The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

okay, call me crazy but when is killing a pregnant woman okay? When are all of your options exhausted and the only thing left to do is kill a woman who is carrying another life? I just don't understand the scenario. I know I'm harping on things but once I hear stories like this I become consumed and just can not let it go....

I mean, if you are a man and you get a woman pregnant and you don't want to be responsible for the baby or even involved with the woman for that matter aren't there a million ways to deal with the situation? You can go to court and give up any kind of custody or visitation. You can speak with the woman and come to some financial agreement. You can deny the child throughout your life and theirs and take the secret to your grave. You can skip town never to be heard from again. Do you go through the list of options and then decide, you know what? I'll kill her and the unborn child, yeah, that sounds like the best, easiest solution! I mean, who doesn't know, in this day in age, that you WILL be caught. Whether it's now or years later, you'll be caught and either spend the rest of your life in jail or get the death penalty depending on what state you're in. Have you never seen just about any police drama or detective show on television?

It's just so disappointing. I guess the people that do things like this are seriously fucked in the head because I can't even wrap my head around what someone must be thinking in order to go through with such a heinous act and then go on living guilt free. Sometimes growing up and realizing what a fucked up world we live in just sucks...I am a catholic but I have to admit that I am not completely sure what I believe happens when we die. I do hope that the people who kill children and pregnant women suffer eternal torture worse than we could ever imagine when they pass on to the great beyond.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Nothing really to talk about. Not much going on. One of my best friends had twins last week, god bless her! A girl and a boy. I don't even know what I would do...Yikes!

This weekend was pure bliss. A lot of our friends and family were out of town so we had no mandatory plans AT ALL which is so totally unheard of in our lives these days. It was delicious. We spent the majority of the weekend laying at the pool and drinking. Tough huh? So now our tans are on their way to perfection which is my only ambition and goal this summer (kidding, kind of)

My job is depressing. The news is depressing. Everything is someone being fired, murdered or Paris Hilton getting out of jail. It's stifling outside. It is so hot and humid that you feel wet as soon as you step out the door - and not in a good way. I love this time of year though because this is when we see the morons out jogging and there is a heat advisory. Then they wonder why they drop dead. It's brilliant.

Anyway, I got nothing really. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Playing Hookie

On Tuesday I got an email from my friend Sarah with the subject: Cough! Cough! in the body of the email she said, "So, who wants to be "sick" on Thursday and spend the day at the pool with me?" I have never seen a plan come together so seamlessly and effortlessly. Every one of us on the email accepted and a perfect Thursday was had by all. It's funny how these flu's travel so fast through the D.C. area...

It was an absolutely perfect day yesterday. It was in the mid 80's no humidity and not a cloud in the sky. We had mimosas made with the killer juice I found at Trader Joe's - it was orange, peach, mango! MMMM it was so tasty. We had cheese, crackers, bread, pate, salami, shrimp salad, fresh asparagus, tomatoes and avocado, cold Corona's with limes, and more goodies than we could ever need or consume in one sitting.

The company was great, nothing better than girlfriends hanging out yapping and gossiping. The pool temperature was perfect. There was a slight breeze in the air so even when you got hot you weren't too uncomfortable, and hey, if you were, you just hopped back into the water then got out and dried in the warm sun. It was one of those days you wish could go on forever. Around 5 o'clock or so a huge blanket of clouds could be seen off in the distance and once it reached us we could tell the pool day was over. But it was okay. We had our fill and it was the best way I've ever spent a work day, other than the fact that poor hubby didn't get to enjoy it with me.

I urge everyone to get out and have a pool day soon. It's just crucial to your mental health.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Last night I tried everything I could to tire the pooch out because the hubster was going to play cards with the boyz. When you're alone the best thing is to have a chilled out pet...

I took her for a walk, granted it was a semi-short one because it was a bazillion degrees outside and it thundered throughout the entire walk and I was anticipating getting struck by lightening at any moment. As all of you know we have a lab and she loves to pull as we walk which if you've ever walked an animal that pulls and is about half your weight and strong as hell, it's just not that enjoyable for anyone.

We recently bought the little shit a harness which I wasn't too keen on because well...they kind of look gay and sissy and no dog of mine will be a sissy. Well, it's the only way people, honestly. You try to walk her without it. It's just not possible. Well, last week as I decided to be nice and take the pooch to my softball game with me I put her in her harness, attached the leash and off we go. 15 minutes later as we approach the field I take her out and realize that she's become so much lighter. The little monster chewed through the harness and was working on the leash like a freakin prisoner of war on a mission. I wanted to kill her. I actually almost did kill her.

ANYWAY - longest story EVER...we went to this hippy pet store that is AWESOME the other day and bought her $70 worth of new leash, collar and harness and they're actually kind of cool. She still looks like the "special" dog with a harness on but we don't tell her that and hey, we're all happier in the end.

