my smiley baby
It is taking every ounce of courage for me to write this, which is killing me because this makes it more real...
Wednesday will go down in history as the worst day of the hubby and my lives. I can not bear to rehash all of the details but I will tell you that there was an accident. Our Nola was rushed to the animal hospital where she passed away a short time later.
Hubby and I are beside ourselves with grief. We are beyond devastated. Our hearts are truly broken and we're not quite sure how we're going to get through this one. We are so lucky to have each other to lean on and I have to say, we are blessed to have some very supportive family and friends.
We know it's hard for people to understand the magnitude of this unless they have pets. There is a bond that occurs that, unless you've experienced it, means nothing to you. She was our baby. She was part of our family and life will never be the same without her. She brought so much joy and happy memories to our lives.
Being in our house is like torture. Everything we do, see, smell, hear reminds us of her. We keep waiting for her precious little face to come poking around the corner or her little nails to come clattering down the hall on the hardwood floors. We keep waiting for her to come jump up on the bed at night to snuggle. Uugghh, this is so hard.
We want to stop crying. We want to stop hurting. We keep thinking it's going to get easier but it just seems to get harder and to hurt more.
I'm currently battling with myself as to whether or not we should get a new dog right away or even at all. I don't know if I can ever get a new dog. will I always compare her to my Nola? I mean, I know that a new dog will never be her and will have it's own personality and quirks, etc. Can I live in this quiet house again without a new baby? How will I stay in this house alone when my hubby has to work late at night? She was my companion, she was my protector. I always felt at ease when she and I were home alone.
The hubby and I are going on a much needed vacation next week. We've actually decided to start it a little early under the circumstances and we're leaving this evening. It couldn't have come at a better time. We're hoping to use this time to be together, collect ourselves and hopefully come back a little less broken.
Say prayers for us that our hearts will mend. Go hug your pets, your kids, your family and your friends.
Wednesday will go down in history as the worst day of the hubby and my lives. I can not bear to rehash all of the details but I will tell you that there was an accident. Our Nola was rushed to the animal hospital where she passed away a short time later.
Hubby and I are beside ourselves with grief. We are beyond devastated. Our hearts are truly broken and we're not quite sure how we're going to get through this one. We are so lucky to have each other to lean on and I have to say, we are blessed to have some very supportive family and friends.
We know it's hard for people to understand the magnitude of this unless they have pets. There is a bond that occurs that, unless you've experienced it, means nothing to you. She was our baby. She was part of our family and life will never be the same without her. She brought so much joy and happy memories to our lives.
Being in our house is like torture. Everything we do, see, smell, hear reminds us of her. We keep waiting for her precious little face to come poking around the corner or her little nails to come clattering down the hall on the hardwood floors. We keep waiting for her to come jump up on the bed at night to snuggle. Uugghh, this is so hard.
We want to stop crying. We want to stop hurting. We keep thinking it's going to get easier but it just seems to get harder and to hurt more.
I'm currently battling with myself as to whether or not we should get a new dog right away or even at all. I don't know if I can ever get a new dog. will I always compare her to my Nola? I mean, I know that a new dog will never be her and will have it's own personality and quirks, etc. Can I live in this quiet house again without a new baby? How will I stay in this house alone when my hubby has to work late at night? She was my companion, she was my protector. I always felt at ease when she and I were home alone.
The hubby and I are going on a much needed vacation next week. We've actually decided to start it a little early under the circumstances and we're leaving this evening. It couldn't have come at a better time. We're hoping to use this time to be together, collect ourselves and hopefully come back a little less broken.
Say prayers for us that our hearts will mend. Go hug your pets, your kids, your family and your friends.
At 10:51 AM, August 10, 2007,
Oh great One said…
Oh Funky I'm so sorry. You are right our pets become part of the family they give us comfort and unconditional love. Your post made me tear up I can feel your heartbreak. Perhaps you should wait a while to make a decision on a new pet. Grieve first. I hope your vacation will give you a little peace. Take care! *BIG HUG*
At 12:42 PM, August 10, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
omg I am SO sorry.
I can't even imagine.
At 1:24 PM, August 10, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Oh babygirl ... I'm so sorry ... I'm sitting at work with tears sneaking down my face while I try to keep my back to the room and hallway so nobody will see me. I so badly want to pick up the phone and call you right now but I know we'll both end up bawling and I'd rather do that in private. Go on your vacation, give yourself a few days to breathe, and then when you come home go and get yourself another puppy. There is one out there who NEEDS you. It won't be a "replacement", it will be an *addition* to take up a little room in that huge whole in your heart.
with love and the hugest hug in the world,
your friend Julia
At 5:33 PM, August 10, 2007,
Sassy said…
Funky Bee,
I'm soooo sorry to hear such sad news...Nola is a beautiful dog and was obviously very much loved.
Take care of yourself.
At 8:34 AM, August 13, 2007,
Andi said…
Oh I'm soo sorry. I'm even a little teary. I'm sending all kinds of hugs and good thoughts your way to get you through this.
At 8:27 AM, August 15, 2007,
Chick said…
Oh...I'm so sorry. A similar thing happened to me a few years ago & it still hurts. I never got a new dog because if I can't have my sweetie, I don't want any other right now. Maybe that will change in the future. Nola was a honey & my heart hurts for you.
Try to enjoy your vacation anyway,,,hugs & kisses to you.
At 5:24 PM, August 15, 2007,
Calvin said…
really sorry to hear about that.. i have no words to say.. :-(
At 5:20 PM, August 24, 2007,
Anonymous said…
wow how offal, i really glad you were able to get away and im really sorry i've been so wrapped up in my own shit here i didn't read this till now.
my heart really goes out to you and your husband. my lord there isn't much worse than losing your buddy.
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