The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Two Things

Okay....first, the most important/exciting thing!!! I FINALLY felt the baby today! I was kind of in between laughing and crying - well, I didn't do either because I was at work BUT, I FELT THE BABY! I FELT THE BABY!

I have to admit, I was starting to get a little nervous. When you're pregnant EVERYONE loves to give you their opinions and insights and little tid bits. Some of you may know this...Anyway, I have been hearing for the last month+ that I should be feeling the baby by now. Well guess what? I WASN'T. At first I was just like, okay, it will come. As of earlier this week I was convinced that my baby was dead. I know, I know, dramatic, but what the hell. You spend your entire youth trying not to get pregnant then when you're "ready" for it, you have to protect it and worry every second that anything can go wrong. God help me when this little person is actually here and can get into so much more danger.

Anyway, I was sitting in kind of a scrunched up position, hiding the fact that I was finishing up a book at my desk (more of that in a minute), and I felt this kind of twitching. Then kind of a movement. Then more twitching. I knew instantly what it was! My little Peanut was finally making his presence known. Now I'm sure I'll be begging before long for it to just stop and give me some peace. But for now, the movement is my peace! Yayyy my baby's alive!!!

Ooooh Look! Scary alien looking fetus drawing:


NOW...onto books. Damn you, damn you, damn you Book Club! So, usually we take a poll on about 3 books to decide what we'll read for book club. I wanted Middlesex, but apparently the majority did not! SO, we are reading Twilight.


Well, I have been avoiding this book because I just figured, eh, vampires? Not my thing really. I just wasn't interested. Well, I ordered the book and it came on Wednesday evening. And now I'm done reading this 500 page book in a day and a half, and it only took me that long because I had to do silly things like come to work, go to meetings speak to other human beings, and other things like that...

I know the general audience of these books, and apparently, so does my husband because he is now calling me a teenage girl. Well, so be it. I really liked this damn book. I mean, yes, it's "fantasy" but it was so easy to read. It was full of teen angst and emotion and I just really enjoyed getting wrapped up in it and reading it. Now I have to go get the other 3 in the series...damn it!

Happy weekend Everyone!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Random Post

Okay, is it just me or are our toothbrushes beginning to really resemble our sneakers? I mean, I remember when my toothbrush was one color and the bristles were another. And that was it. Now, if my toothbrush isn't 16 colors I get nervous...I'm not complaining. I mean, whatever. If that's what the toothbrush companies need to do to market their products to us and continue promoting good oral health then so be it. I am a little disturbed by how much our brushes do cost these days. It's almost cheaper to buy a pair of sneakers and rub them across your teeth...I guess that wouldn't be too hygienic. Anyway, here are some pictures for your comparison. Hmmm, maybe Nike is designing dental products these days?

Picture 6

Picture 4

Picture 14

Picture 16

Picture 15

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


FINALLY it's snowing here. It has been brutally cold this winter, already, but I haven't seen a lick of snow, or any other precipitation for that matter. It's just not worth having winter if it's not going to do something. I'm all for global warming if it's going to be warm out all year long. I know, I know, not a good thing...

Anyway, it's finally snowing significantly here. There's not a lot on the ground yet but it's coming down steadily and isn't supposed to stop until this evening. And, because I am a super wimp, and because I got cocky once and decided to drive in the snow and got into an accident, I no longer drive in the snow. So, here I sit with the pooch, enjoying a snow day!

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Lucy has been going NUTS playing in the snow. She loves it. In a little bit I will be bundling up and we're going for a fun, snowy walk to the park. I can't wait.

Here are a few pic's and a video of crazy snow dog, Lucy!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes I Did!

So, I was just going to stay home and watch history unfold on television but my wonderful, loving and very important husband ended up getting my mom and I awesome tickets to the inauguration with seats literally about 100 yards from where our 44th President was being sworn in. And then, as if that wasn't cool enough, the hubby got the hook up and brought us all the way up to the lower seating area, right underneath the stage to watch the events. It was amazing and it was so cool to witness this day first hand.


In the morning, my mom and I bundled up and joined the hoards of people getting on the Metro, packed in like sardines and made our way down town. Slowly, but surely, we got there. Once in the city we were treated like royalty with the amazing tickets we had. I'm not exaggerating. Once we showed our tickets, the police waived us through at every check point. We passed lots of unfortunate people with either no tickets or tickets that were not as good as ours and made our way to our amazing seats.

