uncles and their friends get a house there for a week every Memorial Day and we never go but this year we are! I'm totally looking forward to it. The best part will be that we won't spend too much money. I am so broke. I went to the bank yesterday to inquire about getting a loan!!! That's how bad it is. I have to pay off my stupid credit card bills and then cut them up. They aren't that out of control but the interest on a credit card could kill you if you don't pay it off in full every month and well, I don't. Tell your children, it's all a trap. I thought I knew that but damn, Christmas and Birthday's and all those other gift giving occasions just creep up on you and it's just so easy to whip out the plastic.

Anyway, Happy Thursdee everyone!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I don't know where I am these days. I'm having trouble remembering if I'm coming or going. I am SO tired. I just need a break. I suppose I'll get one this coming weekend when The Sweet One and I head to the beach for a few. Right now I am just feeling very overwhelmed with everything. Life, work, wedding, work, etc...I haven't been to the gym in almost a week and it's making me feel awful...

Last week I was in Hershey, PA with work. It's definitely a weird place. I don't want to smell that fake, pumped in chocolate smell ever again! As a matter of fact, I could use a hiatus from any chocolate for a while too...So, we spent a lot of time drinking to excess (with co-workers, dangerous), waking up early and sitting in a very dark conference room, and eating all day. Needless to say I was exhausted when I got home on Friday. I slept until noon on Saturday and to be honest I could have slept much later than that. My guilt and the sun shining through the windows got in the way.

On Saturday TSO and I went to the Chili Cookoff in D.C.

It was like a white trash fest. It was an absolute beautiful day out and if we didn't have tickets to the Budweiser VIP area, you know, where you are fenced off from all the rif raf and get unlimited free beer and food, then we wouldn't have stayed. We're such snobs! But seriously people, the music line up alone was enough to make you want to go home, or at least somewhere less crowded. The first band was the Blood Hound Gang, they're okay I suppose but I wouldn't go out and grab one of their cd's if you know what I mean. The other groups were Better Than Ezra (= gay, what do they even sing? YUCK) and Hoobastank. Now I don't know about you but I a) don't know anything they sing, and b) don't listen to any bands with names that sound like vaginal conditions. I did hear that the Donna's were there and I do like them, but we didn't see them so who cares.

Anyway, we left there and continued drinking through the night. First we went to a party that was kind of lame but did have two kegs so we very stealth-like took the beer we brought with us back, yeah we're ghetto, so what? Then we went to Georgetown to see one of our friends who bartends = gets us pretty wasted for just about nothing. I think I hit the pillow some time in the 4 o'clock hour. So much for recovering from the week...

Needless to say we were destroyed for Sunday. I had originally planned to go to the gym. HA! We sat outside and one of our favorite places and ate fajitas and drank swirl margaritas instead! FUCK, I'm in bad shape. The headache started about an hour after the last margarita and incapacitated me for the remainder of the afternoon. I think I slept on the couch, on the deck, on the floor and then back on the couch until I finally ended up in bed for the night.

Yesterday my sister graduated from college. Yayy her! Very proud of her. What's up with graduations though? Is it required that there is a speaker, a very uninteresting speaker, who must talk for what seems like hours? It was so boring. I wanted to stick hot pokers in my eyes but I thought it would be rude to take away from my sisters big day. How did those students get so lucky that had Will Farrel as their speaker?

Anyway, that's the recap. The long, boring, recap. I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

First HNT Post

Really quickly before my post, an update on Hershey, PA - number 1: it's a cult (more to come), number 2: I just ate almost a whole Mr. Goodbar King Size, get me away from the chocolate, especially after drinking!

So, THIS was my very first Half-Nekkid Thursday post. Grrrr

And Now, on the one year anniversary of HNT I will give you something totally lame because I'm away and can't take or post any new pic's. I give you...MY MOUTH (and yes I know I look like I have 8 chins in this picture). You got a purdy mouth...he he.

