The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

So, here are some pic's from this weekend's Halloween Party. We had some pretty good costumes. And yes, the Crock Hunter was in the house. Too soon? Perhaps. Deal with it...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Do you remember hearing people say, "oh I just don't recover the way I used to" or, "man, I'm getting too old for this"? Well I do, and I remember thinking, how lame they were. What are they talking about? I'll never know...Well, I am officially OLD. I spent all of Sunday, and by all I mean from the minute my eyes opened until lying in bed at 2am this morning praying to be blessed with sleep, hung over like never before.

We had our annual Halloween party on Saturday and I think we played flip cup until somewhere close to 4 or 5am. I really can't be sure. I don't even know. I lost track of time after a while. Mr. Funky and I were Steve and Terry Irwin - The Crock Hunter and his wife. Yes, I know, it's so bad. But it was so bad it was good (I'll post pic's later or tomorrow). I don't even remember being that drunk but lord knows I remembered on Sunday. Over and over again I remembered. I had friends running in the Marine Corps Marathon and I was supposed to go watch them. HA! I could barely scarf down half a grilled cheese and take a nap. It was a rough, rough day and I was just glad to wake up with no nausea today.

I hope everyone had a great weekend with no hangovers!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I am so lame. I haven't done anything. I haven't seen any of my friends, I haven't seen any family, I haven't seen any squirrels in my front yard for that matter. I have nothing to talk about. I have nothing to report...

Mr. Funky and I have been cleaning the house up and getting it ready for the Halloween Party this weekend. I was up until 2am working on the desk and clearing out the back guest room. And that my friends is the extent of the "action" in my life.

The desk is fucking torturous at this point. I decided that whatever blue paint I didn't get off the desk is just being sanded and painted over. I hope it works because I can not spend another minute on the thing. When I came up from the basement last night I looked like a smurf that had just crawled out of a coal mine. I was covered in blue dust. The water pouring off of me in the shower even ran blue for a few minutes. I can't imagine what my lungs look like. It was not cute!

For the past few days I have gone to work, come home, made dinner, cleaned, gone to bed...repeat. I did however make THE BEST steak I've ever made last night and I know it's all thanks to the marinade I used. In case you're interested:

Steak Marinade:
1 c. Scotch whiskey
1/4 c. brown sugar
1/3 c. soy sauce
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 onion, chopped
(4 New York strip sirloin steaks) - we used two large filets

In a container large enough to hold the steaks, combine all ingredients for
marinade. Place steaks in marinade and leave in refrigerator overnight.
Remove steaks from marinade and broil as desired.

I marinated the steaks over night, in the morning I turned them over and
let them marinate all day while at work. I removed them from the marinate
and broiled them for 10 min's on one side then 6 on the other (they were
pretty thick)

We also had whipped sweet potatoes, a baby arugala salad and sauteed mushrooms and onions. I have to admit making dinner every night is kind of fun. I thought I would be over it and hate it but I actually really love cooking for me and Mr. Funky every night. Anyway, here's a couple of pic's I took for one of my friend's food blogs.

I hope everyone else's lives are more interesting than mine because clearly mine sucks!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Well, I did it! I got my fat, lazy ass to the gym last night. I only did about 40 minutes of cardio but I got there...A clear indication that I haven't been in quite some time is the half hour I spent sitting on the bench in the locker room trying to remember my lock combination! I am not joking. I have no idea how I finally figured it out but I wrote it down so when I go back in about 6 months I'll have it.

I don't know how many of you are into Project Runway but if you didn't watch the finale last night then stop reading now....

If you did watch then you'll know that Uli was ROBBED! She should have won. I also loved Michael's collection but I'm not quite sure if it's because I just like him so much or if it was really that good. The odd thing is I like Jeffrey's collection the least. For someone who cheated death he sure is an asshole...You would think that he'd at least be nicer but he's not. AND now he's won the competition and I so don't think he was deserving. But, who am I to judge?

