So I woke up with a horrible stiff neck on Sunday that went from the left side of my neck all the way down my back and pretty much across my shoulders. Needless to say I looked like a fool trying to check out my blind spots while driving that day! Anyway, a day spent tailgating and sitting at a football game only made matters worse. Sleeping was a disaster on Sunday night and the pooch and I stayed in bed until about 11am on Monday, seeing as I didn't actually get to sleep until about 6am. Thank god puppies like to sleep and cuddle.
Anyway, I did little to nothing yesterday. I surfed the web looking into some new ventures that I may be interested in (more on that later) and I have to say I wasn't very productive. I did take a shower and I made dinner for the hubby so I wasn't a complete lump but I have to admit I felt very guilty. Why? I have no idea. I even called one of the stay at home mom's and asked her if she ever felt guilty about staying home. She said no, so that was no help. I'm just not used to not having a job to go to. I guess if I didn't still have a paycheck coming in then I would have a reason to feel bad but since I am still getting paid and my whole no job situtation isn't really my fault I should just suck it up and enjoy my time off. I don't know why I'm finding this whole concept difficult. It may be the whole Catholic thing...damn catholic guilt!
I looked up some dog friendly stores and restaurants on line and I think today I'll take the pooch to Annapolis to walk around and enjoy some of the last really nice weather before winter gets here. Plus The Sweet One's cousin has a store down town in Annapolis and I know I can take little Lucy in there too. Tomorrow I think we'll tackle DC. Coffee shops, free WiFi, lots of grass to poop on. What else could a dog want?
I am going to make this time off the best I can. No more goofy guilt. I promise.
Hope Everyone had a great weekend.
Here's a pic of the pooch under my couch this morning. Ummm, yeah, no idea. She likes to go under the couch and probably play with toys that are stuck under there and growl and bark. If you didn't know, you'd think we had a growling couch!
Anyway, I did little to nothing yesterday. I surfed the web looking into some new ventures that I may be interested in (more on that later) and I have to say I wasn't very productive. I did take a shower and I made dinner for the hubby so I wasn't a complete lump but I have to admit I felt very guilty. Why? I have no idea. I even called one of the stay at home mom's and asked her if she ever felt guilty about staying home. She said no, so that was no help. I'm just not used to not having a job to go to. I guess if I didn't still have a paycheck coming in then I would have a reason to feel bad but since I am still getting paid and my whole no job situtation isn't really my fault I should just suck it up and enjoy my time off. I don't know why I'm finding this whole concept difficult. It may be the whole Catholic thing...damn catholic guilt!
I looked up some dog friendly stores and restaurants on line and I think today I'll take the pooch to Annapolis to walk around and enjoy some of the last really nice weather before winter gets here. Plus The Sweet One's cousin has a store down town in Annapolis and I know I can take little Lucy in there too. Tomorrow I think we'll tackle DC. Coffee shops, free WiFi, lots of grass to poop on. What else could a dog want?
I am going to make this time off the best I can. No more goofy guilt. I promise.
Hope Everyone had a great weekend.
Here's a pic of the pooch under my couch this morning. Ummm, yeah, no idea. She likes to go under the couch and probably play with toys that are stuck under there and growl and bark. If you didn't know, you'd think we had a growling couch!
At 12:57 PM, September 25, 2007,
Anonymous said…
it is interesting you mentioned the guilt..even though you are still getting paid. i used to wonder/care if people especially women resented me for not working and sometimes i still let it bother me. but guilt not brining in a paycheck every week only gets to me occasionally i know i bring a lot of other things to our relationship and i also know how negativity my working full time would affect us but i won't lie i get really bloody bored.
At 5:12 PM, September 25, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Um, is that an electrical cord under the sofa within chewing distance?
The guilt will pass ... unless I email you every day to tell you how much you suck because you don't have to work.
At 5:27 PM, September 25, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
GG - yeah, I can see how that would get to you but everyone knows their own situation and it just works for you to stay home. You are lucky for that! And I'm sure Adam likes it or you all would have changed thigns. You're a lucky lady!
DK - yes, that is an electrical chord. I like to have my dogs chew on them to toughen them up. What's wrong with a little electric shock every now and then. Actually, the chord was back there before I discovered that the pooch could get back there. The little bitch! Email me every day... I dare you ;O) I know the guilt will pass and I know I'll get a job too soon too. That's just me. I'm dumb
At 6:58 PM, September 25, 2007,
Anonymous said…
See? I gave you something else to feel guilty about for a moment!! :D
At 9:16 PM, September 25, 2007,
Sassy said…
The Catholic guilt gets you every time!
At 8:28 AM, September 26, 2007,
Chick said…
Cathlic guilt is the makes me sick sometimes at how much it can overtake you.
At 1:05 PM, September 26, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I still get pangs of guilt over staying home and I've been doing it for 12 years. I usually get those pangs when CCB is working extra hard or there is something we want to buy. It's CCB who assures me that what I do at home is very valuable to him. Knowing that the kids are with ME and that everything else in our world is being taken care of by his wife not strangers.
At 2:04 PM, September 26, 2007,
Andi said…
Our schnauzer is 8 and he still likes to play under the furniture. Go figure!
I'm the same way re: guilt staying home or taking any type of time off. Yesterday I was sick and still felt guilty for being home. Baptist guilt, Catholic guilt, it's all the same. :)
At 4:41 PM, September 26, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
Female Guilt...we all have it. So annoying!
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