People on the platform

metro sardines

Once we were seated the hubby called me to ask if we would like to move up to the stage area...Uhhh, yeah! So, we headed up front. Unfortunately, even being very close up, you could see Obama and the others much better on the jumbo tron, which was still fine with me. His speech was inspiring and really powerful.

As we were walking up to the main stage we passed Halle Berry. She was so cute and I just couldn't help myself, I said, "hi Halle Berry" and she looked and me, waved and said hello. It was funny. Once on the stage area, I missed my shots of Jay-Z and Beyonce, which I am not too upset about, but I did get some fun pictures of some other celebs. There's Denzel Washington, Smokie Robinson, an actress from the show The Wire and basketball player Dikembe Mutombo.


It was just awesome to be part of such an amazing day. We even got to see Executive One take off with Mr and Mrs Bush inside headed back to Andrews Air Force Base and then eventually back to Texas. Bye Bye Bushy!

Executive One Departing...Bye Bye Bush!

I know that the whole country, and really, the whole world is hopeful for the U.S. right now with Barack Obama coming into office but it's going to be a long road and there is a lot of work to do. I feel bad for our new president and the tasks he has in front of him. I hope we're not putting too much pressure on him because in reality, he is just one man. He can't solve this country's problems in one day, or even possibly his entire term in office. I pray that he is successful in all of his endeavors and I'll support him all that I can. Despite the state of our nation, it is an amazing time in history and I am so proud to be a part of it.

we live here

A Sea of People

Since there are so many, here is a link to my pictures from the inauguration:

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy MLK Day!

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It's been a busy weekend around there parts...

Well, Friday night we stayed home because it was butt ass cold out. Okay, not 40 below, Minnesota cold, but it was 7 degrees and windy. Need I say more? So we vegged and chilled and read books.

On Saturday we did all kinds of house stuff then went to the 9:30 Club to see Adele. She is AMAZING! Her voice is effortlessly soulful and perfect and inspiring and bold. I swear if there were no instruments playing behind her we wouldn't even notice. And on top of all that, she's adorable. She's humble and kind of has that "aww shucks" attitude when people cheer her on and give her props. If you have the chance you should definitely go see her. The crowd at the venue was one of the most diverse I have ever seen for an artist. I saw elderly people (and I'm not kidding, there was a frail, probably mid-80's woman in front of us!), there were African-American teenagers up in the front row singing along with every song, there were middle aged white folk, there were men, women, gay and straight. It was actually very cool to see. I guess she is truly an artist for the masses...


On Sunday I threw a little bridal shower brunch at a local spot that has one of THE BEST Sunday brunches in town. I made mini wedding cakes for all of the guests, seen below:


Unfortunately, the 9 guests turned into 4! I decided to try and do something nice for a friend and in the end, people show their true colors. It's so typical. So, my husbands best friend is getting married next month to a girl who doesn't have any family locally and has maybe one or two friends. SO, all of the wives and girlfriends of the men decided it would be a nice thing to have a little shower for her since she wouldn't otherwise have one. In theory it was a great plan, and it did turn out to be a lovely affair. Unfortunately on the morning of, one person apparently fell down the stairs and couldn't come...hmmm, another had to stay home with her sick daughter - her daughter is 16! And the other one, the bride's friend, called the bride to let her know that she wouldn't be able to make it. Whatever. I shouldn't have been offended because really, it wasn't my gig. I know my friends and family would have shown up. The thing that bothered me were the lame, last minute back-out's when they all knew that there wouldn't be many people there in the first place. Oh well, I tried.

Today we're off work in remembrance of Martin Luther King, Jr. I saw some flurries out the window that made me super happy so we're going to bundle up and take the pooch for a nice long walk since the temperatures have risen a bit. Then it's back to organizing the house...Woo Hoo!

Happy Monday Everyone!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Well...we went to see the wizard today and it appears that...





That's right, as one co-worker pointed out, I have a penis growing inside of me. Now that is a visual that just doesn't go over very well, but since I'm so nice I decided to share that with you! Happy Friday and all that.

The hubby is over the moon. I am so happy and just really glad that things look normal and healthy. The baby is growing at a good rate and all things seem to be going well. I'm feeling great and really can't complain about a thing. Now...I just need to figure out how on earth to raise a boy! HA...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So, fellow blogger Cold Hands kind of got me thinking about this the other day and since then I can't stop thinking about this dumb show.

