The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Monday, January 12, 2009

OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I did something very foolish and gratuitous last week and I am so, so happy about it!!!!

I bought a new computer and it FINALLY CAME TODAY! Do I need a new computer right this second? Probably not. Will I need one in like a month or two at the worst possible moment? Probably. SO, I decided look, I have the cash right now, once the baby is here the thought of a new computer will be out the window, so, I went for it! And yes, my current computer is quite old and even with buying a new hard drive to transfer over lots of pictures and things of that nature, I still keep getting error messages about my start-up disc being almost full, cd's get stuck in my machine and I'm sure you don't care to be convinced that I needed a new laptop!

Anyway, I got a brand new MacBook Pro and Apple was having a promotion for $100 off a new printer, so, I bought a printer that cost $99.99! Yipeeee!!! I can not wait to play with it and love it and snuggle with it and take it to the park, oh, just kidding. But I am pumped!! Now I'll be able to upload all of the baby's videos and pictures effortlessly, he he...

Here is a picture of my shiny, new toy! I think I'm in love...

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The baby shower this past weekend didn't kill me but it was semi-painful. The hubby and I have been continuing on our war path of house cleaning, purging, reorganizing our home and as exhausting as it is, we are making a TON of progress and it's looking so, so good! I may even post pictures some time soon. Perhaps when we get the baby's room looking good...? Hope everyone is having as good a day as I am!


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