The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Well, it's getting better every day. Last night we ALL slept like babies. The pooch went directly into her crate, in our room, and didn't make a peep. We all got a much needed, good night's sleep. She is cuter than ever and such a sweet little thing. She is really starting to grow on us. As bitter-sweet as it truly is, she is helping us heal.

We have been getting her outside to do her biznass and it's seeming to work. Oh, and treats don't hurt the process either...We're all really getting to know each other and adjust accordingly.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, and if I haven't, I apologize but I just wanted to thank all of you that come by, leave comments and truly help me (and the hubby) through these hard times. I know it sounds lame but I really consider some of you friends and the support that you've given us through this difficult situation is just as important and just as appreciated as the support we've gotten from family and friends that are here in our lives physically. Things are gonna be okay. I know it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

pick me!

Well...we did it. We got a new pup.

This is Lucy. We were having a really hard time picking a name but when we got Nola from the Humane Society they had named her Lucy and we changed her to Nola so we decided we'd name our new baby Lucy as a little tribute to our Nola and because I think Lucy is a cute little puppy name.

The past couple of days have been very bitter sweet. It's been really hard to think of this new little life in Nola's place but then at the same time she is so sweet and so cute and although she does a lot of the things our Nola did, she has a complete different personality.

Nola was very scared of people and life in general, she came with a history and this pup has none. She's a clean slate and she loves people and dogs and everything really. She's very friendly and sweet but she's definitely a baby. She's much smaller and younger than Nola was when we got her so we are having to adjust to having a little one in the house again.

We're working on the house training, slowly but surely. We'll get there. Crate training is proving to be very difficult as well. Our Nola was nothing compared to this. The first night we had Lucy she cried for about 20 minutes then fell asleep, probably because we wore her ass out that day. Last night she would not stop crying and we could tell she was so, so upset. We couldn't take it. We ended up bringing her crate in our room at about 3am where she slept calmly and peacefully giving me about 4 and a half hours of sleep before I had to get ready to come to work. Yayy!

So, now we have a crate in our room until this one learns that we won't leave her and so that she can see us when she pops up in the middle of the night. Thankfully it only gets easier from here.

Anyway, here are some of Lucy's first pictures. The first one is of her and some of her many siblings when we went to pick her up. She was posing for the camera right off the bat. I think it was meant to be.

She was smelly when we picked her up and after a day of driving around, going to a wedding and you know, all the other normal things a new dog does, so she got her first bath and I think she kind of liked it. Then there are just some other random shots of her cuteness.

Help us welcome our little Lucy to the family!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Fingers Crossed! Fingers Crossed! Fingers Crossed!!!

Our application has been accepted by a dog rescue facility out in bum finkle, Maryland and we are going to look at 8 female lab mix puppies on Saturday morning before we go to a wedding on the other side of earth. I hope it all works out. If all goes well we can either take the one, if we choose one, home with us (that's what I want to do of course!!) or we can come back on Sunday or Monday to pick up our pup (that's what the mean, logical, hubby wants to do).

The Wedding we have to go to is a short ceremony in a church and then the reception is a pig roast outside - that sounds like a perfect introduction to life for our new pup, doesn't it? It would be so easy to take a new little pooch with us there but the hubby doesn't think so. What do you think?

I'm very excited and I hope we find our match, and get to bring her home. Now we get to decide on a new name. I hope it all works out. Send good mojo our way!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Well, we're back from vacation. Not quite sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

We had a great time at the beach. Getting away and out of the house was just what the doctor ordered and we felt great, other than our little pangs here and there and the random sad moments in between all the sunshine and laughter. I spent a good majority of the vacation on the computer looking for new dogs, much to The Sweet One's dismay. But I couldn't help it. I was/am a little obsessed. I am just completely shocked at how many babies out there need homes and even more shocked at how many Michael Vick's there are out there - it just breaks your heart. I spent a lot of time filling out applications and looking at dogs on-line that need adopting and we may have one or two that could potentially be ours. We'll find out in the next couple of weeks.

