The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Friday, September 28, 2007

So Yesterday was my Bee-day. The hubby...ohhh that hubby. If I didn't know better I'd think he had a girlfriend on the side he was feeling bad about. Okay kidding, I hope! He has always been the sweetest of the sweet but I swear, with every year I spend with him he just keeps getting better. God he better not turn out to be gay...

Last night, well midnight The Hubbster gave me an amazing card and beautiful flowers. Awwww...then, as I'm cutting the ends off the flowers and digging under the sink for a vase I hear a creeeaaaking noise.

ME: Ummm...was that the door?
Hubby: No it was Jimmy Kimmel
ME: No, I swear I heard the...
DOOR: soft knock, knock, knock...
ME: Yep! It's the door

I opened the door to find two of my younger sisters and two of their friends. They were driving a friend home and decided to drive by to wish me a happy birthday. They are nuts and the sweetest! Seeing as it was officially the date of my birth for approximately 7 minutes, I seemed to be off to a good start.

I woke up and hung out with the pup, drank my coffee, remembered how good time off can be... The Sweet One made me a massage appointment at 2pm and let me tell you, it was needed and AMAZING. Heavenly. I felt great afterward. I came home and relaxed then got ready for din din. TSO took me to a super yummy, popular sushi place in DC. Everything we had was deelish, and not too pricey, which made me feel a little better. After dinner we stopped at a bar in Dupont Circle to meet some of my girlfriends that were out drinking and celebrating another friend's belated birthday. It was so crowded and such a scene. Perfect for just one drink. Came home to a crying pooch, we think there was a big storm that scared her. Anyway, once we got her calmed down we hunkered down with some wine and other good things and watched The Office. Ahhh...another great birthday. If you're any younger than I am you are probably thinking, "wow, what a lame birthday". Well, I must really be getting old because I thought it was PERFECT. I'm a lucky, lucky girl!

Hope you all had a good day too.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do people really eat at Quizno's? Seriously, do they? I mean, we are inundated with their stupid commercials here and the two times I have tried it I have wanted to throw the nasty sub out the window at an old lady walking her poodle. I think their subs are gross. So, just wondering if anyone else out there felt the same way...and if you don't, fuck you. HA! kidding. But you know I'm right, they're just not good.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So I woke up with a horrible stiff neck on Sunday that went from the left side of my neck all the way down my back and pretty much across my shoulders. Needless to say I looked like a fool trying to check out my blind spots while driving that day! Anyway, a day spent tailgating and sitting at a football game only made matters worse. Sleeping was a disaster on Sunday night and the pooch and I stayed in bed until about 11am on Monday, seeing as I didn't actually get to sleep until about 6am. Thank god puppies like to sleep and cuddle.

Anyway, I did little to nothing yesterday. I surfed the web looking into some new ventures that I may be interested in (more on that later) and I have to say I wasn't very productive. I did take a shower and I made dinner for the hubby so I wasn't a complete lump but I have to admit I felt very guilty. Why? I have no idea. I even called one of the stay at home mom's and asked her if she ever felt guilty about staying home. She said no, so that was no help. I'm just not used to not having a job to go to. I guess if I didn't still have a paycheck coming in then I would have a reason to feel bad but since I am still getting paid and my whole no job situtation isn't really my fault I should just suck it up and enjoy my time off. I don't know why I'm finding this whole concept difficult. It may be the whole Catholic thing...damn catholic guilt!

I looked up some dog friendly stores and restaurants on line and I think today I'll take the pooch to Annapolis to walk around and enjoy some of the last really nice weather before winter gets here. Plus The Sweet One's cousin has a store down town in Annapolis and I know I can take little Lucy in there too. Tomorrow I think we'll tackle DC. Coffee shops, free WiFi, lots of grass to poop on. What else could a dog want?

I am going to make this time off the best I can. No more goofy guilt. I promise.

Hope Everyone had a great weekend.

Here's a pic of the pooch under my couch this morning. Ummm, yeah, no idea. She likes to go under the couch and probably play with toys that are stuck under there and growl and bark. If you didn't know, you'd think we had a growling couch!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jeez, I feel like since being off work I have less time to post, read other people's blogs and spend any time really on the computer. I guess that's a good thing.

I have been keeping busy and my house has never been cleaner! It's only been a week of not having to go into work but it seems like longer. I have seen my mom twice already this week and I am getting together with some of my "stay at home mom" friends tomorrow. I could really get used to this whole staying at home and still getting paid thing...

