Is what I've been working on for what seems like years! I have obviously done a lot so far. I've been through many types of stripping chemicals and sanding machines (wow, I probably could have bought a desk by now). Stripping a desk is hard and frustrating. As you can see I have taken out all of the tools including a crow bar...don't ask! My hands are sore, my back is sore, my knees are sore...don't ask!
My dad gave me this desk a couple of years ago and it's been in my basement, what used to be the makeshift office since. It used to belong to my younger sisters but now it's mine. I also want to murder them for the butterfly stickers they attached to the most random places - under and on drawers, the back of the desk, back side of legs...? - and to the little moron that decided to bang the back of her eraser-less pencil into the top of the desk because now we have blue circular dents that are almost impossible to even sand out. But I'm not bitter...
I can not WAIT until I finish this thing because it's gonna look awesome in my guest room/office. I haven' decided if I want to paint it so it looks old and distressed OR if I want to make it funky and paint the legs a different color and put different colors and designs on different portions of the desk. What do you all think? I'm leaning towards funky because well, I myself am a bit funky. We'll see. Anyway, I feel like I got a significant amount done last night. BUT looking at it...maybe not. UUGGH
At 1:43 PM, October 18, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Stripping and refinishing is hard work but very rewarding! I spent ages redoing an old dining table CCB's parents gave us. It's beautiful but no it needs chairs....
IF you decide to go funky wit it you can use some wood putty to fill in the circles left by the eraserless pencil. Sand it smooth and VIOLA!
I'm torn as to what I would do with it. It would depend on what the room it was going into was like. I hope that made sense.
I wish you were my neighbor I'd love to help!
At 4:49 PM, October 18, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO! I wish you were my neighbor too, I could really use your help. God, it is seriously like the paint on there needs to be sand blasted off. It's such a mess and it's taking forever. I can't wait to post pictures when it's done. I'll be so proud!
At 5:25 PM, October 18, 2006,
Sassy said…
Stripping is definately a work out...but the rewards are usually pretty good if done right....
At 10:46 PM, October 18, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
what kind of stripping are you talking about Sassy? I wonder about you... ;O)
At 11:25 AM, October 19, 2006,
Andi said…
Wow, that will look AMAZING when it's done!
At 2:50 PM, October 19, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
i used to do stuff like that but now i just sit on the couch and watch the dog.
At 7:24 PM, October 20, 2006,
Sassy said…
Hehe...I wonder about myself too.
I assure you that I'm sweet and innocent...just not alllll the time ;-)
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