Some people say wait, wait, wait! Others are all, Get a new dog ASAP! I don't know which one is the right way to go. All I know is that we have to get a new dog. We need that life and that love back in our house. It will never be our Nola and that kills us but it will be another little baby that needs a cozy, warm home full of love and treats and long walks and a big, fenced back yard and lots of snuggling and that's all we have to give! I'll keep you all posted on Puppy Search 2007!

While at the beach we had the best crabs we've had all season. They were so meaty and big and delicious! We met up with some friends that were at the beach and had a feast!

So on the beach one day I encountered this lady. I don't know about you but as soon as I saw her I knew it was the real life Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Thankfully my husband had no idea who I was talking about but I told him I'd do a side by side so he could see the resemblance.

I know, I know...I'm going to hell! I think we all already knew that so whatevs people!

We came home Saturday afternoon and went to the Redskins pre-season game. We had fun but it was late when it was over and we decided to stay at my parents house because we couldn't bear to come home to our empty house yet. We put it off as long as we could and ended up coming home on Sunday afternoon. We were overwhelmed by tons and tons of sympathy cards for our Nola. So, we sat and read and cried. We are so lucky to have so much support but damn this shit hurts! i don't think we'll ever get over this. Even when we do have a new little pooch, but I think that's okay, right? You don't have to get over something you love if they were taken from you too soon. Our hearts are big enough to love another baby just as much.

Okay, that's it for me. Work still sucks, waiting to hear if I have another job within the company. Hopefully I'll know more before the end of this week. I missed you all terribly and hope you had a great week last week!

Friday, August 10, 2007

my smiley baby

It is taking every ounce of courage for me to write this, which is killing me because this makes it more real...

Wednesday will go down in history as the worst day of the hubby and my lives. I can not bear to rehash all of the details but I will tell you that there was an accident. Our Nola was rushed to the animal hospital where she passed away a short time later.

Hubby and I are beside ourselves with grief. We are beyond devastated. Our hearts are truly broken and we're not quite sure how we're going to get through this one. We are so lucky to have each other to lean on and I have to say, we are blessed to have some very supportive family and friends.

We know it's hard for people to understand the magnitude of this unless they have pets. There is a bond that occurs that, unless you've experienced it, means nothing to you. She was our baby. She was part of our family and life will never be the same without her. She brought so much joy and happy memories to our lives.

Being in our house is like torture. Everything we do, see, smell, hear reminds us of her. We keep waiting for her precious little face to come poking around the corner or her little nails to come clattering down the hall on the hardwood floors. We keep waiting for her to come jump up on the bed at night to snuggle. Uugghh, this is so hard.

We want to stop crying. We want to stop hurting. We keep thinking it's going to get easier but it just seems to get harder and to hurt more.

I'm currently battling with myself as to whether or not we should get a new dog right away or even at all. I don't know if I can ever get a new dog. will I always compare her to my Nola? I mean, I know that a new dog will never be her and will have it's own personality and quirks, etc. Can I live in this quiet house again without a new baby? How will I stay in this house alone when my hubby has to work late at night? She was my companion, she was my protector. I always felt at ease when she and I were home alone.

The hubby and I are going on a much needed vacation next week. We've actually decided to start it a little early under the circumstances and we're leaving this evening. It couldn't have come at a better time. We're hoping to use this time to be together, collect ourselves and hopefully come back a little less broken.

Say prayers for us that our hearts will mend. Go hug your pets, your kids, your family and your friends.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I got a new camera yesterday and I'm in LOVE.

So, everyone that knows me knows that I can not live without my camera. I am always the one with my camera when everyone else forgot theirs. I always catch all the good moments. I always end up sending everyone pic's from our events, blah, blah, blah...Well, a few weeks ago I was looking at pic's that I took on my Cannon SD 500, which I have nurtured and loved for the last few years, and slowly the screen started to turn white. It was the oddest thing but it was done. I could still take pictures and when I downloaded them they came out but I couldn't see anything on the LCD screen so it was pointless. I was quite sad but I've had this camera for a few years so I felt like I got my money's worth.

