The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Ugghh, it's Monday and it is exactly what it should's raining, it's grey and dark outside. I'm sleepy and BLAH!

Almost everyone in my office is out at a conference so it's so quiet and boring here. I guess I should look at this as a good thing because I don't have to deal with anyone today.

We went to a Birthday party on Saturday. My cousin's son turned one. Lucy had a great time running around and playing with my parent's dog, and eating everything that the kids dropped on the ground. I think I saw her eating popcorn, a hamburger bun, grilled peppers from someone's sausage, a piece of a cheeseburger, cotton candy and a stick. That might explain why she was shitting blood again on Sunday, but, I'm not sure...This poor dog, I swear, it's like she hasn't had time to heal from the last bout of intestinal problems and here we go again. Hey, at least she had fun eating all of that garbage. We took her food away from her yesterday so when I fed her boiled chicken and rice this morning she ate it like the Tasmanian Devil. I swear, there was rice all over my kitchen...

Thank God, I took Friday off this week and we're going down to the Outer Banks in North Carolina to help TSO's parents get their house ready for the rental season. I just wish we were going alone! I don't mean that the way it sounds. I just would rather spend a long weekend with my husband and my dog doing nothing at the beach than working on the house. But, I'm sure there's not much to do, they keep that house in great condition throughout the year so we'll be in good shape. Then we can go play on the beach with the pooch!

Okay, now I'm going to listen to Howard Stern and pretend to do some work! Yayy

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Okay, if I see one more picture of Amy Winehouse and her hideous, jacked up face I am going to throw up!

I am so over this crazy biatch. Every time I get on one of my favorite gossip web sites I am inundated with close up shots of her scratched up arms, her ugly mug with whatever that contagious fungus growing all over it is, and let me tell you, covering up shit like that with makeup looks like's not a good look! Her hair is gnarly, her makeup is gross. I don't get it.

Her voice is amazing but you know what...she's not all that. I think she needs to get her face out of the media and go sober up somewhere. And while she's there she needs to find a good dermatologist and make up artist...

You know, because I'm perfect...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here's Lucy telling Daddy about the shot she just got at the vet's office. "And it didn't even hurt at all because Mommy shoved a treat in my mouth and lord knows, food always distracts me..."

As of Sunday night our Lucy is okay, finally. I think all the tummy distress may be the new food we started giving her. The doc seems to think we're right so we'll see...You never know with these damn dogs! Thanks to all of you who passed on your concern for our pooch. She would lick you all if she could! And so would I...

So, I have decided that the "witching hour" for me is 3am. I don't know what the hell the problem is but I have been waking up at 3am recently and just can not get back to sleep.

My body is exhausted. My eyes just want to relax and stay shut. But my mind is racing and I just can't shut it off. It's not even just thoughts at 3am, it's completely irrational thought. And then on top of that the constant anguish over the fact that time is ticking away and the alarm clock is going to go off before I know it.

Finally, a little after 4 o'clock this morning I decided to go out to the couch and try to sleep. It was that or jump out the window. I don't know what time it was when I finally fell back asleep but it wasn't restful in the least. I went back to bed at 6am and we were all woken up around 7 to a freakin traffic helicopter hovering over our house. What that was about beats the hell out of me. Someone seriously does not want me to sleep! Or the FBI is finally on to us because of our mob dealings.

I'm not big on taking drugs to sleep, it kind of scares me. Ever since I took a lot of Nyquil one night and almost couldn't wake up to pee (I said almost)...Anything stronger and I think I would be one of those people that gets up and "sleep" drives when on meds and doesn't know it or something (although, I think that only happens to Kennedy's). Or, I'll get up all groggy the next day. BUT, if I don't start sleeping soon I am going to have to get on the sauce. I can't take it anymore....Not sleeping is miserable!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The pooch is sick. I don't know what's wrong with her. I could tell she's had a belly thing going on the last couple of days because she's been eating grass, she hasn't been eating her food and I can hear her little tummy gurgling.

