This is where I live...
When I'm at work that is! This is my fabulous little cube. It has a roof. A pretty pink roof. My roof has been on my cube for about a year and a half and I have to say, I do get a lot of drive by visitors that just want to come in and chill in my space. You know those horrible fluorescent lights? well they look pretty good with a pink filter. I don't even turn the lights on in my cube. Just my IKEA dragonfly and blue sphere lights that you might be able to see in the background. I also have a tv/vcr on my desk, it's behind the area you are looking at, but that's not even the best part, sometimes the television is distracting so often it's just not even turned on but I also have to have it for my job so who cares about that ? I have to admit...if you must work and you must sit in a little cube, this is the way to go! Don't be jealous...this could all be yours one day. Just strive...strive for cube living! I mean...who needs an office when you've got A CUBE?
At 6:15 PM, January 24, 2006,
Chick said…
I love your beige or grey blandness there...I love your wall paper & your roof.
The best thing I found out about you from your're a Mac head...I knew you were cool...
At 9:20 PM, January 24, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Chick...Mac's are THE coolest!! you can come visit my comfy cube any time ;O)
At 1:17 PM, January 25, 2006,
aughra said…
It's deliciously womblike.
At 1:51 PM, January 25, 2006,
Calvin said…
that is a really cool cube! wow! how do you ever get any work done??
At 4:38 PM, January 25, 2006,
AndyT13 said…
Yes, that's pretty frickin rockin.
BTW loved your recent HNT post.
At 5:59 PM, January 25, 2006,
ago-go said…
i love it! but i've got to ask, your work didn't object to the pink ceiling? i can't see that going over well in the library....
At 9:42 AM, January 26, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
Aughra - it has been described as womb like, it's funny that you can tell that from just the pic's!
S! - I do get my work done but sometimes I just feel like sleeping in there. It's so cozy!
Steph- come play in my cube with me ;O)
Andy - why thank you!
Ago-go - I work in a very laid back environment...we wear flip flops to work in the summer time, I have a tv on my desk for goodness sake! And I can't imagine the library would allow anything of the sort. Shhhhhh...
At 12:09 AM, January 27, 2006,
Andi said…
I can't believe they let you have a pink roof! That's amazing. You should start "Cube Living" magazine!
At 1:54 AM, January 27, 2006,
HS said…
OMG I love you're cube! When I use to live in a cube, it was so drab but I totally love what you came up with!
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