Happy HNT Everyone and Happy Anniversary Osbasso!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So, I'm heading to the land of pitiful, pathetic drivers AND chocolate! That's right, I'm going to Hershey, Pennsylvania for my work off-site. We're leaving in a few hours and will return on Friday evening so I probably will be MIA for a few days. Oh, and if you're from PA and want to argue about the driving thing, don't bother. Your people CAN NOT DRIVE. There is no if, and's or but's about it. I know first hand. You all invade our beaches every year and let's face it, you don't know how to drive. But, I digress...

We're staying at the Hershey Lodge and I'm kind of looking forward to it. It's gonna be a lot of work during the day but I'm sensing many chocolate martinis at night. Thankfully I work with some fun people who like to get a little loose. I wonder who will be the drunken jackass that makes a fool of themselves in front of all of their colleagues? GOD I hope it's not me!! he he...

I'm gonna try to post for tomorrow's one year HNT anniversary but if I don't, have a FABULOUS rest of the week!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

So I had a dream about my grandfather on Sunday morning. When I started telling my mom about it I couldn't help but cry. I tried to hold it together but I got that lump in my throat and I couldn't shake it. The weird thing is, I haven't dreamt about him in a long time. The horrible thing is that my alarm clock went off and I hadn't finished the dream. Maybe that's how it was meant to be...

My grandfather died way too young. He was 66. I can't even remember how many years it's been now, maybe 13, might be more but it seems like yesterday. He and I were very close. He was fun, animated, loved life, his family, singing, dancing, traveling, cooking and especially sweets! All the qualities that a perfect grandfather should have. He had been in the merchant marines as a young man and had lots of amazing stories about his travels all around the world that would hold our attention, even as really young children, for hours at a time. Being around him was a joy.

One Friday evening we were all gathering at my aunts house for dinner. I don't think it was any special occasion, just an opportunity for us all to get together. The next day my grandfather and his wife were leaving for a cruise. He LOVED to travel and they were always heading somewhere whether it be Vegas for some fun or New Orleans for some boob watching at Mardi Gras, this guy was a ton of fun.

Anyway, as I drove to my aunts house the only thing I remember is seeing one of the most amazing skies I have ever seen. The clouds were fluffy and parted in just the right way to make the pinks and purples coming from the setting sun one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen. Later I would choose to see this as a sign. Once at my aunts house we all sat around and waited for those that were not yet there. My grandfather still wasn't there after a long while. Although it's all kind of a blur now, I remember the phone ringing, my uncle answered and sharply announced, "David's dead". Those words ripped through me. I heard a scream and confusion but I don't remember any other noise. It was silent. It was confusion and hurt.

Earlier in the afternoon, around the time I saw the brilliant sky, my grandfather was on his way to the bank to get some cash for his trip. While on his way, he was struck by another car traveling at an extremely high rate of speed. He lost consciousness instantly but was alive when the medivac helicopter arrived. Sometime during the flight to the hospital he passed away. Thinking about it even now, after all this time, seems surreal.

My whole family made their way to the hospital. The nurse told us that we were allowed to go in and see him. I remember battling with myself on whether I wanted to see him or not. I really didn't want to remember him in any other way than how I knew him my whole life. The nurse assured me in the end that he didn't look bad and I'm glad I listened to her. It was almost sad how good he looked. The only abnormalities were a small cut on his cheek and of course, the tubes coming from his throat. He looked like he was sleeping, like if we continued to talk to him he would wake up, give us one of his contagious smiles and talk back to us. It wasn't fair. How could he be in one piece, look completely normal and peaceful but not be alive? I had a rush of emotions. I was mad, I was hurt, I was angry, I was confused. It was probably the worst night of my life.

Looking back, I know I should have spoken to someone then. That day changed me. I needed to get it out, I needed to speak to a professional, someone that could help me understand what was going on and how to deal with this very adult thing. Because no matter how much I thought I knew and how adult I thought I was, I was still such a child. I had never had to deal with anything so hard, anything so real. To this day I have some major issues when it comes to loss. I am freakishly worried about everything and everyone close to me. I have suffered from major anxiety and panic attacks. When I can't find someone or they don't arrive where they're supposed to be on time, my mind immediately turns to the worst case scenario and sometimes beyond. I wish I would have dealt with it then so that I wasn't so scared to live for fear of losing some days.