On that note, I have a couple of leads for jobs. Unfortunately, one of them sounds like it could be a great gig BUT it's at my old company and I really don't want to give up my severance nor do I know if I ever really want to work at that company again. I really do just have such a bad taste in my mouth from that place right now. I feel like if I ever were to go back it would have to be after a nice chunk of time away from there. So, we'll see. I'm not worried about any of it yet. Now, if we start getting to month 5 of my 6 month severance and I still don't have a job then we might be in trouble and you may hear some crying and bitching from me...

Anyway, we're going to some cool beer festival in DC this weekend. Looks like it should be fun. Lots of live music, lots of local breweries are sponsoring it and it should just be a good time. I'll let you all know how it was. Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend too!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


WHOAHHH! I feel like I've been in a time warp. A cake induced time warp. Not only did I have out of town family staying with me for this weekend's family wedding, I had to complete the wedding cake.

I decided to share some shots of the process. I will admit, looking back, my first attempt at cake baking was majorly ambitious. I can't believe I agreed to make a WEDDING CAKE as my first cake. I think it turned out pretty nice. Of course I saw every flaw, and yes, there were many, but hey, they got what they paid for. And, when we got to the wedding, after traveling with the cake, it started to lean!!! I was nervous but it all worked out and if I do say so myself, the cake tasted AMAZING, which is kind of the most important part, right? OMG, I don't want to toot my own horn, and I don't really like cake, but this one was super yummy! It was moist and chocolaty and YUM.

I made a dark chocolate cake. I cut each double layer in two, making four layers. In between each layer I put a cream cheese filling and a raspberry filling, then I iced the entire thing with a dark chocolate icing for the fondant to kind of "stick" to.

After that I supported each layer with dowel rods and then I stacked them, added dowels through the entire cake and then decorated. was a long, hard road. I had a back ache from standing for so long and when I finally decided to kneel on a pillow in the kitchen to decorate that way I could barely move my legs. It was quite pleasant.

Anyway, I got it done. The bride and groom were pleased, as were all of the guests, and I have to say, I was pretty pleased myself. Hopefully the next one will turn out even better!

Oh, and the wedding and visitors were awesome. It's been a great long weekend!

I guess the cake was liked by all because this is all that was left and the cake was pretty huge! Yayy, I can do this, I can really do this!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

So it's a done deal...My last day at my company is October 1st and I am not complaining one bit. I am actually very happy and just so glad that I finally KNOW what's going on. Most of my colleagues are contractually obligated to stay until December 31st which is completely brutal if you ask me. I don't know if they took pity on me or if the incessant bitching to my HR robot last week did the trick for me to get out earlier but a lot of my co-workers are very jealous.

So, I got a severance package and it's pretty fair. I was also told that if I found another position within the company I was allowed to stay or come back at a later date. I'm just not too sure I want to work for this company anymore. It just isn't the place it used to be and the people that are running the show over there are not the kind of people I want to work for...ever!

I spent from about 3pm - 10pm at the pub with my entire team. Some people were sad. I honestly don't have the energy to be sad about this anymore. I am very, very happy to be honest. On the way home I stopped at McDonald's. I felt like it was just one of those "special" occasions that deserved a late night McDonald's meal. And let me tell you, it was good.

So, there we have it. It's all good in the hood. Now, if anyone wants a shopping buddy or someone to play hooky with, just give me a call, I'll be around! Why this couldn't happen during the summer is just a travesty because I could have spent the whole time at the beach or pool but I guess I can't have everything my way...

Monday, September 10, 2007

When you finish reading this story I am forbidding anyone from looking up my husband and hunting him down for their own...I'm warning you. Don't do it. I'll be there waiting for you, and believe me, you're gonna want to!!!

SO - yesterday was TSO and my first wedding anniversary. Holy Crap! I can not believe we've been married for a year already. It seems like we got married yesterday.

Anyway, I am going to go ahead and tell you that I have the best husband in the world. He is the most caring, amazing man I have ever met in my life and I thank god for him not only on my anniversary but every day of my life.

My wonderful husband planned the whole day for us. Every single step of the way, they were all surprises for me. I had nothing to do with any of the planning or set up. He did it ALL and I knew nothing until it was happening. It was an amazing day. I've never felt so special and appreciated in my life.

We woke up early and dropped the pooch off at my parents house. The first stop was the church where we got married for mass. Now, anyone that knows my husband knows that he pretty much hates church and he took me to "our" church knowing that it would make me happy. It was so nice. After church we went down to a beautiful area down on the Potomac River in DC and had a full picnic with cheeses, pate, crackers, mimosa's, beautiful fruit...ahh, it was amazing. The weather was perfect, the setting was stunning and the company couldn't have been any better. We sat around and ate, drank, napped and enjoyed our time together. He thought of everything and had it all together and set up like a pro!

