I think I'm still hungover...
So, the craft show on Saturday sucked balls! It was really, really awful and a complete waste of my time. I made $126.00. $113 of that was from family/friends that came by and $35 of that I haven't even collected yet. It was at a church and I think it's one of those weird brain-washy type churches. Let me give you some examples why...Number one, the guy set up across from me was selling wood carved crosses, jesus faces, and other religious artifacts. Every child that walked in ran straight to his table passing up mine!!! WTF? I sell mostly kids things. Very colorful and fun thing. Toy chests, purses - shit that any kid would run towards begging their parents to open up their tight ass wallets to buy something for them. This happened on a few occasions. Another example was the 8th grade kid that was selling things of his own that came to talk to me and proceeded to tell me that he was home schooled. I think he may have been smarter than me. Intellectually anyway, I'd like to see that kid out in the mean streets of D.C.! Yeah...I'll teach him. Whatever, it sucked. I ended up packing up early and we headed to NYC a little earlier than planned.
We got to New York, met up with the crew and proceeded to drink...and drink...and drink...Hit some of our fave bars. Someone kept ordering shots of rumplemintz, don't ask me why, and don't ask me why I kept drinking the shots of Scope but I did! I also did shots of tequila and honestly I don't know what else. I wish I could show you pictures but my drunk ass only took pictures of the amazing Christmas decorations in this one bar we went to. I know, lame but it really was amazing, the whole ceiling is layered with lights and fake trees, and bulbs. It kind of made you feel like you wanted to just sleep there under the lights. Anyway, like I said, quite lame, i know. And I wish I could tell you what happened after 5am but I really don't remember.
It all started to come back to me on Sunday when the delayed hangover started. The burger and tater tots didn't do the trick. Even shopping wasn't that enjoyable. I managed to spend $130 on clothes but the damage I could have done if I felt better would have been phenomenal, guess it's better I felt like I could hurl at any moment. Note to self, avoid cabs in new york city when hung over...
So, blah, blah, blah...came back on Monday. 7am Amtrak home. The Sweet one and I slept all the way from Penn Station in New York to Penn Station in Baltimore! It was nice. We got into D.C. around 10am then I had to go to work and that sucks ass!
The Sweet One and I are leaving tonight for Duck, North Carolina where his parents have a beach house. Their fam does Thanksgiving there every year and we go there every other year and this my dears is one of those years. I am so damned excited. I am going to sleep my face off. Then I'm gonna go running. Then I'm gonna eat. Repeat...
I don't know if I'll be taking the computer so if not i hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you share it with people that you love, or at least can tolerate for a few hours so you can eat some yummy food. And to all of you planning to fry your turkeys - please, for god's sake, don't burn the house down! To all of the Canadians, I'll be thinking about you too even though your day already passed.
Time to eat turkey bitches!
We got to New York, met up with the crew and proceeded to drink...and drink...and drink...Hit some of our fave bars. Someone kept ordering shots of rumplemintz, don't ask me why, and don't ask me why I kept drinking the shots of Scope but I did! I also did shots of tequila and honestly I don't know what else. I wish I could show you pictures but my drunk ass only took pictures of the amazing Christmas decorations in this one bar we went to. I know, lame but it really was amazing, the whole ceiling is layered with lights and fake trees, and bulbs. It kind of made you feel like you wanted to just sleep there under the lights. Anyway, like I said, quite lame, i know. And I wish I could tell you what happened after 5am but I really don't remember.
It all started to come back to me on Sunday when the delayed hangover started. The burger and tater tots didn't do the trick. Even shopping wasn't that enjoyable. I managed to spend $130 on clothes but the damage I could have done if I felt better would have been phenomenal, guess it's better I felt like I could hurl at any moment. Note to self, avoid cabs in new york city when hung over...
So, blah, blah, blah...came back on Monday. 7am Amtrak home. The Sweet one and I slept all the way from Penn Station in New York to Penn Station in Baltimore! It was nice. We got into D.C. around 10am then I had to go to work and that sucks ass!
The Sweet One and I are leaving tonight for Duck, North Carolina where his parents have a beach house. Their fam does Thanksgiving there every year and we go there every other year and this my dears is one of those years. I am so damned excited. I am going to sleep my face off. Then I'm gonna go running. Then I'm gonna eat. Repeat...
I don't know if I'll be taking the computer so if not i hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you share it with people that you love, or at least can tolerate for a few hours so you can eat some yummy food. And to all of you planning to fry your turkeys - please, for god's sake, don't burn the house down! To all of the Canadians, I'll be thinking about you too even though your day already passed.
Time to eat turkey bitches!
At 12:06 PM, November 22, 2005,
wopanese said…
Weird. I played at a charismatic episcopal church one sunday and it freaked me out - I was still in high school and my band director asked me to do it as a favor. So I played there and these really cute teenage girls sat up front... so I was thinking, in my teenage male horndog way, of talking them up after their service was over. Hey, cut me some slack, I was a teenage male.
Anyway, midway through the service, I found out what the charismatic part of it meant - these girls stood up and looked like they were in a trance, and they started crying during the service, with their arms lifted up to the heavens, looking like they were in a state of ecstacy... it creeped me out... very, VERY brain-washy, as you put it.
So, I left right after church was done - I couldn't even bring myself to try and corrupt these 2, it was sooo creepy.
Now, for those of you who worship this way - disclaimer here - remember, I was a teenage male who NEVER saw this sort of thing, okay? Nuff said. If that isn't enough, let's go out back and "talk" about it. ;)
At 1:37 PM, November 22, 2005,
wopanese said…
Now, you know I'm not picking on YOU when I talk about DC drivers... I'm picking on all the rest of them! You, I'll give you a pass. Sorry you suffered so for all your partying in New York and that your shopping suffered for it - New York is nothing if not a shopper's paradise/nightmare!
Hope you feel better after some beach air!
At 3:07 PM, November 22, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
You have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)
At 5:31 PM, November 22, 2005,
ago-go said…
ewwww, homeschooling makes me want to vomit...
At 5:37 PM, November 22, 2005,
(S)wine said…
and what the fuck are you doing at a church anyway. stay far away from those things.
homeschool. ha! codeword for: religious, socially-inept parents who carry on the tradition of fucking up their kids. Idjits! The lot o' them.
Happy Turkey Day. You'll be 2 hrs away from me. I'll think of you. Well...sort of.
At 2:18 AM, November 23, 2005,
peachy said…
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Sorry about the craft fair, but at least you spent all your earnings on clothes. YAY! hee hee.
At 11:14 AM, November 23, 2005,
aughra said…
enjoy your holiday... and sorry more tightass bitches didn't open their wallets for you.
At 9:47 PM, November 23, 2005,
Mike said…
I was hung over this morning. I think that I still am. No wait, I am drinking again! Great Blog!
At 2:43 PM, November 25, 2005,
(S)wine said…
why you callin' me a bitch? i'm a bust yo pretty little ass, dc-stylee.
At 1:45 AM, November 27, 2005,
CaCaBoy said…
I pity the home schooled. Their just sad.
Sounds like NYC was bumping. Glad you had fun! Have a Happy Turkey Day!
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