When I got home from work yesterday I took her out and (get ready for TMI in 3...2...1) she pooped complete red liquid, or as you medical types might say, she had blood in her stool. I was so scared and upset I couldn't tell if I was going to throw up or pass out or cry. Okay, I cried a little. I was scared!

Anyway, I called the emergency animal hospital and they talked me off the ledge. Apparently blood in the stool of a human is much more serious than that of a dog or cat. So, the little fucker must have eaten something bad or harmful. Maybe she ate a stick or a poisonous flower or plant from our yard. We had to deprive her of her dinner last night and feed her boiled rice and chicken today. She gobbled it up. She was so hungry. Her energy level is fine and she's being herself so that makes me feel better about things but I'm still worried.

The hubby, pooch and I all tossed and turned all night long. Some time around 3am, you know, when your mind really starts thinking logically, I decided that our crazy neighbor MUST be poisoning our dog for always barking at their dog and I started devising a plan to set up a video camera to catch him! HA...I don't really think he's poisoning our dog, but I wouldn't completely put it past him...

So I was listening to Howard this morning and Dee Snider was on the show. They started talking about Guitar Hero and how great (according to Dee) it is. Dee was saying how his 11 year old daughter walks around singing Mississippi Queen and how amazed he is by that. So I started thinking...This game could actually do a lot of good in terms of turning the younger generations on to some of the older music - you know, when it was GOOD. When artists actually played instruments and sang and rocked out.

Now, my younger sisters and I grew up listening to this kind of music because my Dad would have it no other way. That's just what was playing in our home and car at all times. I remember my little sisters (two of which are 18 and 16 now) singing Neil Young, The Eagles and Van Halen, to name a few, word for word as toddlers. I always thought that was funny and cool but now, along with their friends, they are going out and buying music that my parents probably owned on 8-track or LP in their time. It's astonishing.

And hey, if this gets kids interested in music and possibly into playing real instruments (as in, not a guitar with video controlled buttons) than it can't be too bad, right? It also doesn't hurt that the game is a TON of fun for kids and adults - add some adult substances and it's even more entertaining. And don't get me wrong, I don't want to see videos of the losers on You Tube beating the game, there's nothing more lame than watching someone play a video game on your computer, but all in all I am for this game. What do you all think about GH and Garage Band?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Okay, I'm giving you fair warning. This is about to get real sappy. I need to brag on my hubby so this may induce vomiting for some. If you feel your gag reflexes starting to quiver already I suggest you stop reading now!

So, not only did I come home to these beautiful flowers last night:

I also came home to dinner! Prepared dinner! Made with the hubby's own two hands!! And let me tell you, it may not look it, but it was DEELISH! TSO may be in trouble now that I know what he's capable of! It was a southwesty kind of chicken chili-ish dish. It was spicy and SO yummy!

Then he left to go play poker with the boys...typical! Just kidding. But I do want to say how lucky I feel to have him. He was off work yesterday and decided to do something nice for his wife. He does little things to surprise me all the time and I am blessed to have a man who appreciates me, shows it, tells me and is just plain old sweet! AND, he's not out banging whores, that I know of!

I am a very lucky lady. I just hope everyone is lucky enough to spend their lives with such a good person. He's my best friend. We have so much fun together. We have a lot of respect for one another. We totally get one another. AND, he's hot!

I love you babe!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Well, if we had listened to the weather men we would have been sitting in our house the whole weekend. It was supposed to be rainy and shitake out all weekend but somehow ended up sunny and beautiful!

On Saturday the hubby and I took the pooch down to Annapolis to walk around and play and all that fun stuff. It was such a nice day and it was packed down there. Lots of dogs and their owners enjoying the great outdoors and the many pet friendly stores and restaurants. Our little Lucy was so good and she made lots of new friends. There were some really beautiful dogs out and about.

We also apparently kicked her arse because here is a picture of her when we got home SLEEPING with her head up. She was so tired she just couldn't keep her little eyes open. It's pictures like these that make me want to just eat her for breakfast. God I love that little bitch!

