It Must Be Something in the Blogger
So, I think I got what Steph had...Last night I was like, tummy's feelin a little odd, oh well, guess I'll just go to bed. This morning I got up at an ungodly hour, got my gym clothes on and got ready to head out to the gym and get physical like Olivia Newton-John when the "feeling" came back. I spent the next 30 + minutes hunched over in the bathroom. At one point I think I saw Ellen DeGeneris and a puppy standing next to me...the pain was mind altering. I starting going into labor breathing and then, once it "passed" I felt fine...until the next go round.
I'm going to spare you the rest of the gory details but the fact is I'm home, still in my gym shorts and sports bra, being sick and miserable...Hope everyone else is having a good, healthy day!
I'm going to spare you the rest of the gory details but the fact is I'm home, still in my gym shorts and sports bra, being sick and miserable...Hope everyone else is having a good, healthy day!
At 2:25 PM, November 08, 2005,
(S)wine said…
Ha! After all that junk you spewed over on Polly's site...YOU'RE PREGNANT!
"I can't imagine my hubby being "down there" when and if I decide to deliver a little brat one day! So gross and alien like..."
Karma, yo!
At 2:37 PM, November 08, 2005,
popfizz said…
between yours and ho's posts today im never fucking eating again.
weightloss via blog.
At 3:44 PM, November 08, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
amp - I'm coming after you if I'm preggers! That is the meanest thing you've ever said to me! I'm going to go throw myself down the steps after stabbing myself in the stomach...see ya!
pop - it's a great way to diet apparently! I think I've lost 3 pounds already today! YAYYY
At 4:52 PM, November 08, 2005,
The Funky Bee said…
Steph - Ellen started dancing around me as I lay on the floor and I had to kick her in the knees, then poof! She was gone and she took the cute little puppy with her...and I will join you in the curses!!! no one needs that, NO ONE!
At 4:57 PM, November 08, 2005,
Chick said…
Well...if you stick with won't have to worry about the whole preggers thing.
Feel better soon.
At 7:25 PM, November 08, 2005,
(S)wine said…
Bee-bee, is that really a threat? You coming after me with a knife is right up my alley, you know.
Feel better soon, though.
At 7:35 PM, November 08, 2005,
wopanese said…
Have you been having the urges to put up wax hexagonal tubes in your home?
Just checking.
Hope you feel better!
At 10:40 PM, November 08, 2005,
lecram sinun said…
Hope you're feeling better soon.
At 11:54 PM, November 08, 2005,
HS said…
hahaha! I feel the same way if I was to suddenly be 'prego'...babies don't fit into my schedule.
Hope you are feeling better soon hun! And yeah, I'd totally dig that recipie!
At 10:01 AM, November 09, 2005,
aughra said…
It's Avian Flu.
Take care, feel better soon.
At 10:15 AM, November 09, 2005,
Andi said…
Eeek! Hope you feel better soon. I feel a bit wobbly in the tum, but I don't think it's bad enough to provoke Ellen and a puppy.
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