I know they say that time heals but to this day it hurts and I miss my grandfather terribly.

Monday, May 15, 2006

It was a fun weekend. Friday night TSO and I just chilled. We needed it. Saturday we got up and tried to pretend to be productive. We managed to eat cheeseburgers, fries and onion rings and shared a chocolate banana milk shake at a place called, ironically enough, Cheeseburger Cheeseburger! It was AWESOME...

After the health extravaganza we sat on our asses some more before getting ready to go out with our pals. We went to the State Theater in Virginia to see an 80's tribute band called The Legwarmers. It was so much fun! I will admit it was one of the "whitest" things we have ever done but something about being surrounded by jackasses all decked out in their finest 80's gear really makes you feel good about yourself and the outfit you have on. The band started the night off with "Eye of the Tiger" from Rocky...'nuff said! We all had a blast, minus our pathetic friends that manage to get in an argument EVERY TIME WE GO OUT. Does anyone else have those friends? You know, the couple that everyone knows needs to break up, the one's that shouldn't be together in the first place, yet they have this ridiculous connection that they can't seem to break because apparently the booty is like crack or maybe they have dirt on each other, who knows? But every time we're all together they manage to get in a fight and embarrass themselves? Yeah, it's getting real old!

Anyway, yesterday as we all know, was Mother's Day. The Sweet One and I headed over to dad and Step mommy's house in the morning where he, my 3 sisters and I all proceeded to make a fabulous breakfast, first and foremost for mom and grandma and then of course everyone else that happened to be there to get a free meal (lovely picture below of the spread):

After that food fest I headed over to spend some time with my real mom and ummm, eat some more. Can you tell that my families like to eat? Most of our gatherings are surrounded around food. I love it! And that my dears it the extent of the weekend. I hope that everyone else's was wonderful. Happy Monday!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Isn't it weird how one day could be so dreary, cold and rainy and the very next day it is absolutely perfect outside? It is sunny and in the 70's with a slight breeze today and it makes me just want to sit outside and drink a really big margarita! ha ha...

So, I had to go meet my caterer at my reception venue this morning for a "walk through". Basically, the event coordinator for our reception site is a spaz and needed to meet the caterers and give them all of their "rules" before they can cater an event there. Whatever. It went fine.

Nothing major planned for this weekend, thankfully. Got mother's day stuff on Sunday which really just means we all eat all day long. But hey, that's fine with me!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and for all you mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Well, well, well...I ask for excitement and boy do I get it...

Got home from work last night and decided I would go for a bike ride since it was such a lovely evening. As I'm walking in my front door I can hear that the burglar alarms is beeping furiously. I enter, I turn it off, it says "door to basement". I have to admit, that creeped me out a little bit. Not enough obviously because I went straight over and opened the door to the basement...Nothing there. So, I go to the bathroom and turn on the light switch. electricity! Whatever, I had to pee so bad that it didn't phase me. As I'm on the pot, Shazam! The lights go back on. Now, how's THAT for excitement people?

Anyway, I decided to turn on the tube as I got ready for my ride and wouldn't you know it, NO CABLE. Now, generally, i wouldn't care. I would go for my lovely bike ride, return home and read or make some purses or something else not as mind numbing as watching television. But alas, yesterday I had been planning to watch The Amazing Race and LOST all day! I seriously had planned my day around it (yes, I'm lame and have no life, get over it). So, I started to freak out a little bit.

I went outside and asked my no personality, lame ass, making his kids have no personality neighbor (one day ask me how I really feel about him), how long the power had been out. He told me it was out for about 2 hours give or take. Apparently someone hit a telephone pole on the main road behind our houses. He claims he even heard it. OOOHHH, jerk! Trying to compete with my night of excitement. Whatever, I don't even know if I believe him...

So, I figured I was stung. I packed up all my shit in record time. And by all my shit I mean, things to cook for dinner, clothes for the gym in the morning, things to wear to work, my computer, my brain...and headed over to The Sweet One's house. Lucky for me I got to watch The Amazing Race with TSO's tool bag roommate (he has two, one is nice and I love him the other = tool bag) and then when LOST came on, you know, the show I had been anticipating for the last SEVEN days...the fuckers tool bag girlfriend came over.

