Okay, so today is MUCH better than yesterday. My left eye isn't pounding as much and I have a feeling it's from all of the vodka and red wine I drank last night, at least that's what I'm telling myself!! One of my very smart friends decided last night as we were leaving work that it would be a much better idea to go grab drinks than go home and do anything remotely responsible! So we did.
The Sweet One and I are doing a lot of fun stuff this weekend. Tonight we're going to see a friend of mine's 10 piece funk band play out in Baltimore. My friend is the lead singer and she ROCKS! She has a voice that will send chills down your back, and make you wish you knew how to sing! Damn she's good!
Saturday we're getting up and going to the gym then we have a full day of sightseeing right here at home. Don't you ever think, wow, there are so many great things in my town that I either haven't seen or would like to check out again? I guess living in D.C. it's easy to say that. There are so many wonderful things in this city that just beg to be seen. SO - we're starting at the National Museum of the American Indian. It hasn't been here for that long but I've been dying to go since it opened. It's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow so it will be a lovely day to walk around - for all of you southerners or west coast peeps 70's in November is not normal for the greater D.C. area...I am LOVING it! And I will be bitching my ass off soon when it's freezing and snowing here so git ready!
Anyway, if we have time we are also gonna check out the National Aquarium. I have lived here all my life and didn't even know we had an aquarium in D.C. until probably about 5 years ago. There is one in Baltimore that is HUGE that I've been to probably about a million times. I'm wondering why I haven't been to the D.C. aquarium though...I hope it doesn't suck.
Sunday night I will be heading to the Redskins/ Eagles game. I have to admit I'm not looking forward to it for one reason...Eagles fans. They are so obnoxious and rude and they come to our stadium just ready to brawl. It's so hard to keep your composure when you are being prodded and provoked and god knows I don't want to stoop to their level, SO, I am not planning to drink very much - I know, it pains me! I need to avoid the temptation to get my hot latin blood boiling for those losers at all costs. But, other than that little issue, it will be a blast as usual. The tailgating will be on and hopefully it's a good game. Hey, maybe we'll even score this time!
So, that's what I plan to do. Hope everyone has a great weekend...PEACE!
The Sweet One and I are doing a lot of fun stuff this weekend. Tonight we're going to see a friend of mine's 10 piece funk band play out in Baltimore. My friend is the lead singer and she ROCKS! She has a voice that will send chills down your back, and make you wish you knew how to sing! Damn she's good!
Saturday we're getting up and going to the gym then we have a full day of sightseeing right here at home. Don't you ever think, wow, there are so many great things in my town that I either haven't seen or would like to check out again? I guess living in D.C. it's easy to say that. There are so many wonderful things in this city that just beg to be seen. SO - we're starting at the National Museum of the American Indian. It hasn't been here for that long but I've been dying to go since it opened. It's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow so it will be a lovely day to walk around - for all of you southerners or west coast peeps 70's in November is not normal for the greater D.C. area...I am LOVING it! And I will be bitching my ass off soon when it's freezing and snowing here so git ready!
Anyway, if we have time we are also gonna check out the National Aquarium. I have lived here all my life and didn't even know we had an aquarium in D.C. until probably about 5 years ago. There is one in Baltimore that is HUGE that I've been to probably about a million times. I'm wondering why I haven't been to the D.C. aquarium though...I hope it doesn't suck.
Sunday night I will be heading to the Redskins/ Eagles game. I have to admit I'm not looking forward to it for one reason...Eagles fans. They are so obnoxious and rude and they come to our stadium just ready to brawl. It's so hard to keep your composure when you are being prodded and provoked and god knows I don't want to stoop to their level, SO, I am not planning to drink very much - I know, it pains me! I need to avoid the temptation to get my hot latin blood boiling for those losers at all costs. But, other than that little issue, it will be a blast as usual. The tailgating will be on and hopefully it's a good game. Hey, maybe we'll even score this time!
So, that's what I plan to do. Hope everyone has a great weekend...PEACE!
At 1:34 PM, November 04, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
hmmm, well I tried to be nice and take the Word Verification off but apparently some spammers are just plain ass holes so now no more anon's...we'll see if this works...?
At 2:37 PM, November 04, 2005,
peachy said…
Where is your friend singing tonight? Maybe I'll meet you there. I'm going to happy hour at the Ropewalk on Charles, St. and wherever the wind takes me. I'll email you in case you don't get this in time.
At 3:00 PM, November 04, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
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At 3:02 PM, November 04, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
ha ha I beat you to it Peachy! Hope to maybe see you tonight!
At 4:19 PM, November 04, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Do you post these just to make me jealous? You do don't you! What's on tap for me this weekend you ask? Pizza at a place called Quiggy's (It's like Chuck E. Cheeses)
I hope you have a great time. Even if I'm green with envy! I wish we could hear your friend sing.
At 5:04 PM, November 04, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - don't laugh at me but I love Chuck E Cheese's! They serve beer there too! I know, I probably love it because I don't have kids...
If you want I'll burn you one of my friend's cd's. You can put your kids to bed, have someone smoke some smelly cigarettes by you, turn the lights down and make yourselves some drinks...then you can pretend you're at a show!
Okay seriously...I will burn you a cd if you want one tho! Let me know
Have a great weekend
At 12:34 AM, November 05, 2005,
Andi said…
Oooh, sounds like a fabulous weekend. There's a kickass (supposedly) aquarium in Dallas that I haven't been to yet. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow.
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