Jeez, I feel like since being off work I have less time to post, read other people's blogs and spend any time really on the computer. I guess that's a good thing.
I have been keeping busy and my house has never been cleaner! It's only been a week of not having to go into work but it seems like longer. I have seen my mom twice already this week and I am getting together with some of my "stay at home mom" friends tomorrow. I could really get used to this whole staying at home and still getting paid thing...
On that note, I have a couple of leads for jobs. Unfortunately, one of them sounds like it could be a great gig BUT it's at my old company and I really don't want to give up my severance nor do I know if I ever really want to work at that company again. I really do just have such a bad taste in my mouth from that place right now. I feel like if I ever were to go back it would have to be after a nice chunk of time away from there. So, we'll see. I'm not worried about any of it yet. Now, if we start getting to month 5 of my 6 month severance and I still don't have a job then we might be in trouble and you may hear some crying and bitching from me...
Anyway, we're going to some cool beer festival in DC this weekend. Looks like it should be fun. Lots of live music, lots of local breweries are sponsoring it and it should just be a good time. I'll let you all know how it was. Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend too!
I have been keeping busy and my house has never been cleaner! It's only been a week of not having to go into work but it seems like longer. I have seen my mom twice already this week and I am getting together with some of my "stay at home mom" friends tomorrow. I could really get used to this whole staying at home and still getting paid thing...
On that note, I have a couple of leads for jobs. Unfortunately, one of them sounds like it could be a great gig BUT it's at my old company and I really don't want to give up my severance nor do I know if I ever really want to work at that company again. I really do just have such a bad taste in my mouth from that place right now. I feel like if I ever were to go back it would have to be after a nice chunk of time away from there. So, we'll see. I'm not worried about any of it yet. Now, if we start getting to month 5 of my 6 month severance and I still don't have a job then we might be in trouble and you may hear some crying and bitching from me...
Anyway, we're going to some cool beer festival in DC this weekend. Looks like it should be fun. Lots of live music, lots of local breweries are sponsoring it and it should just be a good time. I'll let you all know how it was. Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend too!
At 4:30 PM, September 21, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I thought you weren't free of your job till October first?
It sounds like your filling your days up quite nicely!
At 6:03 PM, September 21, 2007,
Anonymous said…
You could always negotiate keeping your severance if you decided to go back ... have you applied for unemployment? You just might be eligible!
At 11:56 PM, September 22, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
OGO - my official last day is Oct 1 and that's when severance starts and regular pay and benifits stop but I am no longer required to come in to the office, I am "working from home" per se...
DK - I am eligible to apply for unemployment but since I may have another job very soon I haven't applied yet but if I do decide to stay unemployed for a little bit of time oh you better believe I'm applying!
At 6:20 PM, September 23, 2007,
Chick said…
Enjoy it deserve it!
BTW...that cake is awesome. You are one creative bitch : )
At 11:19 AM, September 24, 2007,
Andi said…
Take care of yourself, enjoy your time off, and come clean my house?? LOL There's been very little cleaning going on for me lately.
At 12:16 PM, September 24, 2007,
Anonymous said…
LAME i don't live near you as i am a stay home person. gus is my baby.
At 6:42 PM, September 24, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Dahling, even if you only take two weeks off, you are still entitled to claim a week of that unemployment pay! Do NOT wait to file your claim because they will likely not pay retroactively! (Unless that is just in Texass.)
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