The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I don't know what the hell my problem is but I need some chocolate S.T.A.T.!!

Every now and then I get a hankerin for something sweet but I am generally more of a foodie when it comes to consumption preferences. Food and wine of course, oh and liquor aint so bad either. Okay, I'm getting off track...Candy isn't my weakness but I'm telling you...if I don't get some chocolate soon I am going to hurt someone. If this box was in front of me I would tear into it like a feral animal in front of a fresh kill!

Okay, enough...I must go find the goods. I'll let you all know how it goes and who gets hurt in the process!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Where does the time go? Don't get me wrong...I love, love, LOVE being off of work and sitting on my ass eating turkey and other meat products but coming back to work after a few days off is a real bitch!

Yesterday almost made me mental. Well, certifiable anyway...I'm already half way there. I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off and still didn't get half my shit done.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. This is where I spent mine!

It was in the mid to upper 60's and beautiful. There were tons of people on the beach. It was awesome.

Look at that bird! YUM! I love meat (shut up!) . I am actually still full!

And lastly here are some great shots of the sun set our last night in Duck. Happy Tuesday everyone.

How do you like my reflection in the window? How lame...I'm obviously not a photographer.

Have a great day everyone...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I think I'm still hungover...

So, the craft show on Saturday sucked balls! It was really, really awful and a complete waste of my time. I made $126.00. $113 of that was from family/friends that came by and $35 of that I haven't even collected yet. It was at a church and I think it's one of those weird brain-washy type churches. Let me give you some examples why...Number one, the guy set up across from me was selling wood carved crosses, jesus faces, and other religious artifacts. Every child that walked in ran straight to his table passing up mine!!! WTF? I sell mostly kids things. Very colorful and fun thing. Toy chests, purses - shit that any kid would run towards begging their parents to open up their tight ass wallets to buy something for them. This happened on a few occasions. Another example was the 8th grade kid that was selling things of his own that came to talk to me and proceeded to tell me that he was home schooled. I think he may have been smarter than me. Intellectually anyway, I'd like to see that kid out in the mean streets of D.C.! Yeah...I'll teach him. Whatever, it sucked. I ended up packing up early and we headed to NYC a little earlier than planned.

We got to New York, met up with the crew and proceeded to drink...and drink...and drink...Hit some of our fave bars. Someone kept ordering shots of rumplemintz, don't ask me why, and don't ask me why I kept drinking the shots of Scope but I did! I also did shots of tequila and honestly I don't know what else. I wish I could show you pictures but my drunk ass only took pictures of the amazing Christmas decorations in this one bar we went to. I know, lame but it really was amazing, the whole ceiling is layered with lights and fake trees, and bulbs. It kind of made you feel like you wanted to just sleep there under the lights. Anyway, like I said, quite lame, i know. And I wish I could tell you what happened after 5am but I really don't remember.

It all started to come back to me on Sunday when the delayed hangover started. The burger and tater tots didn't do the trick. Even shopping wasn't that enjoyable. I managed to spend $130 on clothes but the damage I could have done if I felt better would have been phenomenal, guess it's better I felt like I could hurl at any moment. Note to self, avoid cabs in new york city when hung over...

So, blah, blah, blah...came back on Monday. 7am Amtrak home. The Sweet one and I slept all the way from Penn Station in New York to Penn Station in Baltimore! It was nice. We got into D.C. around 10am then I had to go to work and that sucks ass!

The Sweet One and I are leaving tonight for Duck, North Carolina where his parents have a beach house. Their fam does Thanksgiving there every year and we go there every other year and this my dears is one of those years. I am so damned excited. I am going to sleep my face off. Then I'm gonna go running. Then I'm gonna eat. Repeat...

I don't know if I'll be taking the computer so if not i hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you share it with people that you love, or at least can tolerate for a few hours so you can eat some yummy food. And to all of you planning to fry your turkeys - please, for god's sake, don't burn the house down! To all of the Canadians, I'll be thinking about you too even though your day already passed.