I've come to the conclusion that a trip to the mall, as icky as that sounds to me, is inevitable at this point. Losing 25 pounds makes your old pants look a little weird. I wore a pair of pants to work the other day and was so embarrassed when I went to the bathroom and I looked like I was wearing my big sister's hand me down's...I tried to stay at my desk for the remainder of that day so no one would really notice my bad clothing choice!

I don't know about any of you but I am so totally not happy about the fact that Easter is this weekend. WTF? Easter is not supposed to be the same week as St. Patty's day and it's supposed to be in April. It's too early. I don't like this at all. Some people have said it's because it's a leap year but I just don't get that. What does one day in February have to do with when we celebrate Easter? If this happens again I'm boycotting!

Anyway, blah, blah, blah! Hope you all agree...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Okay, I have a new addiction...This is totally lame but I am obsessed!

I can't stop doing these damn Fill-in Puzzles! I am seriously turning into a 90 year old woman sitting around doing my puzzles...

A month or so ago when the hubby and I went to Florida for a long weekend I decided on the way home to pick up a crossword puzzle book and a couple of trashy magazines from one of those airport news stands. Well, since I don't ever read or look closely at anything, I just grabbed a book. When I went to start a puzzle half way through the flight I realized there were no clues, just words. I was like WTF is this? I was so pissed at myself.

So, then I decided to read the directions and learn how to do this lame puzzle so I could entertain myself for a little while at least. Well, that was the beginning of the end. I can't put this thing down. I even went to the web site and ordered a stack of them!

I keep one in my bag and I do puzzles while waiting in the doctor's office waiting room, I do them when I'm watching tv, I do them on the Metro, I do them when I'm sitting outside with the dog, I do them when I have a break at work. It's nuts but they are SO MUCH FUN!

Since starting these damn things I found out that two of my sisters are addicted to them too, which makes me feel better because they are younger than I am and have a life!

Anyway, if you've never done one of these and you like word games/puzzles, you should check it out. Ahhh, nothing like a little old fashioned, good, clean fun!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

uuggh, so this Saturday one of my best friend's father died of a massive heart attack while on vacation in Florida...How unbelievably sad and scary is that? I have just felt heart sick about this since finding out. I think mainly because it brings the reality that this could happen to any one of us or our parents at any time.

Life is just so short. You really never know when it's your time and that scares the hell out of me. I don't think dying is sad or scary because I was taught that where we're going is much better than any place on earth. But, it's just so sad for the people that are left behind to mourn their loss. I mean, I have to be honest, I don't know if I'm emotionally stable enough to experience the loss of one of my parents EVER. I don't even want to think about when that time comes. I know we are strong and we get through these things but I don't know how nor do I want to think about it.

Okay, new subject. I can't deal with that one anymore...BUT in keeping with the same theme, I have been thinking about our little Nola a lot lately. For those of you that don't remember, she's the pooch that we lost last August.

It's weird how these things happen but for some reason she's been everywhere lately. Last week as I was watching Lucy get out of control happy when Daddy came home from work one evening I suddenly remembered how Nola used to wag her tail so viciously when we'd come home that her whole body would be moving. It was the cutest thing. Then, without ever expressing this out loud, TSO started talking about her at dinner that same night. The next day one of our neighbors accidentally called Lucy "Nola", which does not offend me what so ever, I have done it myself, but man was she embarrassed...The day after that I was visiting my MIL and she asked me if we ever talk about Nola. And so on and so forth. Things like that have been happening continuously for the last two weeks.

Maybe it's a sign that I really should open the indoor dog park..? Maybe I should name it after Nola as a tribute.

Anyway, welcome to Tuesday, and being an adult...Neither one of them is much fun!

Monday, March 10, 2008

So this weekend was pretty low key because TSO ended up tweaking his back and basically being laid up all weekend...poor thing!