AND - anyone who watches LOST knows that last night was an AWESOME episode! It just keeps getting better and better. I love the show, I love the writers, I love the cast. It's like when you're reading a book that you love and you just pray that it would never end. That is how I feel about this show. As much as I want to know what the hell is going on, I don't want this show to ever end!!!

Ahh, okay, that's my random post for the day. Hope everyone is having a good one!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Is what I've been working on for what seems like years! I have obviously done a lot so far. I've been through many types of stripping chemicals and sanding machines (wow, I probably could have bought a desk by now). Stripping a desk is hard and frustrating. As you can see I have taken out all of the tools including a crow bar...don't ask! My hands are sore, my back is sore, my knees are sore...don't ask!

My dad gave me this desk a couple of years ago and it's been in my basement, what used to be the makeshift office since. It used to belong to my younger sisters but now it's mine. I also want to murder them for the butterfly stickers they attached to the most random places - under and on drawers, the back of the desk, back side of legs...? - and to the little moron that decided to bang the back of her eraser-less pencil into the top of the desk because now we have blue circular dents that are almost impossible to even sand out. But I'm not bitter...

I can not WAIT until I finish this thing because it's gonna look awesome in my guest room/office. I haven' decided if I want to paint it so it looks old and distressed OR if I want to make it funky and paint the legs a different color and put different colors and designs on different portions of the desk. What do you all think? I'm leaning towards funky because well, I myself am a bit funky. We'll see. Anyway, I feel like I got a significant amount done last night. BUT looking at it...maybe not. UUGGH

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I am so lazy these days! I don't know what to do about it. Every day I say, okay...tomorrow I'll get up early and go to the gym before work. Every night before bed I say, I'll get my gym bag together in the morning. Every morning I hit the snooze button and say, eh, I'll go to the gym tomorrow.

I have not been to the gym since before the wedding. Waaay before the wedding. I think I'm going on 3 months now. I feel horrible about it but I have had so much going on. Trying to get the house together, cleaning, stuff...does that make sense? I know I feel so much better about myself when I'm consistently going but I just need to get there. And honestly, it just feels good to be lazy every now and then. I also want to talk about it with my hubby and my friends but then when I don't go I don't want to hear about it from them. I beat myself up enough on my own, I don't need any assistance with that. I need to just make a promise to myself to get there this week. If I can do that I am on my way. I'll keep you all updated and let you know if it happens.

How's everyone else doing with the exercising? Am I the only one being majorly lazy these days?

Friday, October 13, 2006

I'm addicted to crime shows. Not CSI type shows. I mean like Forensic Files, The New Detectives, FBI Files, those types of shows. You know, with the pathetic reenactment of real life crimes, generally grizzly murders and how they're solved? (I actually have a friend that played a corpse in one of these reenactment years ago - she was GREAT at it, a natural even)

Anyway, I don't know what it is about these shows but when they're on, I can't stop watching them. I'm usually alone when I watch them because Mr. Funky hates these shows. They also scare me to death. Every time the shows are over I swear I am going to end up being murdered by a home intruder that's been stalking me or when I'm working the late shift at the gas station in rural Tennessee. Or, or, or by being poisoned by my doctor husband that no one suspects because we have a perfect, loving marriage. No one is stalking me, that I know of, I don't live in Tennessee and my hubby's not a doctor, but still...

I also love how they always find the perp (you like my use of detective lingo don't you?). But it's the meticulous WAY they catch them that I love. A piece of fiber from the trunk of a 1987 Oldsmobile found in an abandoned barn. A shell casing from an 1850 Smith and Wesson lodged in the floorboard of Mrs. Johnsons house...blah blah blah. You know what I mean. It makes me want to be a forensic investigator. I would be great at it. Mr. Funky always tells me how anal I am (and NO I don't mean THAT kind of anal you sicko's). The only thing that might hinder my success in this field is that blood makes me nauseous, I don't know if I could look at dead bodies that may or may not be mutilated in some way, and ummm, yeah, never mind. I'll stick to my desk job!