Let me tell you about girl friend. She has what I like to call a GIGGLING problem! Have you ever met a person like this? If you have, then you feel my pain. This bitch giggles at EVERY FUCKING THING IN THE WORLD! At one point I wanted to stuff one of the couch pillows in her grill, but she probably would have giggled about it. I don't know if you watch LOST but if you do and you saw the part where Libby DIED and everyone was all sad and crying then you know what an emotional scene it was. Yeah...the bitch was GIGGLING. I was so livid. Anyway, we got through it and I went and locked myself in TSO's bedroom. That my friends is one, quality, action packed, exciting evening! I know you're all jealous.

Today sucks. It's rainy and grey and misty and yucky out. I am supposed to have a softball game tonight but who knows, it may be called if the field is too wet. Blah, blah, blah...

Hope everyone else is having a FABULOUS and SUNNY day!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

So I really have nothing to talk about and nothing to report. It's a beautiful day out. I sat outside and ate lunch with some friends and I so didn't want to come back into work.

Oh, that reminds me, did anyone see Oprah yesterday? It was annoying. If you saw it you may know what I'm talking about.

I have exactly 4 months (minus one day) until my wedding. All of the sudden the reality of all the things I still need to do just crept up on me. I'm not nervous per se, I just need to get on the ball. My step mom called me yesterday to ask if they could have my shower on a certain date in June. I have to have two showers because the families are too big to combine them. This makes me a little sad because I would like to have all of my peeps together at one time. But it makes me REALLY sad because I have to have two showers. Showers are annoying. I'm hoping my personality is taken into consideration when planning these things. There needs to be lots of alcohol, no cheesy games, and just plain old fun. I think, well, I hope I'm safe.

Maybe something really great will happen tonight and I'll have something to talk about tomorrow. Chances are that won't happen but a girl can dream can't she? Peace out...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So I went to pick up my engagement ring this afternoon from being resized. The original was a size 6 and the new and improved ring is a size 4.5, that even freaks me out. I don't want it to be too small but it fits and I can now NEVER retain an ounce of water or become bloated or I will have to get my ring cut off my finger. SWEET! No, it's not that bad, but it fits now instead of rolling all over my finger.

I went ahead and ordered our wedding bands while I was at the jewelry store today and decided to get a size 5 in that to be safe. The really weird thing is, I can't even fit the size 5 on my ring finger on my right hand. I may even be a 6 on that hand. How could my hands be so much different in size? Well, I guess I won't be wearing my rings on any other finger than the one it's on.

So, I managed to not eat anything bad for me yesterday, although I'm almost certain it would have made me feel better sooner if I did. I felt hung over pretty much until I went to bed last night. Good times...I decided to sleep in this morning but I am going right back to the gym tonight. I lost a little over 2 pounds last week. If I can keep that up I'll be in good shape for the wedding.

Anyway, I got pretty much nothing people. I hope everyone's having a good day...

Monday, May 08, 2006

I've got the Monday a BIG way! I think it has something to do with the fact that I got completely wasted last night, it's gray, gloomy and raining out, it's Monday, and, I just feel like complaining a little bit so just bear with me alright?

I actually had a lovely weekend. Friday night we went out to dinner with another couple. The guy has been friends with TSO since high school. They are actually roomies and he is TSO's best man in our wedding. I love him to death, he is such a good guy. Then there's his current girlfriend. I actually went to high school with her which is random, we knew each other in highschool but not well - she was two years older than I was. Anyway, she's one of those chicks that gets mad about everything, constantly picks fights with her b/f and thinks everything is just dumb! When we all go out I feel like I have to be the mediator between her and her boyfriend. It's exhausting. Anyway, we had a nice dinner at some Italian joint. It was such a nice evening and we got to eat outside at a sidewalk table. Inside there was this mammoth flower arrangement and I decided we would have these on the tables at our wedding...

