When you finish reading this story I am forbidding anyone from looking up my husband and hunting him down for their own...I'm warning you. Don't do it. I'll be there waiting for you, and believe me, you're gonna want to!!!SO - yesterday was TSO and my first wedding anniversary. Holy Crap! I can not believe we've been married for a year already. It seems like we got married yesterday.
Anyway, I am going to go ahead and tell you that I have the best husband in the world. He is the most caring, amazing man I have ever met in my life and I thank god for him not only on my anniversary but every day of my life.
My wonderful husband planned the whole day for us. Every single step of the way, they were all surprises for me. I had nothing to do with any of the planning or set up. He did it ALL and I knew nothing until it was happening. It was an amazing day. I've never felt so special and appreciated in my life.
We woke up early and dropped the pooch off at my parents house. The first stop was the church where we got married for mass. Now, anyone that knows my husband knows that he pretty much hates church and he took me to "our" church knowing that it would make me happy. It was so nice. After church we went down to a beautiful area down on the Potomac River in DC and had a full picnic with cheeses, pate, crackers, mimosa's, beautiful fruit...ahh, it was amazing. The weather was perfect, the setting was stunning and the company couldn't have been any better. We sat around and ate, drank, napped and enjoyed our time together. He thought of everything and had it all together and set up like a pro!
After the picnic we went home to watch the Redskins game. It was great because they won. Once the game was over we headed out for our next adventure. My wonderful husband arranged for us to have a couples massage. It was HEAVENLY! It was an hour of pure bliss and I didn't want to get up from the table! God I love this man...
After our wonderful massages, we got dressed in our finest outfits (the hubby had to wear a jacket! I knew we were in for something good) and headed to the next spot. We went down to Georgetown and had a few drinks down at the waterfront. That is also where we encountered a real life Crocket and Tubbs. No joke, this dude had a white "blazer/jacket" thing on with NO SHIRT UNDERNEATH! Welcome to 1980 you STUD! So, as any smart person would do, I took their picture...
So, after we had some drinks we headed to dinner at an amazing restaurant called 1789. It is a Georgetown staple yet we've never eaten there so it was a real treat. They started us off by bringing out a bottle of our favorite sparkling wine from Napa Valley. Then they brought the menu. My husband had them print, in the menu, "May every year be as great as the first has been", or something like that, I know I'm butchering it. Anyway, then the date and the hubby's name. That's when the tears started. I just felt so completely wonderful. So appreciated and loved and like I am literally the luckiest woman alive.
Our meal was superb and the entire day and evening was just magical. I can not explain how great it all was. These words are just not enough! I had the most amazing day and I will never forget it. All I know is that I'm a better person for even knowing the hubby and marrying him was the best decision I've ever made. I hope everyone is as lucky as I am when it comes to the person they will spend the rest of their lives with. Men...take notes!
And with that, I will find out my "fate" today at work and I don't even care. Nothing can take me off the high from yesterday....nothing!
At 11:43 AM, September 10, 2007,
Oh great One said…
Wow! It doesn't seem like a year already! What a good guy you found Funky. What a sweet thing he did, it took time and effort. Just what a girl wants!
Good luck today. I'll be thinking of you!
At 1:20 PM, September 10, 2007,
Andi said…
Awwwwwwwwww! That's an amazing day, and no one deserves it more than you!
Good luck today, and whatever happens, we'll all be here cheering you on.
At 2:21 PM, September 10, 2007,
Anonymous said…
WOOOOOOOOOT happy anniversary doesn't it just feel SO AWESOME!!!!!! :)
At 7:12 PM, September 10, 2007,
Sassy said…
Happy Anniversary!!
I can't believe it's a year already! You are a lucky woman!
I'm having my husband come and read this right now....
At 12:26 PM, September 11, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
wow, what a great guy! so thoughtful... im proud of him!
At 2:00 PM, September 11, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I'm not allowed in churches because of that holy-water-boiling-when-I-walk-past thing ... and I am not a fan of American football ... guess this means you can keep TSO after all. :D
At 12:09 AM, September 15, 2007,
Chick said…
You LUCKY, lucky girl!
The man is a KEEPER!
I love a man with a plan!
Congratulations on one blissful year.
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