by the way...did you know that these types of shows are watched more frequently by females in the 25 - 48 year old age range then men of any age...? Just a bit of trivia for you. Carry on designers.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

So, since being back from the honeymoon I have done nothing productive in the married world.
I haven't changed my name yet. I'm still very afraid of this step by the way, but beyond that I haven't even made an attempt to do it. It just seems so hard and pain in the assy...I mean, all of the damn government agencies that you have to contact. Social Security, Passport, DMV, blah biddy blah, blah, blah! Another thing that men don't have to deal with. Plus we're going to Florida in November and my plane ticket says Ms. Funkybee, not Mrs. Funky and I don't want to have to deal with that mess.

I am barely through the "thank you" notes. That is another thorn in my side. Is it wrong that I've written the same thing over and over in every one? Except for the greeting. I hope no one compares notes. It's either "We're so sorry that you were unable to make it to the wedding", or "We are so glad you were able to spend our big day with us". Lame huh? The good news is, gifts are still rolling in. The checks are the most favorable. The bad news...A LOT of people haven't given us gifts. And I am not being a cheeky little bitch. Honestly, some people that we really thought would have given us gifts like family and wedding party (aka really close friends) have not. It's kind of weird. BUT, I guess etiquette says that you have a year from the wedding date to give a gift so we'll see what happens...I'll tell you what we don't need. We don't need another bowl or serving platter. I think if we get another of either Mr. Funky is going to make me move out to the yard and make my own house with all my damn bowls.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not (that) shallow and materialistic. I don't only think about gifts and how much money people give me but if you've ever had a wedding (and a honeymoon) you know how much they cost. You know what goes into deciding who makes the guest list cut and you know that getting gifts from people is a big part of it whether you know it or not. It's just customary to give wedding gifts to a new bride and groom. It's expected and it's weird when you just don't get anything from some people. That's all I'm sayin!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I have nothing to write about, and by the looks of some of your blogs, neither do you. Maybe it's just the time of year. Not much going on I suppose.

We're gearing up for our annual Halloween Party and trying to decide what to be. I think the hubby and I are going to be the Crock Hunter and his wife. We have never done a "couple" costume but this one seems easy, comfy and low maintenance. Plus I don't think Mr. Funky will get heckled by his friends for this one. It's low on the "gay costume" meter. I mean, he's not being the Andy to my Raggedy Ann or anything like that! Most years my costumes are a little more complicated so I'm looking forward to the ease of this one.

Anyway...I guess I'll go do some work. How boring!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Not much going on with me this weekend.

Friday night we went out to dinner and drinks with our friend and the 22 year old he is currently dating (he's 34)...yeah, that was a little awkward. You don't always think so but no matter what the situation a 22 year old and a 30 year old (or older) have a LOT of differences. I mean let's put it in context here. When I was in college we had just been introduced to email. No one had it and it was not an appropriate way to communicate with one another. This girl, who is in law school I think, knows no world without the internet, email, YouTube...That alone is HUGE!

Anyway, something funny did happen at dinner. When she sat down we were already there and I had a martini in front of me. When the waiter came she asked for whatever I was drinking. Well, most of us know a martini is best when drank icy cold. Well, most of the way through dinner I look over and her glass is still full and most likely luke warm at this point so I asked her, what's wrong? You don't like martini's? I wasn't trying to call her out but I was trying to lighten her up and be like, YO, if you're not going to drink that $10 drink, I will ;O) I'm going to bet she's never had a Kettle One Martini, up, slightly dirty with 3 olives...but that's just me! I give this "relationship" about 2.5 more weeks.

Saturday we saw The Departed. I LOVED it. I've never been a HUGE Leonardo DiCaprio fan but now, I'm hooked. I love him. And I highly recommend the movie. Leo was great, Matt Damon was great, Martin Sheen was great, Alec Baldwin was great, Mark Whalberg was great and Jack Nicholson was awesome! The only crappy thing was that the theater was PACKED and we had to sit in the front row. I am not kidding, I have never sat in the front row in my life, not even as a kid. That was annoying but the movie was still really good!

