So this weekend was pretty low key because TSO ended up tweaking his back and basically being laid up all weekend...poor thing!
We woke up Saturday morning to what I'd like to describe as torrential down pours. It was miserable. It was dark, rainy and cold. I decided I'd get on-line and see if there were any indoor dog parks in the area so the pooch could get some much needed exercise. I was SO excited to find out that there was one a few towns away and only about a 10 minute drive. So, we planned our day around it. Now, in the mean time the weather decided to run the gamut of seasons all within hours. It went from down pours to sunshine and temperatures in the high 60's to windy, rainy and in the 30's by the end of the day. It was wild and I didn't at all care for it. Will it just get warm and stay warm already? Enough of this winter shite!
Anyway, so we drive to the indoor dog park and I decide to go in and check it out before bringing Lucy in as to not get her overly excited too soon. I was welcomed by two young ladies, probably in their first or second year of high school. They were pleasant and friendly and informed me that they no longer have the indoor dog park - they only do it occasionally and they post it on their web site when they do. I was so sad. What the hell? I mean, how about having the indoor dog park when it's RAINING AND WINTER TIME? That seems to make a ton of sense to me...So basically, the extent of the dog's exercise, and ours for that matter, was driving around in the car for most of the afternoon. How dumb!
Saturday night was spent doing much of the same...nothing! Propping the hubby up, filling him with drugs and liquor and keeping a heating pad on his back.
We did however make a huge mistake by going to Trader Joe's for a few things and decided to pick up a box of something similar to a Chip-which. For those of you living under a rock and therefore unsure of what I speak, it is vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate chip cookies and then rolled in chocolate chips along the exposed ice cream. They are probable one of the yummiest of the ice cream treats and I never thought I'd say this but the one's from Trader Joe's might be the best thing I've ever had in my life. They are dangerous! So dangerous we went back on Sunday to buy two more boxes. There are only two of us living in this house so that is embarrassing to admit...
The cookies are kind of chewy and soft, you know almost like they're not completely cooked. And the chips in the cookies are what I would describe as the best semi-sweet chunks. OMG. I'm serious, I almost didn't post about these because I don't want anyone else to buy them so next time I go back they're not sold out...THAT's how good they are! And yes, THAT's how lame I am!
Our pooch has apparently either found an area in the yard where a skunk has died or has sprayed and it is gross. She keeps coming in form outside smelling like SKUNK! Not her body, just her face where I guess she sniffs out the smell. It's so lovely when she comes in and wants to lick our faces! YUM!
Anyway, my new, brilliant, entreprenuerial idea is to open a doggy daycare/indoor dog park. I'm seriously thinking about it. I mean, there is a serious need for one in this area. I wouldn't board dogs/pets or keep any of them over night, it would be a strictly day by day thing. I am looking into it.
What do you all think? Do any of you dog people have an indoor dog park in your area and if so do you go? If you had one by you would you go? How much would you pay to take your pooch to an indoor dog park? Is $5 a dog too much? What would you want to see there for people? food, drinks, anything?
My husband thinks I'm nuts by the way...
Happy Monday!
We woke up Saturday morning to what I'd like to describe as torrential down pours. It was miserable. It was dark, rainy and cold. I decided I'd get on-line and see if there were any indoor dog parks in the area so the pooch could get some much needed exercise. I was SO excited to find out that there was one a few towns away and only about a 10 minute drive. So, we planned our day around it. Now, in the mean time the weather decided to run the gamut of seasons all within hours. It went from down pours to sunshine and temperatures in the high 60's to windy, rainy and in the 30's by the end of the day. It was wild and I didn't at all care for it. Will it just get warm and stay warm already? Enough of this winter shite!
Anyway, so we drive to the indoor dog park and I decide to go in and check it out before bringing Lucy in as to not get her overly excited too soon. I was welcomed by two young ladies, probably in their first or second year of high school. They were pleasant and friendly and informed me that they no longer have the indoor dog park - they only do it occasionally and they post it on their web site when they do. I was so sad. What the hell? I mean, how about having the indoor dog park when it's RAINING AND WINTER TIME? That seems to make a ton of sense to me...So basically, the extent of the dog's exercise, and ours for that matter, was driving around in the car for most of the afternoon. How dumb!
Saturday night was spent doing much of the same...nothing! Propping the hubby up, filling him with drugs and liquor and keeping a heating pad on his back.
We did however make a huge mistake by going to Trader Joe's for a few things and decided to pick up a box of something similar to a Chip-which. For those of you living under a rock and therefore unsure of what I speak, it is vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate chip cookies and then rolled in chocolate chips along the exposed ice cream. They are probable one of the yummiest of the ice cream treats and I never thought I'd say this but the one's from Trader Joe's might be the best thing I've ever had in my life. They are dangerous! So dangerous we went back on Sunday to buy two more boxes. There are only two of us living in this house so that is embarrassing to admit...
The cookies are kind of chewy and soft, you know almost like they're not completely cooked. And the chips in the cookies are what I would describe as the best semi-sweet chunks. OMG. I'm serious, I almost didn't post about these because I don't want anyone else to buy them so next time I go back they're not sold out...THAT's how good they are! And yes, THAT's how lame I am!
Our pooch has apparently either found an area in the yard where a skunk has died or has sprayed and it is gross. She keeps coming in form outside smelling like SKUNK! Not her body, just her face where I guess she sniffs out the smell. It's so lovely when she comes in and wants to lick our faces! YUM!
Anyway, my new, brilliant, entreprenuerial idea is to open a doggy daycare/indoor dog park. I'm seriously thinking about it. I mean, there is a serious need for one in this area. I wouldn't board dogs/pets or keep any of them over night, it would be a strictly day by day thing. I am looking into it.
What do you all think? Do any of you dog people have an indoor dog park in your area and if so do you go? If you had one by you would you go? How much would you pay to take your pooch to an indoor dog park? Is $5 a dog too much? What would you want to see there for people? food, drinks, anything?
My husband thinks I'm nuts by the way...
Happy Monday!
At 4:11 PM, March 10, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I don't have a dog so it doesn't appeal to me...yet.:) I would think that places to sit and refreshments would be lovely. Maybe some nice outside noises like birds or water to feel more like the real deal.
At 7:34 PM, March 10, 2008,
Anonymous said…
It sounds like a terrific idea to me! Maybe you could have a coffee shop for the bipeds?
At 8:19 AM, March 11, 2008,
Chick said…
Never heard of an indoor doggy park...but yes, the idea seems like a good one.
& do they make Chipwiches anymore...those used to be soooo good. I need to find a Trader Joe's.
At 10:00 AM, March 11, 2008,
Sassy said…
That is not the kind of "laid up all weekend" I like...
I don't think we have an indoor dog park around here. I'm checking into it. I love the idea. It would beat standing around in the cold and snow!
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