pick me!
Well...we did it. We got a new pup.
This is Lucy. We were having a really hard time picking a name but when we got Nola from the Humane Society they had named her Lucy and we changed her to Nola so we decided we'd name our new baby Lucy as a little tribute to our Nola and because I think Lucy is a cute little puppy name.
The past couple of days have been very bitter sweet. It's been really hard to think of this new little life in Nola's place but then at the same time she is so sweet and so cute and although she does a lot of the things our Nola did, she has a complete different personality.
Nola was very scared of people and life in general, she came with a history and this pup has none. She's a clean slate and she loves people and dogs and everything really. She's very friendly and sweet but she's definitely a baby. She's much smaller and younger than Nola was when we got her so we are having to adjust to having a little one in the house again.
We're working on the house training, slowly but surely. We'll get there. Crate training is proving to be very difficult as well. Our Nola was nothing compared to this. The first night we had Lucy she cried for about 20 minutes then fell asleep, probably because we wore her ass out that day. Last night she would not stop crying and we could tell she was so, so upset. We couldn't take it. We ended up bringing her crate in our room at about 3am where she slept calmly and peacefully giving me about 4 and a half hours of sleep before I had to get ready to come to work. Yayy!
So, now we have a crate in our room until this one learns that we won't leave her and so that she can see us when she pops up in the middle of the night. Thankfully it only gets easier from here.
Anyway, here are some of Lucy's first pictures. The first one is of her and some of her many siblings when we went to pick her up. She was posing for the camera right off the bat. I think it was meant to be.
She was smelly when we picked her up and after a day of driving around, going to a wedding and you know, all the other normal things a new dog does, so she got her first bath and I think she kind of liked it. Then there are just some other random shots of her cuteness.
This is Lucy. We were having a really hard time picking a name but when we got Nola from the Humane Society they had named her Lucy and we changed her to Nola so we decided we'd name our new baby Lucy as a little tribute to our Nola and because I think Lucy is a cute little puppy name.
The past couple of days have been very bitter sweet. It's been really hard to think of this new little life in Nola's place but then at the same time she is so sweet and so cute and although she does a lot of the things our Nola did, she has a complete different personality.
Nola was very scared of people and life in general, she came with a history and this pup has none. She's a clean slate and she loves people and dogs and everything really. She's very friendly and sweet but she's definitely a baby. She's much smaller and younger than Nola was when we got her so we are having to adjust to having a little one in the house again.
We're working on the house training, slowly but surely. We'll get there. Crate training is proving to be very difficult as well. Our Nola was nothing compared to this. The first night we had Lucy she cried for about 20 minutes then fell asleep, probably because we wore her ass out that day. Last night she would not stop crying and we could tell she was so, so upset. We couldn't take it. We ended up bringing her crate in our room at about 3am where she slept calmly and peacefully giving me about 4 and a half hours of sleep before I had to get ready to come to work. Yayy!
So, now we have a crate in our room until this one learns that we won't leave her and so that she can see us when she pops up in the middle of the night. Thankfully it only gets easier from here.
Anyway, here are some of Lucy's first pictures. The first one is of her and some of her many siblings when we went to pick her up. She was posing for the camera right off the bat. I think it was meant to be.
She was smelly when we picked her up and after a day of driving around, going to a wedding and you know, all the other normal things a new dog does, so she got her first bath and I think she kind of liked it. Then there are just some other random shots of her cuteness.
Help us welcome our little Lucy to the family!
At 1:32 PM, August 27, 2007,
Oh great One said…
She's adorable! I hope she settles down at night for you soon.
What a cutie.
At 3:23 PM, August 27, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
Oh. My. Gawd.
What a cutie, and I love the name! I am trying to convince The Boy that we need to name our 1st girl Lucy, but he says no!
She will get used to the crate and y'all will get some sleep soon. That's what I keep telling myself about Rudy Tootie.
Again, she is a cutie and she will bring much joy to your lives! Congrats!
At 6:23 PM, August 27, 2007,
Anonymous said…
YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! See now, I am ALWAYS right! If I am ever wrong, see the previous sentence.
Is the crate quite large? If so, you might want to consider putting a cardboard box in there (I'm assuming she has a puppy bed in there already??). As she grows you simply make more space for her. For the brief year that I had a puppy, I taught her that her crate was her safe-place ... I never gave her treats outside the crate, NEVER yelled at her when she was inside the crate ... and when she knew she was in trouble she learned to run straight to the crate!
At 7:38 PM, August 27, 2007,
Anonymous said…
she is sooooooooooo cute. i am in love with her already. i am so happy it all worked out. :)
At 2:20 PM, August 28, 2007,
Andi said…
Ohmagosh, the cuteness! I especially love the pic of her with her wittle face between the car seats. I want a dog SO BAD.
And thank you SO SO SO much for the meerkats!!!! I meant to e-mail you last week, but I was busy sticking them to my office windows. heheheheh
At 10:23 PM, August 28, 2007,
Sassy said…
Ohhh a little rolley polley puppy!! She's adorable! I could just eat her up!
Congrats and welcome to little Lucy!
At 11:44 PM, August 28, 2007,
Chick said…
Conratulations on getting Lucy! She's so cute.
I think there are 2 different kinds of people...the kind who get another dog right away (yay you guys) & the kind who still can't bare to have any other dog but the one she lost back yet...makes me sad to even think about another dog for now (me...still want my sweetie back)...good for you for going forward so positively.
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