The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

First HNT Post

Really quickly before my post, an update on Hershey, PA - number 1: it's a cult (more to come), number 2: I just ate almost a whole Mr. Goodbar King Size, get me away from the chocolate, especially after drinking!

So, THIS was my very first Half-Nekkid Thursday post. Grrrr

And Now, on the one year anniversary of HNT I will give you something totally lame because I'm away and can't take or post any new pic's. I give you...MY MOUTH (and yes I know I look like I have 8 chins in this picture). You got a purdy mouth...he he.

Happy HNT Everyone and Happy Anniversary Osbasso!!


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