KIDDING of course! Anyway, from there we headed to some friend's house in Capitol Hill. It was AMAZING, if you like that type of thing. Here is the view from their rooftop terrace:

You can't really beat that.

So we'll skip to Sunday. It was truly an amazing and one of the most fun days. The Sweet One and I decided to head down to Georgetown to walk around and enjoy the lovely weather. We found a rock star parking spot and just made our way around town doing some window shopping and doing a little people watching. Now, I'm not sure who in the hell would wear this, but this is what was in the window at the Ralph Lauren store:

We just HAD to go inside to see how much the pants were and not only did all of the fucking tool bags that worked there have on some of the most god awful outfits that made me want to vomit, they were also very rude. Think Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts went shopping as the hooker. Now, we didn't look like hookers but apparently our outfits weren't colorful enough. The pants were $100. We laughed, we made fun of the dorks that worked there, we left.

We decided at one point to dip into one of our old haunts, Third Edition, and grab a quick beer. After that we continued on our way. We stopped at one of our favorite little punk rock record shops. Did you know that there's a band called Anal Cunt? I didn't either. It's a good thing we stopped in or I would be ignorant to this fact forever! A little while later we stopped at another favorite spot, J. Paul's, and got some oysters on the half shell and a couple of the best damned oyster shooters we've ever had! A few beers to wash it down and we were back on the streets. We headed down to the waterfront restaurant Tony & Joe's where, fortunately or unfortunately, I haven't decided yet, we found TSO's old roommate bartending on the outside terrace. I splurged and had a margarita and TSO had a Captain and ginger. Well, one became two, two became three, next thing you know we're on shot number two....The day was taking a turn for the worst!

Well, we hadn't eaten much of anything so we decided we should go get dinner. We went to this new gourmet pizza joint called Pizzeria Paradiso. There was a wait for a table so they sent us down to wait at the bar downstairs where we continued to drink. I don't know why, we were already pretty toasty. We ended up eating at the bar. To be quit honest, i don't remember too much of the eating part. I do know that I found a $77 receipt in my purse this morning. That kind of sucked...I woke up around 3:30am completely on top of the comforter and so parched. It wasn't a good feeling. I did get my ass to the gym this morning. I have no idea how. The workout wasn't one of my best but hey, I'm shocked I even got there. I pretty much feel like ass now and I definitely have the hang over blues. TSO left for Atlanta this morning to see a Wide Spread show with his bro. I'm sad, I miss him already (shut up, I know I'm being a miserable bitch - I told you that I just need to complain). I wonder if I can fake illness and go home early from work. All I want is some french fries and my bed!

Friday, May 05, 2006

So I managed to get out of the office yesterday for my "appointment" with only one major fire to put out before I left. Thankfully my slow ass hairstylist was running a half hour late and the salon called me in enough time to save me from getting there too early.

So, I asked my hairstylist to "go a little lighter with the highlights for the summer". Well, she must have misunderstood me. I think she heard "can you make me look like Suzanne Somers". I swear I am now a blonde. I am of hispanic descent. When people see me they either speak Italian or Spanish to me. If you can't tell by my eyebrows alone, I was not meant to be a blonde! When she started blow drying my hair I was like, hmmm, kind of light but I can deal, it looks good. Then I realized that umm, I look like I'm blonde! Ahhh. I'm kind of freaking out. Not only did I get back to work at 3pm, that's right, 3PM, but I came back from my doctor's appointment BLONDE! HA...Thankfully my cube is PINK so I don't think too many people noticed. I tried not to leave the cubicle until I left...out the back door!

I will try my hardest to take a picture of my new do so you all can see the disaster. Yeah, and my stylist is now on vacation so the chances of getting it "fixed" are out. And I basically spent about 4 total hours at work yesterday. Good times, good times!

Today is Cinco De Mayo, ay ay ayyyy - okay sorry, I was Mexican for a moment. Tonight is the night all the fools of the world pretend to be Mexican, drink lots of tequila and then say, I'll never drink tequila again. I'm not even quite sure people of true Mexican descent recognize this day...Anyway, I think we are all planning to go out to an Irish bar tonight. On St. Patty's day we'll head to the local Mexican joint. You know, mix it up a little bit. And that way, there's no competition and no crowds. Seems like a win-win to me!