Time to eat turkey bitches!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Are tank tops that cost $60 better than tank tops that cost say...$12? I'm just wondering because every tank top I've ever tried on, owned, worn to the beach, worn to bed, worn to work, worn under a sweater, worn by itself, blah, blah, blah, no matter how much they cost, seem to fit just about the same way...and they are TANK TOPS...I can't spend $60 on a tank top. I don't care if it does have sequence on it! Unless my name is Oprah, I'm not doing it. I refuse.

sorry, this is one just the ladies will (or might not) relate to...

Friday, November 18, 2005

Went to see Harry Potter 4 today. It was really good. I can't wait to see it again. I am so surprised at what a dork I become about HP! I have never been into Sci Fi, never gotten into Lord of the Rings or Star Trek but let me tell you...when it comes to Harry Potter I become one of "those people" and I don't really care...

Anyway, the beginning of the craziness has started. I am stressing about the craft show tomorrow because I feel unprepared. Now, this is totally my fault. I am the lazy ass who decided not to prepare properly. I am the ass who decided to go out drinking instead of make purses or paint mirrors but I have resigned myself to the fact that I won't have as much to sell and may not do so hot. But, I'm also to the point where I am so tired that I don't care! If I sell one thing it will be worth it I presume.

The Sweet One and I completely forgot that we have tickets to the Maryland Basketball game tonight so we're (probably foolishly) going to that, then come home and pack for New York.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Maybe I'll have some good NYC pic's on Monday.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I give you my lips/mouth for HNT! I got the idea from an art project I had to do in college once. It was a lame project and I was probably in my freshmen year of art school but we had to look in a mirror, make different expressions with our mouths and then draw them. Complex huh?

Anyway, I kind of think my lips look like Janice from Dr.Teeth and the Electric Mayhem band in some of these pic's...Have a great Half-Nekkid Thursday everyone and if you don't know the deal by now, I'm not telling you what it's all about. Don't even THINK about clicking the blue button to the right!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I can't believe it's Wednesday already. Yesterday was a complete show at work. I had a ton to do and not a minute to play, what the hell's up with that? I did however get taken to the Capitol's vs. Lightening game last night by a media company that we work closely with. We had a fatty suite and the caps won in a shoot out! I've never seen a shoot out live so that was fun!!

So, the Sweet One and I are going to New Yawk city on Saturday to look at all the tall bildins and spend some more money that we don't have. Unfortunately we can't get up there until Saturday night because I have a booth at a craft show earlier that day. Now, personally I think that craft shows are lame and boring, BUT they are a necessary evil if I want to sell the types of things that I make. They appeal to the "craft show crowd" if you know what I mean. But the thought of sitting in a church hall with 80 year old women from 8am - 3pm on a Saturday is killing me...I'll just bring some booze and no one will be the wiser!! That is how I get through these things. Sad but true!

So Saturday night we will be hitting the town with some friends that live in the city and then Sunday night the Sweet One is going to some punk concert and I will be, well...probably drinking or shopping. Two of the best things to do in New York City, oh and eating. I can do that too! I'm taking a butt as early train home on Monday morning to get to work by about 11am...ha ha. It's gonna be a great Thanksgiving week. Short and sweet.

Anyway, to further emphasize my dorkiness I am taking off work early on Friday to go see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That's right bitches. I love Harry Potter. Deal with it! Okay, that's all I got for today. Now I must work to earn my keep...

Monday, November 14, 2005


We had a family party at The Sweet One's parent's house yesterday. I am fairly allergic to their cat, damn thing, and generally it takes me about an hour to start getting the symptoms. Yesterday for some reason my reaction was almost simultaneous with walking in the front door. I started getting hives. Then the eyes began itching and watering. Then the nose was clogged up and drippy all at the same time. It was really fun, and attractive.

SO - the Sweet One's brother suggested I take this allergy pill that he had. He said that it was great and worked so fast. So, being against drugs the way that I am, I took it immediately. He was right. My eyes were instantly clear. No more hives and in a little while longer I could kind of breathe again. It was a miracle.