I'm talking about The Real Housewives of Orange County (and subsequent spin off's Atlanta and New York). Okay, I am embarrassed as it is to admit that when this stupid fucking show comes on I get sucked in like a damn train wreck and often can't change the channel. So much so that I know the stupid stories going on from last week and know the relationships between these whores. It also might have something to do with the fact that Bravo replays this show like 6,000 times a day. Mainly while I'm watching I kind of just sit there with my jaw on the floor, head shaking, wondering, what planet these people come from. For reference, and I know you don't need it because I can assure you that every one of you has seen this show in some capacity, here is a picture:


These women have to be some of the worst people on earth. They are the most vapid, self centered, self absorbed, pathetic, mean spirited, superficial, materialistic, ugly people I have ever had the misfortune of "watching".

Some of them can't move their faces because of all their botox. They are all so obsessed with "looking" young, when in actuality they look like pathetic, plastic old women trying too hard. They do the meanest things to one another and "outsiders" and still, they go to bed happy at night as if they were good people.

A few episodes ago a couple of these dumb bitches went on a trip to Napa with their bitches, I mean, husbands and seriously should be so embarrassed of their performances. They made a big deal about the fact that they were going to a very fancy restaurant, which they are accustomed to of course...While dining on their wine pairing tasting menu, these bitches make themselves look like the biggest morons on the planet. They claim to have great taste and be so worldly when in actuality they are nothing more than trailer trash that happened to come into some money.

While dining on dishes that most uncultured human being would recognize, if not from trying themselves, at the very least from watching the Food Network, they made themselves, effortlessly I must say, look like fools!

When the oysters arrived, Whore #1 let everyone know that she could not stomach them in any way shape or form. Okay, understandable, some people just don't care for the texture of raw oysters. I'll give them that one.

When the next dish came out, some sashimi style fish, perhaps it was tuna, Whore #2 poked at it and then decided, "I don't do the sushi thing". Okay you fuck, why did you order all of this shit if you don't eat it...but I digress...

The next dish comes out and it's some type of bone marrow, which most people know is currently very trendy and considered a delicacy. All of the dinner guests scoffed and just couldn't bring themselves to even TRY the dish.

Next comes the Foie Gras. Fist of all, no one at the table has even HEARD of this dish. So, they ask the waiter what it is and he explains to the idiots that it's duck liver and fat. Personally, I don't care for the dish. I've tried it and it's too rich for my unrefined pallet, however, these upper crust bitches should, if nothing else, have heard of it! Of course W#1 and W#2 agree that they cannot fathom eating duck liver and fat. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You are eating a meal that is probably about $150 - 200 a person, has a menu designed by a talented chef and you can't even taste these dishes that you clearly have never heard of? UUGGHH! I HATE YOU!

They all eventually leave probably starving, a feeling I'm sure they're used to by now, and honestly, they should have just grabbed a slice of pizza or hit the McDonald's because clearly that's all their pallet is used to. What a waste of space these people are.

There is one chick who is dating a man that is 2 years younger than her father. He is currently, well, in the show anyway, battling cancer. Since this show was taped I heard that the poor man has passed away. Regardless, this girl is constantly picked on and targeted by the other bitches and it's so mean. It's also because she's only 30, hot and the other sluts are so obviously jealous of her. But, don't get me wrong. She's a stupid whore too. Not much about her is honorable or stand up either, she just seems to be a little less deplorable than the other real whorewives...

Anyway, I could clearly go on forever. And yes, it is hard to be as perfect as I am, but let me put it this way, I would never put my life out there for the world to see and be proud of the way that me and my neighbors lived if I had any of the qualities of these people. I guess that's why someone like me, my family and my friends wouldn't make good television. So, as embarrassed as I am that I watch this trash, I am more embarrassed for these women and their families. Oh, and I probably won't stop watching any time soon, look what our society has become...what can you do?

Monday, January 12, 2009

OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I did something very foolish and gratuitous last week and I am so, so happy about it!!!!

I bought a new computer and it FINALLY CAME TODAY! Do I need a new computer right this second? Probably not. Will I need one in like a month or two at the worst possible moment? Probably. SO, I decided look, I have the cash right now, once the baby is here the thought of a new computer will be out the window, so, I went for it! And yes, my current computer is quite old and even with buying a new hard drive to transfer over lots of pictures and things of that nature, I still keep getting error messages about my start-up disc being almost full, cd's get stuck in my machine and I'm sure you don't care to be convinced that I needed a new laptop!

Anyway, I got a brand new MacBook Pro and Apple was having a promotion for $100 off a new printer, so, I bought a printer that cost $99.99! Yipeeee!!! I can not wait to play with it and love it and snuggle with it and take it to the park, oh, just kidding. But I am pumped!! Now I'll be able to upload all of the baby's videos and pictures effortlessly, he he...