We wasted the beautiful day yesterday by watching football all day. Oh happens I guess. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Yes, I know we're stepping right on into 1995 but, we got TiVo for a wedding gift!!!! HOLY FREAKIN CRAP! WE GOT TIVO! Okay, so I put TiVo on our wedding registry at Target just because, well...why not. I mean, they say to put things on there that you may or may not buy for yourself and if people buy them for you then bonus but if not then who cares you can decide if you want to buy it yourself.

So my parents told me that my Uncle and Aunt who live in bumble fuck Virginia left a gift for me at the house. I was hesitant in picking it up because to be honest I was expecting a set of Nascar dinner plates or something of that magnitude. Well, to my utmost surprise when I started tearing the wrapping paper off I thought I was going to have an asthma attack! I could not believe it! It's so out of character for these people you have NO idea. They may not even know what this TiVo thing is to be honest!

I have to admit, I like my television. I am not into every single show out there but there are a few that I am obsessed with (and some that I won't admit to watching) and yes, I set the vcr on a regular basis to catch my shows (the one at home and at work - gotta have a back up). This is so great! We got an 80 hour TiVo and I don't know if we should upgrade to a 180 hour - does anyone have TiVo and know the answer to this? I can't wait to set it up and get started. Now I'll never be sad about forgetting to set the vcr because my little TiVo will remember for me HOORAY for modern technology!!!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

So who knew getting back into the swing of things was going to be this difficult? I am just climbing out of the hole. Work has been very busy and I guess life has been too. I came back to work on my 30th Birthday. That was a real treat. The big day came and went without much of a second thought. Not exactly how I thought I'd celebrate my biggest birthday to date but there have been some other major milestones in my life this year so I guess I can't complain. Well, maybe I can. To be honest my birthday wasn't even a big deal. I was a little sad about it but I'm working through it...he he

As I'm sure I conveyed before we left for the honeymoon, the wedding was amazing. Everything went perfectly. The church was beautiful, the weather that day/night were absolutely perfect and we were able to have most of the reception on the outside portico of the venue. The music was perfect and we danced almost all night. We hear that the food was amazing but as most brides know, even when you try, you never eat anything. There was drama with a few couples (girls crying, slapping of boyfriends, throwing of cell phones, etc) which I think is so lame. Can't you get your pathetic relationship under control for one night? Or at least conceal yourselves in another location to fight? At one point one of Mr. Funky's friends asked me to CONSOLE ONE OF THE CRYERS! I thought, he must be insane. I looked at him square in the face and said, "Ummm, NO". It was my wedding day. No dumb whore was gonna ruin it! BUT, that was minor and so just a blip on the radar.

Mr. Funky and I were picked up after the reception and driven around the monuments in Down Town D.C. while sipping on some, probably gratuitous at this point, champagne. We arrived back at the hotel for the after party to find almost all of the wedding ready to rock at the hotel! All the alcohol was brought back and the party continued until...? Who knows. My dad told me that he went to bed around 6am and people were still hanging out partying. It was a success. We have been told by numerous friends at this point that our wedding was "legendary" and "the best party they've ever been to". This makes me proud. I pride myself on my party planning skillz and this one takes the cake! I am just so pleased with the whole thing. The only complaint is that it went by way too fast. We kind of want to do it all over again.

Now it's getting used to living together, which I don't think is too difficult, not yet anyway. We seem to be right in the swing of things. My only concern is making sure that my husband is comfortable in what used to be my house and is now OUR house. It's weird when someone moves in and you just want them to feel at home. I think things are well on their way. It's fun acting all domestic. In all honesty I've only made us dinner at home twice since we've been back from the honeymoon but I guess we can look forward to a life time of home cooked meals together from this point on. And I do enjoy cooking so it's kind of fun.

That's all for now, Oh and Please don't ask me when we're having's getting old already! People are SO weird.