After the picnic we went home to watch the Redskins game. It was great because they won. Once the game was over we headed out for our next adventure. My wonderful husband arranged for us to have a couples massage. It was HEAVENLY! It was an hour of pure bliss and I didn't want to get up from the table! God I love this man...

After our wonderful massages, we got dressed in our finest outfits (the hubby had to wear a jacket! I knew we were in for something good) and headed to the next spot. We went down to Georgetown and had a few drinks down at the waterfront. That is also where we encountered a real life Crocket and Tubbs. No joke, this dude had a white "blazer/jacket" thing on with NO SHIRT UNDERNEATH! Welcome to 1980 you STUD! So, as any smart person would do, I took their picture...


So, after we had some drinks we headed to dinner at an amazing restaurant called 1789. It is a Georgetown staple yet we've never eaten there so it was a real treat. They started us off by bringing out a bottle of our favorite sparkling wine from Napa Valley. Then they brought the menu. My husband had them print, in the menu, "May every year be as great as the first has been", or something like that, I know I'm butchering it. Anyway, then the date and the hubby's name. That's when the tears started. I just felt so completely wonderful. So appreciated and loved and like I am literally the luckiest woman alive.

Our meal was superb and the entire day and evening was just magical. I can not explain how great it all was. These words are just not enough! I had the most amazing day and I will never forget it. All I know is that I'm a better person for even knowing the hubby and marrying him was the best decision I've ever made. I hope everyone is as lucky as I am when it comes to the person they will spend the rest of their lives with. Men...take notes!

And with that, I will find out my "fate" today at work and I don't even care. Nothing can take me off the high from yesterday....nothing!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Things are getting better every day with the pup. She's getting to know us and we're getting to know her. I know it takes a little time but we're bonding and we'll get back to where we were with Nola before we know it. Even The Sweet One was saying how he isn't sure she likes us yet. Well, I'm certain that she likes us. She's a dog and we feed her for god's sake. But I do know what he means. We just don't have the LUUUV yet that we had with Nola and that's normal, I think. We'll get there once we start getting into more of a routine and learning each other's quirks. So far she's been sleeping through the night and she hasn't gone to the bathroom in the house in a few days now. We're making progress! (yeah, she does a lot of sleeping!)

...I have to make the wedding cake I told you all about a couple of months ago and I have to admit, I'm getting a little nervous about it. The wedding is on September 15th so I have to use next week to get it all together/baked/frozen/iced/decorated...AHHH! I hope it all works out. I took this picture of the picture from a bridal magazine that my cousin's fiance wants her cake to look like.

It looks easy enough. At least I'm confident that I could do this. Thank god she didn't pick something more elaborate. I guess I would have just had to tell her that it wasn't gonna happen if that was the case.

Of course I haven't practiced making the colored fondant or anything but how hard can it be, right? I really hope I'm not getting myself in over my head. I guess I better make a schedule for myself. I'm thinking decorate it three days in advance in case I have to go buy a replacement...HA!

So, I found out yesterday that I should be layed off, or at least know my future at work by next Wednesday. So here I sit and wait some more. I just hope they lay me off at this point. It's so frustrating but I'm gonna keep a (fake) smile on my face and be very positive and professional when all I really want to do is drop kick those bitches, get them in a rear naked choke and beat them down! But anyway...enough of that. (and yes, Danjerus - i know that I should just suck it up and look at the bigger picture. I am trying to do that, I really am, but this is being dragged on so long I feel like these people are never going to let me move on with my life, BUT I do appreciate your advice and I really do take it to heart and I know I don't have it too bad, I just like to complain about it)

So, it's Thursday already and for that I'm thankful. I hope everyone has a great day!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

kitchen clambake 2

So this weekend was great. We had a "kitchen clam bake" with my family. It was our first try and it turned out really well. We had so much food and it was so yummy. Of course I forgot to take pictures until it was too late so the pic's below are basically carnage and whatever was left and put in the oven to stay warm. It does still look good though huh?

We spent a lot of time with the pup and had a lot of down time this weekend and it was great. So I'm back to "work" and just totally depressed and bummed about it. I still don't have a clear role, boss, job...I don't know what's going to happen but it's really driving me nuts. I also don't really have much to talk about so now I'm going to check all of you out. Thank god this is a short week...