Hoping to take it easy and not mess up my diet too much. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend too. I love you all...MUWAH!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Isn't it weird how one day, particularly Monday, the time ticks by so slowly. The minutes feel like hours. By the time 3pm rolls around you feel like you've been at work for 18 hours and can't imagine that you'll have to stay for another three hours. Then the next day you don't have a minute to think twice about anything because the time is just flying by. It's so weird. Yesterday seemed like it whipped past me with a vengeance and I didn't get half the things done that I wanted to.

It's Wednesday and feel like I lost a day, but I'm hoping today runs smoothly and i don't feel like I'm in outer space.

I'm sticking to my workouts (yes, I know it's only been 3 days since I began this thing). And miraculously enough, I'm having no problem eating 4-5 times a day. Somehow I knew that part wouldn't bother me so much! And the healthy little snacks really do keep your belly satisfied.

I'm doing something sneaky tomorrow and I hope I don't get caught...I'm going to get my hair done at 11am. For those of you that are lucky enough to not work that means I am cutting out of work to get my hair done. I said I have a doc's appt. I'm a little nervous because my hair dresser might be the slowest person on earth. She takes FOREVER to do my hair. I want to ask her to speed it up but I don't want her to mess me up out of nervousness. I have to get my hair done tomorrow because after tomorrow the whore goes on vacation for two weeks. Who the hell told hairdressers they could take vacation? I kid, I kid! Well, I'm the idiot that waited wayyy too long to get my hair done because, well, I'm broke and cheap. But now we're getting to the point where I'm starting to look like there was a minor oil spill in the middle of my head, classy, I know. Anyway, wish me luck that no one figures out where I am. That could be bad. Very bad.

hope everyone's having a lovely day. It's just perfect here. I'm going outside to enjoy it!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Friday night we went out for sushi and then to the improv for some comedy with friends of ours. It was a great evening but I don't think I realized how much I drank...until the next morning. My head was pounding ALL DAY Saturday. And it was beautiful out. Needless to say I stayed in the house for the majority of the day. I started working on my guestroom that I want to clean up and redecorate. I have this fabulous old wood desk that used to belong to my little sister that I want to refinish but it was painted dark blue in it's previous life and that shit is a BITCH to get off. I do have stripper and an electric sander but even that is a huge pain in the ass when it comes to little crevices, etc. Plus, you can't just sand forever or you could potentially sand a hole into the wood or start a fire. Exciting, I know! I sanded so much that my boogies were blue when I blew my nose. I knew you'd like to know that part!

So, I'm on a new kick. I always promised I wouldn't become "one of those girls". You know, the one's that go on a starvation diet to look good in their wedding gown? Well, I haven't gone that far but I am getting serious. No more putting the gym off, no more making excuses, no more martini's before exercise. Now, I'm not tooting my own horn but I think I look good in my wedding dress now. I guess I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't huh? But I KNOW I can look so much better, tighter I presume. SO - I'm working out at least 3 -4 days a week from now until the wedding day. I have about 41/2 months to really work it. If I stick to it I know I will be so happy for, most importantly, the honeymoon!

I got up and went to the gym at 6am today. That was a little brutal BUT the gym is so less crowded at that time of day, as well as the roads, the parking lots, etc. It's just so much easier than 6pm when everyone and their mothers are at the gym using every machine and weight in the place. SO, as often as I can, I think I'm gonna try and get up early and work out. It really does make the day start off so much more energized. We'll see how long I can keep that up.

The other part is that I'm trying out a healthier diet. The only problem is that I have to eat 5 times a day. That is SO difficult for me. Now, if I had to eat french fries 5 times a day I could be the best dieter in the world, unfortunately french fries are not on the menu - dammit! Seriously, I just can't eat that much. I might have to reduce it. When I eat that much I feel all sick and bloated. Not that each meal needs to be big, but you get what I'm's hard to go from 2 or 3 meals a day to 5.

Anyway, I bored you all enough with my diet plans. Have a good Mondee Everyone!