I don't know where I am these days. I'm having trouble remembering if I'm coming or going. I am SO tired. I just need a break. I suppose I'll get one this coming weekend when The Sweet One and I head to the beach for a few. Right now I am just feeling very overwhelmed with everything. Life, work, wedding, work, etc...I haven't been to the gym in almost a week and it's making me feel awful...
Last week I was in Hershey, PA with work. It's definitely a weird place. I don't want to smell that fake, pumped in chocolate smell ever again! As a matter of fact, I could use a hiatus from any chocolate for a while too...So, we spent a lot of time drinking to excess (with co-workers, dangerous), waking up early and sitting in a very dark conference room, and eating all day. Needless to say I was exhausted when I got home on Friday. I slept until noon on Saturday and to be honest I could have slept much later than that. My guilt and the sun shining through the windows got in the way.
On Saturday TSO and I went to the Chili Cookoff in D.C.
It was like a white trash fest. It was an absolute beautiful day out and if we didn't have tickets to the Budweiser VIP area, you know, where you are fenced off from all the rif raf and get unlimited free beer and food, then we wouldn't have stayed. We're such snobs! But seriously people, the music line up alone was enough to make you want to go home, or at least somewhere less crowded. The first band was the Blood Hound Gang, they're okay I suppose but I wouldn't go out and grab one of their cd's if you know what I mean. The other groups were Better Than Ezra (= gay, what do they even sing? YUCK) and Hoobastank. Now I don't know about you but I a) don't know anything they sing, and b) don't listen to any bands with names that sound like vaginal conditions. I did hear that the Donna's were there and I do like them, but we didn't see them so who cares.
Anyway, we left there and continued drinking through the night. First we went to a party that was kind of lame but did have two kegs so we very stealth-like took the beer we brought with us back, yeah we're ghetto, so what? Then we went to Georgetown to see one of our friends who bartends = gets us pretty wasted for just about nothing. I think I hit the pillow some time in the 4 o'clock hour. So much for recovering from the week...
Needless to say we were destroyed for Sunday. I had originally planned to go to the gym. HA! We sat outside and one of our favorite places and ate fajitas and drank swirl margaritas instead! FUCK, I'm in bad shape. The headache started about an hour after the last margarita and incapacitated me for the remainder of the afternoon. I think I slept on the couch, on the deck, on the floor and then back on the couch until I finally ended up in bed for the night.
Yesterday my sister graduated from college. Yayy her! Very proud of her. What's up with graduations though? Is it required that there is a speaker, a very uninteresting speaker, who must talk for what seems like hours? It was so boring. I wanted to stick hot pokers in my eyes but I thought it would be rude to take away from my sisters big day. How did those students get so lucky that had Will Farrel as their speaker?
Anyway, that's the recap. The long, boring, recap. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Last week I was in Hershey, PA with work. It's definitely a weird place. I don't want to smell that fake, pumped in chocolate smell ever again! As a matter of fact, I could use a hiatus from any chocolate for a while too...So, we spent a lot of time drinking to excess (with co-workers, dangerous), waking up early and sitting in a very dark conference room, and eating all day. Needless to say I was exhausted when I got home on Friday. I slept until noon on Saturday and to be honest I could have slept much later than that. My guilt and the sun shining through the windows got in the way.
On Saturday TSO and I went to the Chili Cookoff in D.C.
It was like a white trash fest. It was an absolute beautiful day out and if we didn't have tickets to the Budweiser VIP area, you know, where you are fenced off from all the rif raf and get unlimited free beer and food, then we wouldn't have stayed. We're such snobs! But seriously people, the music line up alone was enough to make you want to go home, or at least somewhere less crowded. The first band was the Blood Hound Gang, they're okay I suppose but I wouldn't go out and grab one of their cd's if you know what I mean. The other groups were Better Than Ezra (= gay, what do they even sing? YUCK) and Hoobastank. Now I don't know about you but I a) don't know anything they sing, and b) don't listen to any bands with names that sound like vaginal conditions. I did hear that the Donna's were there and I do like them, but we didn't see them so who cares.
Anyway, we left there and continued drinking through the night. First we went to a party that was kind of lame but did have two kegs so we very stealth-like took the beer we brought with us back, yeah we're ghetto, so what? Then we went to Georgetown to see one of our friends who bartends = gets us pretty wasted for just about nothing. I think I hit the pillow some time in the 4 o'clock hour. So much for recovering from the week...
Needless to say we were destroyed for Sunday. I had originally planned to go to the gym. HA! We sat outside and one of our favorite places and ate fajitas and drank swirl margaritas instead! FUCK, I'm in bad shape. The headache started about an hour after the last margarita and incapacitated me for the remainder of the afternoon. I think I slept on the couch, on the deck, on the floor and then back on the couch until I finally ended up in bed for the night.
Yesterday my sister graduated from college. Yayy her! Very proud of her. What's up with graduations though? Is it required that there is a speaker, a very uninteresting speaker, who must talk for what seems like hours? It was so boring. I wanted to stick hot pokers in my eyes but I thought it would be rude to take away from my sisters big day. How did those students get so lucky that had Will Farrel as their speaker?
Anyway, that's the recap. The long, boring, recap. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
At 2:08 PM, May 23, 2006,
peachy said…
Chili cookoff is always on my bday weekend. I went a couple years ago, and will never go back. They make it sound like so much fun on the radio, and then you get there and there are a million lines for the chili and the beer. I guess I can always say that I went.
You still have time to get back to the gym. It's only Tuesday.
Congrats to your sister on graduation. I had a boring guy for my speaker too. All the graduates just want to get it overwith, I don't know why they don't limit the speaker to 10 minutes. hee hee.
At 9:56 PM, May 23, 2006,
Chick said…
Chili & chocolate...oh...& beer...sounds like the start of something good.
Better Than Ezra...I kinda like 'em...gay music doesn't really bother me though ; )
At 4:47 PM, May 24, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I hope you get some much needed R&R this weekend. You don't want bags under your eyes for those wedding pictures!*wink*
At 7:19 PM, May 24, 2006,
Calvin said…
i say.. that is a lot of drinking!! and all this before the wedding!! hehe!
congrats to your sister! i agree with you.. we need more fun speakers!
as for the chocolate smell, i know what you mean! with my current job i shall soon stop drinking cola.. my apartment smells of cola nowadays!
At 8:23 PM, May 24, 2006,
Sassy said…
A brilliant time passed drinking! Perfect! Congrats to you sister too!
Oh and I like the Bloodhound gang! I find their songs rather funny. Although I have to say their cds "One fierce beercoaster" and "hooray for boobies" are far better then their recent one...it was lame.
At 8:23 PM, May 24, 2006,
Sassy said…
Those were my 2 cents on the band anyway..an accuired taste I guess!
At 11:07 PM, May 24, 2006,
Andi said…
Sounds like a good weekend aside from the hangover. Hangovers are the devil. And fake chocolate smell?? Ugg! I'm getting a wiggly stomach just thinking about it.
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