SO - I went to Costco and asked one of the sales people if my camera was fixable. They said yes but that it would cost a lot of moolah so I decided to get a new one. I ended up buying a Nikon sure shot or something like that. It was very pretty and slim and I liked it okay but the buttons were weird and it didn't have all of the cool stuff that my old camer had. So then I got home and had one of those weekly specials email from Costco and there was a lovely Cannon Camera on sale for just about the same price as what I paid for the Nikon plus it came with a 2 gig memory card AND free shipping! I knew I had to return the Nikon and I'm so glad I did.

When the UPS guy came yesterday I almost kissed him, but he was all sweaty and he didn't look like he was in a very good mood so I backed off...

Anyway, I love this camera! It's a Cannon SD 1000. It's little and I know what all of the buttons and bells and whistles mean. It takes great pictures and movies. It has a beautiful, big, working LCD screen and I can't wait to take lots and lots of pictures. I will post some soon just because I'm a dork like that. I have also discovered that I am a Cannon Girl. I think I will continue to buy cannon products for a long time. I just dig 'em.

I'm going to take some pictures of random things now. Adios!

OH - I also have a meeting with HR at 3:30 today...I'll let you all know how it goes.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

So I never made it into the office yesterday. I think I got a total of 6 emails and at least 3 of them were spam. I obviously don't have much to do. And I still haven't heard word one from my "new boss"! We're going on two weeks now. Sweet.

Instead of going to work I cleaned my house, paid bills, sent responses to weddings, played with the dog, made dinner...I am becoming a real domestic goddess.

The hubby, a friend and I all went to see the Simpsons movie last night. It was okay. It wasn't horrible but I did expect a little bit more humor. Whatever, it was the Simpsons movie!

I STILL haven't started reading Harry Potter. It's on my night stand and stares at me every day saying, "READ ME" but I can't do it. Not yet. I'm going on vacation next week so I might start it then. I just don't want it to be over damn it! I'm in pre-mourning.

Anyway, I'm in the office now because I have to get my damn work lap top fixed since I spilled the equivalence of glue in the keyboard yesterday. Then, I'm leaving and going to run errands and be a stay at home, working woman. Makes sense huh?

Happy Tuesday Peeps!

Monday, August 06, 2007

it's 11:40am and I have yet to make it into the office...the thought of going in is making my head hurt. I also managed to spill some of my chocolate breakfast shake onto my work laptop keyboard this morning so when I push the "c" key it won't type but when I type any other key I get 16 c's. It's making typing this post quite a huge pain in my arse. If I were smart I would just use my home computer seeing as I am Home!

Anyway, we had our softball playoff's this Saturday and it was rough. By the second game it was so hot I had to take myself out of the game because I thought I was going to pass out. I literally started to black out and get dizzy a number of times and it was actually quite scary. I made myself eat an orange and that kind of brought me back to life.

The hubby had to work all night on Saturday and that sucked but it made it easier for me to stay home and not go out and spend money I don't have.

On Sunday we went out to the eastern shore and had the most amazing crabs. They were HUG and delicious! eating crabs is one of my favorite past times.

Anyway, I can't type like this anymore. thank god for spell check. I'm about to throw this computer out the window Have a good one everyone!

Friday, August 03, 2007

well, it's Friday and that's a good thing I guess...

I got some great news, then horrible news on Wednesday which took the wind right out of my sails! First I found out that my old boss worked it out where he could take me with him to his new job. He got me a position, I was good to go. I even received an email with my new space location and all of the information needed to move...THEN the bad news. My old boss informed me that there was a "freeze" on all employees in my group and I was NOT ALLOWED to move! Not allowed to go with him. Not allowed to take a new position period! SO - I'm fucked. I don't know how they can do this but I guess they can. So I still have nothing to do, my "new boss" has yet to contact me STILL...whatever, it's so deflating.

SO - I decided that Thursday I was going to be "sick" and that's what I did. I called out and spent the day with my sisters and a friend at the pool.

It's 10am and I am still far from getting into the office. I am so unmotivated. I guess I'll get there eventually.

We have fun plans to head out to the eastern shore this weekend and eat big, fat crabs. I can't wait!! Other than that...blah blah blah.

Hope everyone is having a great day!