The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Things are getting better every day with the pup. She's getting to know us and we're getting to know her. I know it takes a little time but we're bonding and we'll get back to where we were with Nola before we know it. Even The Sweet One was saying how he isn't sure she likes us yet. Well, I'm certain that she likes us. She's a dog and we feed her for god's sake. But I do know what he means. We just don't have the LUUUV yet that we had with Nola and that's normal, I think. We'll get there once we start getting into more of a routine and learning each other's quirks. So far she's been sleeping through the night and she hasn't gone to the bathroom in the house in a few days now. We're making progress! (yeah, she does a lot of sleeping!)

...I have to make the wedding cake I told you all about a couple of months ago and I have to admit, I'm getting a little nervous about it. The wedding is on September 15th so I have to use next week to get it all together/baked/frozen/iced/decorated...AHHH! I hope it all works out. I took this picture of the picture from a bridal magazine that my cousin's fiance wants her cake to look like.

It looks easy enough. At least I'm confident that I could do this. Thank god she didn't pick something more elaborate. I guess I would have just had to tell her that it wasn't gonna happen if that was the case.

Of course I haven't practiced making the colored fondant or anything but how hard can it be, right? I really hope I'm not getting myself in over my head. I guess I better make a schedule for myself. I'm thinking decorate it three days in advance in case I have to go buy a replacement...HA!

So, I found out yesterday that I should be layed off, or at least know my future at work by next Wednesday. So here I sit and wait some more. I just hope they lay me off at this point. It's so frustrating but I'm gonna keep a (fake) smile on my face and be very positive and professional when all I really want to do is drop kick those bitches, get them in a rear naked choke and beat them down! But anyway...enough of that. (and yes, Danjerus - i know that I should just suck it up and look at the bigger picture. I am trying to do that, I really am, but this is being dragged on so long I feel like these people are never going to let me move on with my life, BUT I do appreciate your advice and I really do take it to heart and I know I don't have it too bad, I just like to complain about it)

So, it's Thursday already and for that I'm thankful. I hope everyone has a great day!


  • At 9:54 AM, September 06, 2007, Blogger Andi said…

    Gorgeous puppy and a gorgeous cake! You'll do a great job on the cake, and be sure to take pics!

    I'm sending good vibes your way until you find something out about work. I know it's gotta be frustrating.

  • At 2:20 PM, September 06, 2007, Blogger Oh great One said…

    I hope you will post pictures of your finished cake. I have wanted to learn how to decorate cakes for a long time. I'm proud of you for jumping in there!

    So is the possibility of you going to work for your old boss out of the question now?

  • At 3:13 PM, September 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I didn't say anything about sucking, but if you want to send me photos of that along with the puppy-style ones, that's cool with me. "Rear naked choke"? you watch UFC????? Did I know this already? Did you know I am a big fan even though I haven't been able to follow it near as closely these past few months. AND I can execute that specfic choke hold quite nicely thanks to my stupid ex-bf teaching me how. Funny how he hasn't been seen around in a while . . .

    Lucy is p.e.r.f.e.c.t. Your mild anxiety with regard to the love bond is perfectly normal after losing Nola. Little Lucy is still getting settled and getting to know you, the mutual love bond will happen naturally. I suggested getting a new puppy so quickly because Nola was not with you for long and you did not "need" the long-term grieving period you would have needed for a longer pet relationship. Lucy needed you and you needed her.

  • At 5:32 PM, September 06, 2007, Blogger Sassy said…

    She's precious...I bet even more so when she's sleeping ;-)

  • At 8:22 AM, September 07, 2007, Blogger Chick said…

    Awww...I love pics of sleeping pups!

    & that cake? I'm impressed. I took a cake decorating class once...loved it til I got home & tried to make a green dinosaur cake for my nephew's kitchen was covered with green icing for weeks & if I was charging for the cake...I woulda charged a thousand bucks!

    Good luck with your job.


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