The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


There are a couple of places that I just dread going. One is the cellular phone store. Have you ever noticed how the people that work there are like used car salesmen? They are so slimy and swarthy. I can't take it. And they're always trying to sucker you for more money, the more expensive phone, etc. Just give me what I came for and don't try to swindle me, Thanks!

Another place I can NOT stand going is the car dealership. And I'm not even talking about the sales department, which is, you salesmen. I'm talking about the service department where you take your car to get the oil changed and if you're really lucky, to get some other "service" done where they basically ass rape you and make you wait a few hours while they do it...

I am currently sitting in the service department waiting area at my car dealership as I type this. Oh lovely day. Thankfully my issue is under warranty so really the car dealership is just ass raping it's self this time, hooray for me! Oh thank heaven for technology because now they have free wifi here. So, not only am I bored to tears (figures today I have almost no work to do), I can write about it!

I want to know why no one has written the television show that takes place in the car dealership service department. I am writing it now as I sit here. I think I'll call it something really clever like, "Service" or "At Your Service". Here are the characters... You've got my service advisor, he looks and moves like a turtle. His name is Larry. He sits in a high cube right by the door and although he is the most socially awkward person on earth and obviously can't be bothered with mundane questions like, "Can I get my oil changed today?", he sits right inside the doors where every person comes in and has to speak to him. Call me crazy but shouldn't the receptionist be there? Or at the least, someone with an ounce of social graces able to say hello with a smile on their faces? OY.

Then you've got the middle aged, family man who loves to talk to everyone about anything. And his side kick, the 20-something young lady who likes to talk to middle aged guy and flirt, bat her eye lashes, etc all day long...GAG! There's the receptionist who is SO loud. I now know that she came back to work after her 3rd child, she lost some weight but has a lot left to lose and likes cranberries...hooray!

Okay, maybe this is just entertaining because I'm sitting here right now and it's the only thing keeping me sane. Scratch that idea. I guess this screen play/show idea won't go very far!

Hope everyone else is having a more interesting day than I am!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Before becoming a parent there were obviously lots of things that mattered almost not at all in my carefree, casual lifestyle. One of those things that I am thinking about tonight especially, that I am just realizing really pisses me off, is Daylight Savings Time. What a bunch of bull this is! I mean, back in the day, I don't care if I change the clocks, I just go to bed an hour early or later and then same thing in the morning. With a child, it doesn't work that way!

I am praying that this kid does not wake me up at 6am tomorrow. How do you have a logical conversation with a 1 year old about the importance of Mommy and Daddy's sleep and explain that he is going to have to adjust his internal clock so that he doesn't eff up the routine?

Once we get him back on track it will be right in time to "Spring Forward". Yipeee!

Monday, November 01, 2010

I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year around here. I love that everywhere you drive right now the leaves are turning a brilliant rainbow of fall colors. I mean, the reds and yellows, oranges and greens are so beautiful right now. One of my neighbors has a tree that is literally changing every color right now, it's so pretty!

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What I hate are the local political ads that are airing right now! Ugghh I think I've said this before but really, these ad's are so pathetic. I will admit that I'm not completely up on my local political candidates and their platforms. I know a little about a little but I am a bad local citizen, I know. With that said, do these candidates think that bad mouthing and trash talking the other candidates will make people vote for them, or not vote for their opponents? It's almost comical but really, it's just sad. They call each other crooks, call each other out on so many shady dealings they've been involved with and then say, "vote for me!" or "I approve this ad". Seriously? They are all a bunch of crooks!

And here's the kicker, and the one that really threw me over the edge...there is a "woman" in DC that I am ashamed to say is currently running a 30 second ad that shows an image of (Parental advisory - the next sentence is not suitable for children) a bloodied late-term fetus, followed by a picture of two more fetuses, blackened and scarred by a saline abortion. Another ad begins with the stuff of "miracle of life" public-TV documentaries - before resolving into a photo of President Obama followed by a pair of dismembered fetal limbs, set next to a dime to highlight their proportions. This is where I draw the line! I don't care what your political, religious, spiritual, whatever, views are, this is completely unacceptable, uncalled for and horrific! And apparently this poor excuse for a human being agrees! She herself says that these ad's are "vile", yet she thinks they're effective and so will continue to use them. At first I was angry at the networks that would even allow this type of crap to air, but guess what? There is a very convenient loop hole! Apparently federal law states that holders of broadcast licenses are required to air federal candidates' advertisements unedited in whatever time slots they can afford. And this whack job found this out and according to her, is the only one that ran with it.

I hope this woman, and all these other politicians that claim to have our best interests at heart, rot in hell, all together, in one, miserable, political party. I will be voting tomorrow. I will be voting because it's my right. I'll be voting because a lot of women gave their lives to make sure that in 2010 I could vote with no question. I'll be voting because, tragically, someone will vote for that woman and people like her, and I'll be voting because I don't want whack a do's like that nut job representing me, EVER! Happy Election Day all. It's sad that a day that should make me feel patriotic really just makes me kind of sick...