jay jay
So the weekend was a success all around! Friday night the Sweet One and I headed to Baltimore to see my friend's band Jay Jay. They are a 10 piece funk band. Very similar to The Brand New Heavies, if you are familiar with them at all. I am friends with the lead singer, and of course, they rocked...

Then we went outside and I decided to get all crazy with the camera. This really is an amazing city. Here are some of my photos, whether you want to see them or not...

The Capitol
Here they are setting up and getting ready to perform:
Here they are breakin it down - Julie on lead vocals...

Saturday the Sweet One and I got up and worked out...we're so disciplined some times! HA! Then we headed down town. It was an AMAZING day! In the mid 70's and just plain old perfect out. We started at the American Indian Museum and here is one of the maybe 3 pictures I took...how appropriate huh? A totem pole!

Saturday the Sweet One and I got up and worked out...we're so disciplined some times! HA! Then we headed down town. It was an AMAZING day! In the mid 70's and just plain old perfect out. We started at the American Indian Museum and here is one of the maybe 3 pictures I took...how appropriate huh? A totem pole!
Okay, seriously, there were some really great exhibits but my favorite were the sculptures and American Indian inspired art work. This is a HUGE Indian raising his pipe in prayer - hand made, by one man, out of bronze. Apparently it was given to Hillary Clinton as a gift and then lived in the vice prezzy's house until given to the museum:

Then we went outside and I decided to get all crazy with the camera. This really is an amazing city. Here are some of my photos, whether you want to see them or not...

The Capitol
(this one may be given out as a X-mas gift! ha ha..
merry x-mas mom and dad~)
Anyway, we never made it to the aquarium. We went to the National Gallery of Art instead. It's one of my favorite spots and somehow things are always better with the Sweet One so it was a really great day. Yeah, Yeah, I know, I sounds totally cheesy...get over it bitches!
On a much less gay note, went to the Skins vs. Eagles game last night. It was a BLAST! It was nice to see all of the asshole eagles fans leave with their heads hung low. I've felt it all too often so it was a nice twist of fate. Got home close to 1am and I am pretty exhausted today. Hope everyone had a great weekend...
At 4:04 PM, November 07, 2005,
Oh great One said…
Sounds like you had quite a full weekend! Me and the hubby just spent a nice weekend at home and had sex. *grin*
I'm glad you had a good time! Those are some great pictures!
At 5:49 PM, November 07, 2005,
peachy said…
Sorry we couldn't hook up on Friday. Definitely next time.
The pictures of DC look awesome. We're so lucky to live so close.
WOohoo!! I tried to stay up as late as I could last night, but I only made it to 1/2 time. Glad the Skins won. F-TO.
At 5:56 PM, November 07, 2005,
Andi said…
Awwww, so sweet.
Awesome pics, too! Makes me wanna take a trip.
At 6:46 PM, November 07, 2005,
(S)wine said…
hey bee, send me a couple of MP3s of JayJay. I LOVED BNH when they came out. This band even LOOKS fun (from the pics). And I'm always down with funk. Yo. Yun. Ho'mes. Shorty. Cuz. Or whatever the parlance calls for nowadays in the 'hood.
At 7:42 PM, November 07, 2005,
Calvin said…
i was in DC last summer, and my biggest regret was that i wasn't there for longer.. with so many museums and places to see during the day, and so many joints to rock at Adams Morgan (did i get the name right?) at night! ;-)
At 8:43 PM, November 07, 2005,
Richard A said…
Kool Beanz, Bee!
I love seeing these DC pics -- I haven't been back there in so long, I really appreciate the pics! Keep em comin', plz!
Got to catch the AIM on road trip to VN Vets Wall next Memorial Day!
An "Arrgh" from Tampa, Matey!
At 1:09 AM, November 08, 2005,
ago-go said…
i love the Brand New Heavies and miss them very much! so cool that people are still into that kind of music....and horn sections rules!
At 12:16 PM, November 08, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - I'm glad you got some this weekend ;O)
Steph - come up to DC so we can find you a nice man...oh never mind, that's so not what you're looking for, he he...
Peachy - we will for sure hook up another time. This really is a cool place to live. We have B-more, DC, Annapolis all within minutes of us. GO SKINS! Sorry your Ravens are having such a rough year...
Andi - take a trip to DC - i'll be your tour guide
AMP - I will send you a copy of their cd yo!
S! - you definitely have to come for longer next time and yes, it is Adams Morgan - One of the most fun hood's in this area - lots o bars, cool clubs, live music, poetry readings, whateva! Let me know next time you come to town...
Richard - glad you like the pic's!!
Ago-go - I agree, the horns really make it sound so great. You would really like Jay Jay I think!
At 2:26 PM, November 08, 2005,
(S)wine said…
Bee...email me in a sidebar--I'll give you my address. Yo!
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