The pooch is sick. I don't know what's wrong with her. I could tell she's had a belly thing going on the last couple of days because she's been eating grass, she hasn't been eating her food and I can hear her little tummy gurgling.
When I got home from work yesterday I took her out and (get ready for TMI in 3...2...1) she pooped complete red liquid, or as you medical types might say, she had blood in her stool. I was so scared and upset I couldn't tell if I was going to throw up or pass out or cry. Okay, I cried a little. I was scared!
Anyway, I called the emergency animal hospital and they talked me off the ledge. Apparently blood in the stool of a human is much more serious than that of a dog or cat. So, the little fucker must have eaten something bad or harmful. Maybe she ate a stick or a poisonous flower or plant from our yard. We had to deprive her of her dinner last night and feed her boiled rice and chicken today. She gobbled it up. She was so hungry. Her energy level is fine and she's being herself so that makes me feel better about things but I'm still worried.
The hubby, pooch and I all tossed and turned all night long. Some time around 3am, you know, when your mind really starts thinking logically, I decided that our crazy neighbor MUST be poisoning our dog for always barking at their dog and I started devising a plan to set up a video camera to catch him! HA...I don't really think he's poisoning our dog, but I wouldn't completely put it past him...
So I was listening to Howard this morning and Dee Snider was on the show. They started talking about Guitar Hero and how great (according to Dee) it is. Dee was saying how his 11 year old daughter walks around singing Mississippi Queen and how amazed he is by that. So I started thinking...This game could actually do a lot of good in terms of turning the younger generations on to some of the older music - you know, when it was GOOD. When artists actually played instruments and sang and rocked out.
Now, my younger sisters and I grew up listening to this kind of music because my Dad would have it no other way. That's just what was playing in our home and car at all times. I remember my little sisters (two of which are 18 and 16 now) singing Neil Young, The Eagles and Van Halen, to name a few, word for word as toddlers. I always thought that was funny and cool but now, along with their friends, they are going out and buying music that my parents probably owned on 8-track or LP in their time. It's astonishing.
And hey, if this gets kids interested in music and possibly into playing real instruments (as in, not a guitar with video controlled buttons) than it can't be too bad, right? It also doesn't hurt that the game is a TON of fun for kids and adults - add some adult substances and it's even more entertaining. And don't get me wrong, I don't want to see videos of the losers on You Tube beating the game, there's nothing more lame than watching someone play a video game on your computer, but all in all I am for this game. What do you all think about GH and Garage Band?
When I got home from work yesterday I took her out and (get ready for TMI in 3...2...1) she pooped complete red liquid, or as you medical types might say, she had blood in her stool. I was so scared and upset I couldn't tell if I was going to throw up or pass out or cry. Okay, I cried a little. I was scared!
Anyway, I called the emergency animal hospital and they talked me off the ledge. Apparently blood in the stool of a human is much more serious than that of a dog or cat. So, the little fucker must have eaten something bad or harmful. Maybe she ate a stick or a poisonous flower or plant from our yard. We had to deprive her of her dinner last night and feed her boiled rice and chicken today. She gobbled it up. She was so hungry. Her energy level is fine and she's being herself so that makes me feel better about things but I'm still worried.
The hubby, pooch and I all tossed and turned all night long. Some time around 3am, you know, when your mind really starts thinking logically, I decided that our crazy neighbor MUST be poisoning our dog for always barking at their dog and I started devising a plan to set up a video camera to catch him! HA...I don't really think he's poisoning our dog, but I wouldn't completely put it past him...
So I was listening to Howard this morning and Dee Snider was on the show. They started talking about Guitar Hero and how great (according to Dee) it is. Dee was saying how his 11 year old daughter walks around singing Mississippi Queen and how amazed he is by that. So I started thinking...This game could actually do a lot of good in terms of turning the younger generations on to some of the older music - you know, when it was GOOD. When artists actually played instruments and sang and rocked out.
Now, my younger sisters and I grew up listening to this kind of music because my Dad would have it no other way. That's just what was playing in our home and car at all times. I remember my little sisters (two of which are 18 and 16 now) singing Neil Young, The Eagles and Van Halen, to name a few, word for word as toddlers. I always thought that was funny and cool but now, along with their friends, they are going out and buying music that my parents probably owned on 8-track or LP in their time. It's astonishing.
And hey, if this gets kids interested in music and possibly into playing real instruments (as in, not a guitar with video controlled buttons) than it can't be too bad, right? It also doesn't hurt that the game is a TON of fun for kids and adults - add some adult substances and it's even more entertaining. And don't get me wrong, I don't want to see videos of the losers on You Tube beating the game, there's nothing more lame than watching someone play a video game on your computer, but all in all I am for this game. What do you all think about GH and Garage Band?
At 4:10 PM, March 20, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
I am sorry Lucy is feeling under the weather, glad to hear she wanted to eat this morning. Keep us updated.
If you neighbor was doing that I would fly up there and kick his ass myself!!!
I was not coordinated to play GH the one time I tried it, but it was like 2 am and there were many beers consumed.
At 8:22 PM, March 20, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I'm sorry to hear Lucy isn't feeling well. Hopefully she'll be back to herself soon. I wonder what she got a hold of...
At 9:26 AM, March 21, 2008,
Sassy said…
My Cooper had blood in his erm...diarrhea after he ate the whole turkey carcass bones and all.
As for GH, I've never tried it, but I laugh at the hoards of ppl playing it in the stores.
I grew up with the same kind of musical influence and hope that Mason learns to love all kinds of music, new and old!
At 8:19 AM, March 23, 2008,
Andi said…
Awww, I hope Lucy is feeling better ASAP. That would worry me sick. In fact, Daisy has had a mild tummy issue going on....constipation, eating lots of grass. Turns out it was just her food, and we switched over to something different and all seems fine. However, we're always worrying about one thing or another. Yesterday she wasn't as hyper as usual and we freaked out. Blah. Your situation is obviously infinitely more worry-inducing, but the point is...aren't these dogs like kids? Seriously.
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