Fingers Crossed! Fingers Crossed! Fingers Crossed!!!
Our application has been accepted by a dog rescue facility out in bum finkle, Maryland and we are going to look at 8 female lab mix puppies on Saturday morning before we go to a wedding on the other side of earth. I hope it all works out. If all goes well we can either take the one, if we choose one, home with us (that's what I want to do of course!!) or we can come back on Sunday or Monday to pick up our pup (that's what the mean, logical, hubby wants to do).
The Wedding we have to go to is a short ceremony in a church and then the reception is a pig roast outside - that sounds like a perfect introduction to life for our new pup, doesn't it? It would be so easy to take a new little pooch with us there but the hubby doesn't think so. What do you think?
I'm very excited and I hope we find our match, and get to bring her home. Now we get to decide on a new name. I hope it all works out. Send good mojo our way!!!
At 10:52 AM, August 24, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
oh that's excellent news!! I actually might agree with your hubby on this one (I know, I can't believe it either!!!) I guess it really depends on the age of the pup... adding on drive time for him might not be good. I know when I brought Rudy home he got car sick and was lethargic when we 1st got home.
Funny- I haven't seen one bit of that lethargy since then... hmmmmm.
At 11:24 AM, August 24, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I think I'd have to go with your hubby on this one. You don't want to be too consumed with the pup instead of enjoying the company. Great. Now I feel bad for not siding with you. :(
At 11:50 AM, August 24, 2007,
Andi said…
I'm probably with hubby, too, even thought I'd WANT to be with you and take that cute little bugger with me. Have fun and good luck!
At 3:19 PM, August 24, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
Okay, I hate all of you. HA HA, just kidding! Things are actually looking up and quite possibly like they'll go my way (of course). Hubby was concerned that the pup would be scared or overwhelmed by being around too many people BUT I talked to the dude that runs the show over at puppy adoption land and he said that the pups are about 3+ months old and very used to people. They are very socialized and outgoing and that wouldn't be a problem. The issue would be whether or not it would take away from our fun at the wedding.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I won't be able to leave without or dog but we'll see...And hey, it gives us an excuse to leave the wedding early...(he he he - evil laugh)
Okay, that is all. Hopefully I will be posting pic's of a cute little pooch soon.
At 5:24 PM, August 24, 2007,
Anonymous said…
leave the wedding early... hehe awesome plan.
i really hope it all works out!!
At 7:14 PM, August 24, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Me so excited!!! OF COURSE you won't be able to leave the rescue facility without your new baby!!!! So I won't waste my time siding with hubby or the other commenters. xoxoxoxxo
At 9:52 AM, August 25, 2007,
Sassy said…
Good luck! I hope to see pics of a sweet little pup soon!
Maybe even pictures of a pup at a wedding?!
At 11:03 AM, August 27, 2007,
Andi said…
OK, your plan sounds better again. I hope it worked out!
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