We woke up Saturday morning to what I'd like to describe as torrential down pours. It was miserable. It was dark, rainy and cold. I decided I'd get on-line and see if there were any indoor dog parks in the area so the pooch could get some much needed exercise. I was SO excited to find out that there was one a few towns away and only about a 10 minute drive. So, we planned our day around it. Now, in the mean time the weather decided to run the gamut of seasons all within hours. It went from down pours to sunshine and temperatures in the high 60's to windy, rainy and in the 30's by the end of the day. It was wild and I didn't at all care for it. Will it just get warm and stay warm already? Enough of this winter shite!

Anyway, so we drive to the indoor dog park and I decide to go in and check it out before bringing Lucy in as to not get her overly excited too soon. I was welcomed by two young ladies, probably in their first or second year of high school. They were pleasant and friendly and informed me that they no longer have the indoor dog park - they only do it occasionally and they post it on their web site when they do. I was so sad. What the hell? I mean, how about having the indoor dog park when it's RAINING AND WINTER TIME? That seems to make a ton of sense to me...So basically, the extent of the dog's exercise, and ours for that matter, was driving around in the car for most of the afternoon. How dumb!

Saturday night was spent doing much of the same...nothing! Propping the hubby up, filling him with drugs and liquor and keeping a heating pad on his back.

We did however make a huge mistake by going to Trader Joe's for a few things and decided to pick up a box of something similar to a Chip-which. For those of you living under a rock and therefore unsure of what I speak, it is vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate chip cookies and then rolled in chocolate chips along the exposed ice cream. They are probable one of the yummiest of the ice cream treats and I never thought I'd say this but the one's from Trader Joe's might be the best thing I've ever had in my life. They are dangerous! So dangerous we went back on Sunday to buy two more boxes. There are only two of us living in this house so that is embarrassing to admit...

The cookies are kind of chewy and soft, you know almost like they're not completely cooked. And the chips in the cookies are what I would describe as the best semi-sweet chunks. OMG. I'm serious, I almost didn't post about these because I don't want anyone else to buy them so next time I go back they're not sold out...THAT's how good they are! And yes, THAT's how lame I am!

Our pooch has apparently either found an area in the yard where a skunk has died or has sprayed and it is gross. She keeps coming in form outside smelling like SKUNK! Not her body, just her face where I guess she sniffs out the smell. It's so lovely when she comes in and wants to lick our faces! YUM!

Anyway, my new, brilliant, entreprenuerial idea is to open a doggy daycare/indoor dog park. I'm seriously thinking about it. I mean, there is a serious need for one in this area. I wouldn't board dogs/pets or keep any of them over night, it would be a strictly day by day thing. I am looking into it.

What do you all think? Do any of you dog people have an indoor dog park in your area and if so do you go? If you had one by you would you go? How much would you pay to take your pooch to an indoor dog park? Is $5 a dog too much? What would you want to see there for people? food, drinks, anything?

My husband thinks I'm nuts by the way...

Happy Monday!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Is it really Friday already? Halleluya!!! I don't know that I've ever said that in my life, except for maybe when I've been on vacation or something...This has just been one of the weirdest weeks...I don't even know what day it is. I have definitely been busy.

So I have some news that quite possibly only the women will appreciate. I fit in my size 7 jeans again!!! I haven't fit into my size 7 jeans in a very long time. I'm not sure how much weight I've lost exactly, I go to the doc's next week - I don't keep a scale in my house, but it's about 25 pounds at this point. I am very proud of myself! Yipee...

And as a reward, the gods sent me a book of McDonald's coupons in the mail! It's like some sick joke...But don't you for one minute think that I am not going to use them. I don't do it often, but I do need some McDonald's now and then. And I want it super sized, double sized, extra cheese, extra fries, extra sauced up! I love how everyone knocks McDonalds but honestly, I like it. I mean, we all know that you're not supposed to eat there every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, that's a given. But I have always liked McD's and I don't think that will ever change, no matter how much bad press they get. I mean, is there anything more "American" than McDonalds? As long as they keep selling burgers and the best damn french fries in the world, AND worthless yet irresistable happy meal toys, they're not going anywhere! No matter how much the health nuts bash them...