I started feeling a little sleepy but I just chalked that up to the Tecate's I had been drinking and a full belly. I think I was asleep on my feet by 10pm and physically by about 11pm. I don't know what it was I took or what the hell was in it but by 9am I STILL could not get out of bed this morning!!! It is currently 1:46pm and I am still feeling like I drank a bottle of Nyquil. My head is cloudy, my body feels heavy and the coffee I drank is making me feel like a wide awake narcoleptic. The fact that I brought a bag of clothes so that I can go to the gym after work is so laughable to me right now. Partially because I am feeling a little giddy and partially because my legs feel like jell-o and that would just be comedic if I were to get on the treadmill! HA

Okay, I think I am going a little crazy. I can't really hear very well, it's all kind of muted. Hopefully I'll feel back to normal tomorrow...? Drugs are bad mmmkay...

Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm ALIVE!!!

Yes, I am alive. I fought the bird flu and I won! I am currently eating solid foods. Hooray for me! I even went to the gym last night and worked by ass off, which wasn't hard to do since I lost most of it the last couple of days...Okay, whatever, I'm better, halleluya, amen!

On another note, will someone please explain to me why the people of the United States/world are attracted to Kenny Chesney? He appears to me to be a hairless, weasel-looking, balding, creep-o! Ewww, he really does ooog me out! I've seen him on about 3 recent talk shows and his music isn't even anything to talk about. I am no fan of country music but I am also not one to put down truly good music whether it's my style or not and his aint that...And he stalked and eventually married sour puss Rene Zellweger...that's another reason to be freaked out by him. It's like he seeks out his prey then marries them...weird.

Okay, it's Friday so I'm gonna go pretend to do some work. Oh who am I kidding. I'm not even gonna pretend. Everyone knows I'm slacking off anyway. iTunes here I come!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

the cold shoulder

So I obviously have been feeling like complete ass the last couple of days and the last thing in the world that I want to do is expose any of my achy, breaky parts. So, for this HNT you get the Sweet One's shoulder. He is leaning on his elbow while laying on the bed so you have some perspective of what you're looking at. Enjoy...and be glad I didn't post any pic's of me in the bathroom it's really what I wanted to do! Happy Half-Nekkid Thursday Y'all!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I've eaten a piece of toast in the last, hmmm, 24 hours or so and I feel like I'm gonna hurl! WHY? HOW? Mommy...

it's bird flu...i know it is. So long cruel world...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It Must Be Something in the Blogger

So, I think I got what Steph had...Last night I was like, tummy's feelin a little odd, oh well, guess I'll just go to bed. This morning I got up at an ungodly hour, got my gym clothes on and got ready to head out to the gym and get physical like Olivia Newton-John when the "feeling" came back. I spent the next 30 + minutes hunched over in the bathroom. At one point I think I saw Ellen DeGeneris and a puppy standing next to me...the pain was mind altering. I starting going into labor breathing and then, once it "passed" I felt fine...until the next go round.

I'm going to spare you the rest of the gory details but the fact is I'm home, still in my gym shorts and sports bra, being sick and miserable...Hope everyone else is having a good, healthy day!

Monday, November 07, 2005

jay jay

So the weekend was a success all around! Friday night the Sweet One and I headed to Baltimore to see my friend's band Jay Jay. They are a 10 piece funk band. Very similar to The Brand New Heavies, if you are familiar with them at all. I am friends with the lead singer, and of course, they rocked...

Here they are setting up and getting ready to perform:

Here they are breakin it down - Julie on lead vocals...

Saturday the Sweet One and I got up and worked out...we're so disciplined some times! HA! Then we headed down town. It was an AMAZING day! In the mid 70's and just plain old perfect out. We started at the American Indian Museum and here is one of the maybe 3 pictures I appropriate huh? A totem pole!

Okay, seriously, there were some really great exhibits but my favorite were the sculptures and American Indian inspired art work. This is a HUGE Indian raising his pipe in prayer - hand made, by one man, out of bronze. Apparently it was given to Hillary Clinton as a gift and then lived in the vice prezzy's house until given to the museum:

Then we went outside and I decided to get all crazy with the camera. This really is an amazing city. Here are some of my photos, whether you want to see them or not...