So, back to my original story, damn I'm feeling very ADD today...

I also took Nola over to our neighbor's house to play with their bull dog. His name is Duke and they love each other (damn it I should have taken pictures). Duke unfortunately can't keep up with Nola because, well...he's a bull dog, But they definitely give each other a run for their money and they wear each other out. Nola literally pants for hours after we get home from play time, I can only imagine what Duke does, he's such a meatball. The only bad thing about letting my precious princess play with a bull dog is that he slobbers all over her and makes her stinky and when they "share" water, Duke slobbers so much in the water bowl that I don't want Nola to drink it. I mean, it's like drinking a bowl of phlegm. It's so gross...I think I gagged a few times just looking at it. YUCK!

All of this and the damn dog was still not worn out. I had to yell for her to go lay down a million times, I wanted to put her in her crate and just go drink myself silly. Being a single parent is scary! I don't know what I'll do when I have children. Do you think it's okay to drug them? Maybe I'll just take them to Applebee's all the time, I hear their sippy cups are really popular with children!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


yeah, so I've kind of been missing in action recently...

New York and the conference last week was great! Got to hang with one of my best buds and a little bit of partying with the work folk. I even snuck in a little bit of shopping, I know, I know...where in New York could I have possibly found a place to get in some shopping...

I got to see John Waters speak. I was really looking forward to it and he did not disappoint. I also got to see the co-creators of Lost speak and answer questions. They were great. Very personable and funny and I even met them in person later in the day and thanked them for killing off Nikki and Paulo (if you watch LOST you know exactly what I'm talking about, if not then move along now). And the highlight, and key note speaker was none other than former US President, William Jefferson Clinton! That man knows how to address a crowd. No wonder the ladies seem to drop their pants whenever he's around...he he...He had the crowd laughing, cheering, tearing and shaking their heads in agreement. God he's good.

Got to have some good meals out in Manhattan and even enjoyed some free booze thanks to the many other business folk in the city for the conference. There were parties everywhere. Apparently Brangelina was in NYC for the premiere of their new venture and I missed them! An old co-worker of mine did happen to see them as she headed to a dance class and she said they are even more beautiful in person. I am positive she's right. My celebrity sightings were pretty mild in comparison. They were limited to the speakers I saw, Dikembe Motombo who rode the Acela up to New York on my train and former D.C. Mayor and all around good guy, Marion Barry who ended up having a celebratory dinner (he got off another felony charge that day) at the restaurant the hubby and I decided to check out when I got home from NYC. Wow...pretty lame huh?

Anyway, I'm alive and I don't have much to complain about. Hope everyone is doing well...

Monday, June 11, 2007


Okay, so if you haven't watched the Sopranos yet then I guess don't read this, even though it shouldn't even really matter....I'll give you a minute.

Okay, so for those of you who did watch. What did you think? I'll tell you what I think...I think it sucked ass, just like I knew it would. I wanted to hope that it would end in a great, possibly grandiose way but no such luck. Look, I'm no idiot. I actually consider myself to be quite smart, however, when i watch television I don't want to have to recognize the symbolism and what everything means to figure out the in's and out's of a fucking television show! I watch TV to be entertained and when a series ends I want it all wrapped up. I'm not saying in a tight little bow and every story line is cleaned up and settled. I'll even take some crazy shit that doesn't "end" each story line but please, don't insult me by going to black so that I think my cable just went out and not giving me ANYTHING. Pathetic.

Yes, I understand that what the creators/writers were trying to do is have the viewers decide the ending on their own. Fine. No, actually, not fine. After 7 long, tedious, boring, uneventful seasons of this damn show I wanted some kind of pay off, and NO, I don't feel like I got it. No one should. Great, we all feel what it's like to be a mob boss and constantly look over our shoulders but PULEEESE! that just plain old sucked. I knew I shouldn't have gotten sucked back in by the whole "last season" pull but I did and for that I'm the moron. And the cat thing...OMG that was so dumb. AAHHH! So annoying. I guess more than anything I am pissed at myself for watching this garbage.

Anyway, enough of that crap. I'm leaving for en why see this afternoon for a conference and to have some good old Manhattan fun so I'll be MIA for a few dias. Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, June 08, 2007

So, went to a fabulous dinner at a place called Lewnes Steak House in Annapolis last night for my mom's birthday. On the way up the hubby picked up his new toy. A 2000 Jeep Wrangler. I think he's in love, and I have to admit, he looks damn cute in it! It's such a boy's jeep it's ridiculous. 33" tires, soft top (if he ever puts the top on it), removable doors...blah, blah, blah. It is rather cool though! I guess I won't bother doing my hair at all this summer.