So yeah, when I get done with the coupon book I'll let you know how much I gained back...

I found out this week that I am getting a fairly substantial (before Uncle Sam kills it) bonus from my old job which is a complete surprise to me. I never thought in a million years they would "do the right thing," as it were, and give us the bonuses we earned before being laid off. I won't say my faith has been restored in humanity but money is money and I'll take it!

No real plan for this weekend and that feels good! I hope you all have something fun planned. Happy Friday Everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Oh holy lord, thank you for making me FINALLY fell better.

I went home a little early from work yesterday and slept for a couple of hours. I had the weirdest dreams but when I woke up I felt a million times better!

My wonderful husband took me out to dinner last night to a Belgian restaurant that we love. It was phenomenal! Then we came home and watched Anthony Bourdain and I went to bed. I got a great night's sleep and I feel great today. THANKFULLY! I don't know if I could have taken another day of that. Plus, if I did, I think I would have started wondering if it was something else. As one of my girlfriends asked, are you pregnant? And no, I'm not!

It is over 70 degrees here today! It was close yesterday - high 60's. I'm sure tomorrow it will snow. March in D.C. is the kookiest month in terms of weather. One day it feels like summer, the next day we have 3 feet of snow. As a matter of fact, the biggest snow storms I can remember around here have been in March. And everyone wonders why the flu is running rampant in this area...

We have the prettiest little spring flowers popping up in our yard. This morning I took little Lucy out to check them out. She likes to sniff the flowers, it's so cute. And I assumed that she'd do that today but instead she came and ate them! She killed our first little flowers...oh well! I do see lots and lots of sprouts of daffodils in our yard though. I can't wait until they bloom. They make me so happy!

Anyway, I'm glad to be back on earth. I hope everyone is having a great day!

Monday, March 03, 2008


This picture depicts me from about Saturday night until, well...NOW!

We went to see our new nephew at home on Saturday evening and take them all the yummy food we made them. While we were there, like an idiot, I played with B and SIL's cats. Well, because I guess I don't remember that I am very allergic to them. Either that or I like to torture myself. Regardless, I felt bad for them. I know they're confused about this new thing that's come into their home/lives.

Well, within minutes I decide to touch my eye that was really itching, for some WEIRD reason. Well, a few minutes later I look like I just got into a boxing match with Mike Tyson. My eye is blowing up. It's redder than I've ever seen, I'm tearing up like a water fountain and I feel the hives ready to start exploding all over my face. I'm in BIG trouble...

So, I go wash my hands and my face. I throw saline solution into my eyes until someone found the eye drops. Then, the BIL asks if I want to take a Zyrtec.

Sure, why not? The sooner I can look and feel better would be great. I take the pill.

Now, I'm no light weight. I can drink and hang with the best of them but let me tell you, I have not felt "right" since Saturday night. We drank a few beers and I just remember feeling really, really sleepy. We got home and I could not keep my eyes open. I went to bed and I assume I slept like a rock.

On Sunday morning I had a brunch to go to with my mom and grandmother at 11:30am. I could barely get out of bed at 10:15! I went to brunch, I ate, I felt like I was in a bubble all day. I was so out of it. After brunch I came home and landed on the couch where I slept on and off ALL DAY LONG! I went to bed last night and I am seriously not sure how I got out of bed this morning. I could barely open my eyes, even in the shower!

I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm awake now but I don't particularly feel like it. I mean, it's 12:15pm and I still feel like I'm dragging. I've never had anything, a drug, a drink, anything, make me feel this way. I'm almost tempted to call the doctor but I don't know what he'd say that the internet can't. I'm just studying the side effects of Zyrtec and so far, what I'm dealing with sounds right on target. I've just never had anything effect me for so long. I wonder how many milligrams that damn pill was. It's like I took one made for an elephant!

So, be careful what you take! I hope everyone else is having a good Monday. I'm ready to pass out on my desk....