The Capitol

a little spot on The Mall

The Cap at dusk

The Monument at dusk

My fave shot of the capitol at night fall
(this one may be given out as a X-mas gift! ha ha..
merry x-mas mom and dad~)

Anyway, we never made it to the aquarium. We went to the National Gallery of Art instead. It's one of my favorite spots and somehow things are always better with the Sweet One so it was a really great day. Yeah, Yeah, I know, I sounds totally cheesy...get over it bitches!

On a much less gay note, went to the Skins vs. Eagles game last night. It was a BLAST! It was nice to see all of the asshole eagles fans leave with their heads hung low. I've felt it all too often so it was a nice twist of fate. Got home close to 1am and I am pretty exhausted today. Hope everyone had a great weekend...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Okay, so today is MUCH better than yesterday. My left eye isn't pounding as much and I have a feeling it's from all of the vodka and red wine I drank last night, at least that's what I'm telling myself!! One of my very smart friends decided last night as we were leaving work that it would be a much better idea to go grab drinks than go home and do anything remotely responsible! So we did.

The Sweet One and I are doing a lot of fun stuff this weekend. Tonight we're going to see a friend of mine's 10 piece funk band play out in Baltimore. My friend is the lead singer and she ROCKS! She has a voice that will send chills down your back, and make you wish you knew how to sing! Damn she's good!

Saturday we're getting up and going to the gym then we have a full day of sightseeing right here at home. Don't you ever think, wow, there are so many great things in my town that I either haven't seen or would like to check out again? I guess living in D.C. it's easy to say that. There are so many wonderful things in this city that just beg to be seen. SO - we're starting at the National Museum of the American Indian. It hasn't been here for that long but I've been dying to go since it opened. It's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow so it will be a lovely day to walk around - for all of you southerners or west coast peeps 70's in November is not normal for the greater D.C. area...I am LOVING it! And I will be bitching my ass off soon when it's freezing and snowing here so git ready!

Anyway, if we have time we are also gonna check out the National Aquarium. I have lived here all my life and didn't even know we had an aquarium in D.C. until probably about 5 years ago. There is one in Baltimore that is HUGE that I've been to probably about a million times. I'm wondering why I haven't been to the D.C. aquarium though...I hope it doesn't suck.

Sunday night I will be heading to the Redskins/ Eagles game. I have to admit I'm not looking forward to it for one reason...Eagles fans. They are so obnoxious and rude and they come to our stadium just ready to brawl. It's so hard to keep your composure when you are being prodded and provoked and god knows I don't want to stoop to their level, SO, I am not planning to drink very much - I know, it pains me! I need to avoid the temptation to get my hot latin blood boiling for those losers at all costs. But, other than that little issue, it will be a blast as usual. The tailgating will be on and hopefully it's a good game. Hey, maybe we'll even score this time!

So, that's what I plan to do. Hope everyone has a great weekend...PEACE!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Is today Thursday?

seriously...I had no idea...guess I'll catch HNT next week, I'll just enjoy looking at all of yours now instead...
This week totally sucks! I know, I know, no one wants to hear my bitching and complaining but I literally have nothing positive to say...oh wait, I do have one...I lost 3lb's this week! I know it's not much but I fired my trainer and joined a new gym and have been doing it on my own so I'm pretty proud of my measly little 3 pounds.

Okay, back to bitching...I have been SLAMMED at work. This is gonna make no sense to most of you and a little sense to one or two of you but my programming department keeps changing the schedule on me! Meaning, the programming that is put on our air has changed multiple times in the last few days which effects what I do day to day very heavily. It means that every time I record something that will go on our air and then the show changes I have to go back, re-write the script to accommodate the new show and then re-record...blah, blah, blah...bottom line it's a lot of unnecessarily spent time and money and it is pissing me off!

I have also had a severe headache for exactly a week now. I know it's a sinus infection coming on (i get them chronically - it's fun) but I haven't had time to do anything about it! it goes from the left side of my neck, into my back teeth, up through my nose and then pounds right around my left eye. I love it. It puts me in a great mood. And this my friends is why I haven't been blogging because I didn't want to have to subject you to my bitching, but here it is. Have a lovely day bitches.