So, we ended up having a fabulous dinner with my parents. The food was amazing. I have to admit it was one of the best steaks I've ever had. So tender and juicy! YUM and the sides were nothing to complain about either. Yummy potatoes and onions, sauteed mushrooms and creamed spinach. MMMM!

So, as we finished our dinner my mom started to complain that she didn't feel well. Then she said she thought she might get sick. Then she said I think I'm gonna pass out. And then the craziness began. My mom was out of it. White as a ghost, clammy, sweating. Then she started to lose consciousness! She was passing out right in her chair. I have to tell you, I've never been more scared but I couldn't let it show. I just kept calling her name and putting ice water on her hands to keep her with us. I got a waitress to call 911 and another brought us an ice cold compress and a bag, in case she decided to spew. We couldn't tell what was going on or how she was feeling. She wasn't giving us much information. I've never seen her so lethargic and unresponsive before.

The paramedics arrived in probably 1 minute and took over checking her blood pressure, her blood sugar levels, etc, etc. Within a few minutes she was fine. Back to her old self and had color in her face. She was embarrassed and felt bad that the paramedics were called which is ridiculous, but of course, how women think. We don't know what happened. My mom thinks maybe she was dehydrated. She isn't good with drinking a lot during the day. Perhaps it was the extremely rich foods we ate, my mom rarely eats red meat or creamy, rich foods. The paramedics told her that her blood pressure was very low, but my mom's blood pressure is always very low - she is tiny and very active, she goes to the gym every day and is in great shape. We left the restaurant, got her some fresh air and walked around a little bit and she was back to her old self. She said she was fine.

Today she says she feels good and has no idea why that happened. All I know is that it scared the hell out of me. My mom is 52, well, 53 tomorrow. She's in great shape, never had any medical problems and honestly, she's just really freakin young. I know I'm probably over reacting and being a dramatic girl but I thought I was about to lose her or something and I don't know if I can deal with that. Not yet anyway. I know when the time comes, hopefully when she's 106, it will be expected and I'll be more accepting of it. But not now. Not at this age. I really saw my life flashing in front of my face and I think I said about a million silent prayers right there. I don't know how I kept my cool and took care of her through the whole scenario but I did. I just kept thinking, let her be okay, please god, don't let this be the day I lose my mom. Is that horrible? God I feel like I'm going to cry now thinking about it, I'm so glad that didn't happen last night and that she's okay. I just wish we knew what happened to her and if there's a way to prevent it from ever happening again.

Has this every happened to anyone ? Has this ever happened to anyone you know? Do you know WHY it happened?

Hope everyone is safe and has a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It finally happened...

So, I have this pair of shoes from Aldo. They're a couple of years old as you can probably tell by the ware on the inside but I love them. They're one of my favorite pairs. I got them in Boston a few years ago, they're comfortable, they're cute and I love the color - I guess you would call it "bone" or "cream". It's great because it goes with those browinish/taupe-ish outfits without being too dark or too bright white.

As I put them on yesterday I though, gosh, I really love these shoes. I had on a cream colored shirt and a cute green and cream skirt and the shoes complimented the outfit perfectly, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, when I got home from work I kicked off the shoes and went to play with the pup. We went outside, we hung out, you know, we bonded a little. Well, I decided to go make dinner and let the pup eat her dinner and chill.

Well, I didn't hear the pup for a while and with good reason. She decided to chew up my cute little cream shoes. I was so pissed. I think I screamed like I was being murdered. I was so mad and upset and GGGRRRR! But, it was my fault for leaving them out. BUT she NEVER eats shoes. Just these. Why? because they were so cute and tasty and I loved them, that's why. I know it's my fault but I'm still super sad. Damn Dog. I'm looking on line for a new, similar pair but I'm not finding anything under $90! Damn Zappo's!! DAMN DOG!

Friday, June 01, 2007

If I ever doubted my status as a Libra I think I've clarified it below with the list that I've made. Yes, I've made a list of things that I LOVE and HATE simultaneously! I know, I know, riveting stuff here people...whatever, it's Friday. So, without further ado - the LOVE/HATE list:

  • Outside
  • Sweating
  • Shopping
  • Children
  • The word Cunt
  • Forever 21
  • Exercising
  • "Reality" Television
  • Driving
  • Being Naked
  • Overeating
  • IKEA
  • Perez Hilton
  • The Government
  • Vacuuming
  • Big tits
  • Being a woman
  • Cell phones
  • Drugs
  • Rain
  • Religion
  • Christmas
  • Underwear
  • Boardwalks
  • The Legal System
  • Gambling
  • Money
  • Strippers
  • Pick Up Trucks
  • Mullets
  • Aging
  • Taxi drivers

Okay, I'm sure I could go on but I think I've sufficiently bored anyone that has even read past "Big Tits" so I hope you all have a great day and a groovy weekend!