Here is a picture of my shiny, new toy! I think I'm in love...

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The baby shower this past weekend didn't kill me but it was semi-painful. The hubby and I have been continuing on our war path of house cleaning, purging, reorganizing our home and as exhausting as it is, we are making a TON of progress and it's looking so, so good! I may even post pictures some time soon. Perhaps when we get the baby's room looking good...? Hope everyone is having as good a day as I am!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Ahhh the weekend! I don't know about you all, but for me, this week just flew by!

This weekend will be action packed, as usual. Tonight a bunch of friends and I are taking the hubby out to a new restaurant for his Birthday. It's called Founding Farmers and it looks deelish!

Tomorrow I am going to a baby shower for one of my husband's cousins. I actually like her a lot so hopefully it won't be too painful. I've decided to take the advice of one of you smarty pants that gave me the idea for my shower to ask that gifts be brought unwrapped but with gift tags on them so we know who they're from. That will cut down on the whole, let's watch the momma open gifts in front of everyone for the next 3 hours! Why oh why are these things so lame. It's not fair. Just hearing the word "shower" makes me cringe!

On Sunday my MIL will be making din din for my hubby's birthday so that should be a nice, relaxing visit too. And yummy food to boot!

My belly continues to grow and grow. There's no hiding it anymore. I am clearly pregnant!! We find out next week what we're having, hopefully. As long as the little monster cooperates and shows us the goods, we'll know if we're having a little sister or brother for Lucy!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll leave you with some embarrassing shots of the (clothed) ever expanding belly!

17/18 Weeks17/18 Weeks

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Wow! The holidays came and went but I sure as hell didn't show up around here, did I? I miss everyone so I will for sure be spending the day checking you all out - not while I'm working of course!

So, about 5 or 6 months ago the hubby and I were all ready to start major renovations on our home. We had all of the drawings, we had the builder lined up, we were preparing to pull our permits from the county and then we tried to get a loan...and well, we all know how that goes. It's not even necessary to explain the state of the economy and the fact that TSO and I clearly don't make over $100 Million a year so getting a loan was just not happening. I've never had such problems and even started to worry when financial institutions that we were dealing with just up and stopped calling us back. I guess they figured there was just nothing more to talk about and boy did they have a way of letting us know. Very professional, let me tell you!

Anyway, that's when we decided, well, best not to put the rest of our lives on hold, and we decided to try for a baby. Well, we obviously succeeded at that. Who knew! And hey, you don't need to make $100 Million a year for that little project.

So over the holidays the "nesting" instinct kicked in. We have been very busy. Now, don't get me wrong, our home is small, however, it is very comfortable for hubby, pooch and I and the soon to be intruder, I mean, baby. Hubby's bro and our SIL just recently had a baby and they live in a condo that is a hundred times smaller than our house, has no storage what so ever, no yard, and they are making it just fine. Our problem is our poor use of space. So, we've decided to tackle this problem since it looks like we'll be staying in our house, as is, for a little while at least. And hey, I bet many families, with multiple children, were raised in our home before we came along and I'm fairly certain they all came out unscathed!

So over the holidays we made trips to IKEA and Target. We bought shelving systems and large storage containers, trash bags and suction storage bags...we bought it all! We have been doing a MAJOR purge of our closets, our attic, our basement, our junk. Let me tell you, I think I saw the trash/recycling men flipping us off the other day. I know I would if I were them!

We made our back, enclosed porch into a bit of an organized storage unit. We worked on it for hours and hours and it looks spectacular! All of our overflow dishes, platters, decorative "stuff" and 2 full book shelves now have their own room. I took my clothes down from 3 full closets to 1 !!!! This also has something to do with the fact that I can't wear any of my "normal" clothes right now so they are safely stored in the attic with 3 bins full of shoes that I also can't wear, but the fact that I have everything in one closet baffles even me! AmVets is going to shit themselves when they see the pick up they're gonna have to haul off from our house.

And so, when everyone is talking about their winter vacations and holidays spent with family, I can tell the story of dust bunnies that have been behind things for the last 7 years, clothes that I didn't even know I had, splinters and dirty hands, an aching back and making head way towards a clean, simplified house. YAyyy! Next...the movement of furniture in preparation for an actual BABY ROOM! Yikes...

Oh, and I would post pictures but I bet you'd like to see my organized back porch and my closets as much as I'd like a hot poker in my ass. So, here's Lucy, being cute as usual instead!

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Yes, I'm cute