Here's Lucy telling Daddy about the shot she just got at the vet's office. "And it didn't even hurt at all because Mommy shoved a treat in my mouth and lord knows, food always distracts me..."
As of Sunday night our Lucy is okay, finally. I think all the tummy distress may be the new food we started giving her. The doc seems to think we're right so we'll see...You never know with these damn dogs! Thanks to all of you who passed on your concern for our pooch. She would lick you all if she could! And so would I...
So, I have decided that the "witching hour" for me is 3am. I don't know what the hell the problem is but I have been waking up at 3am recently and just can not get back to sleep.
My body is exhausted. My eyes just want to relax and stay shut. But my mind is racing and I just can't shut it off. It's not even just thoughts at 3am, it's completely irrational thought. And then on top of that the constant anguish over the fact that time is ticking away and the alarm clock is going to go off before I know it.
Finally, a little after 4 o'clock this morning I decided to go out to the couch and try to sleep. It was that or jump out the window. I don't know what time it was when I finally fell back asleep but it wasn't restful in the least. I went back to bed at 6am and we were all woken up around 7 to a freakin traffic helicopter hovering over our house. What that was about beats the hell out of me. Someone seriously does not want me to sleep! Or the FBI is finally on to us because of our mob dealings.
I'm not big on taking drugs to sleep, it kind of scares me. Ever since I took a lot of Nyquil one night and almost couldn't wake up to pee (I said almost)...Anything stronger and I think I would be one of those people that gets up and "sleep" drives when on meds and doesn't know it or something (although, I think that only happens to Kennedy's). Or, I'll get up all groggy the next day. BUT, if I don't start sleeping soon I am going to have to get on the sauce. I can't take it anymore....Not sleeping is miserable!
As of Sunday night our Lucy is okay, finally. I think all the tummy distress may be the new food we started giving her. The doc seems to think we're right so we'll see...You never know with these damn dogs! Thanks to all of you who passed on your concern for our pooch. She would lick you all if she could! And so would I...
So, I have decided that the "witching hour" for me is 3am. I don't know what the hell the problem is but I have been waking up at 3am recently and just can not get back to sleep.
My body is exhausted. My eyes just want to relax and stay shut. But my mind is racing and I just can't shut it off. It's not even just thoughts at 3am, it's completely irrational thought. And then on top of that the constant anguish over the fact that time is ticking away and the alarm clock is going to go off before I know it.
Finally, a little after 4 o'clock this morning I decided to go out to the couch and try to sleep. It was that or jump out the window. I don't know what time it was when I finally fell back asleep but it wasn't restful in the least. I went back to bed at 6am and we were all woken up around 7 to a freakin traffic helicopter hovering over our house. What that was about beats the hell out of me. Someone seriously does not want me to sleep! Or the FBI is finally on to us because of our mob dealings.
I'm not big on taking drugs to sleep, it kind of scares me. Ever since I took a lot of Nyquil one night and almost couldn't wake up to pee (I said almost)...Anything stronger and I think I would be one of those people that gets up and "sleep" drives when on meds and doesn't know it or something (although, I think that only happens to Kennedy's). Or, I'll get up all groggy the next day. BUT, if I don't start sleeping soon I am going to have to get on the sauce. I can't take it anymore....Not sleeping is miserable!
At 2:37 PM, March 25, 2008,
Sassy said…
I go through these spells of not being able to sleep. Recently I've been awake at about the same time and I can't get back to sleep! Everyone is sleeping soundly around me..but me? My mind races on every kind of thought. You'd think I'd be tired enough these days to just fall asleep but some days I never do sleep. I just stare at the ceiling for hours on end....
I think a shot (or three) of JD might help you?
At 2:48 PM, March 25, 2008,
Anonymous said…
That photo and caption are so cute I'm almost-tempted to behave myself.
Now about you licking me . . . I thought you said no tongue because you are only experimenting? Oh well, at least you won't have just licked your own arse. :D
I suffer from "early-waking insomnia" which is what you just described. Only it has been happening to me every night for YEARS. It's probably caused by all the anguish I feel about the wicked comments I leave on people's blogs. Shyeh, right.
At 4:09 PM, March 25, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Well Ladies, at least I know I'm not the only crazy one!
At 6:18 PM, March 25, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
I am glad Lucy is feeling better, I have been waiting on your update! What food did you switch her to? I know those changes can be rough!
At 12:07 AM, March 26, 2008,
Chick said…
I'm glad your cutie pooch is better.
I go through the whole not sleeping thing from time to time...going to the gym during the afternoon helps exhaust me later & if that doesn't work...reading helps too.
At 10:29 AM, March 26, 2008,
Andi said…
Yay for Lucy being on the mend. And the big about the treat and the shot made me cackle. So true.
Hope the sleeping gets better. That would drive me batty.
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