Okay, so if you haven't watched the Sopranos yet then I guess don't read this, even though it shouldn't even really matter....I'll give you a minute.
Okay, so for those of you who did watch. What did you think? I'll tell you what I think...I think it sucked ass, just like I knew it would. I wanted to hope that it would end in a great, possibly grandiose way but no such luck. Look, I'm no idiot. I actually consider myself to be quite smart, however, when i watch television I don't want to have to recognize the symbolism and what everything means to figure out the in's and out's of a fucking television show! I watch TV to be entertained and when a series ends I want it all wrapped up. I'm not saying in a tight little bow and every story line is cleaned up and settled. I'll even take some crazy shit that doesn't "end" each story line but please, don't insult me by going to black so that I think my cable just went out and not giving me ANYTHING. Pathetic.
Yes, I understand that what the creators/writers were trying to do is have the viewers decide the ending on their own. Fine. No, actually, not fine. After 7 long, tedious, boring, uneventful seasons of this damn show I wanted some kind of pay off, and NO, I don't feel like I got it. No one should. Great, we all feel what it's like to be a mob boss and constantly look over our shoulders but PULEEESE! that just plain old sucked. I knew I shouldn't have gotten sucked back in by the whole "last season" pull but I did and for that I'm the moron. And the cat thing...OMG that was so dumb. AAHHH! So annoying. I guess more than anything I am pissed at myself for watching this garbage.
Anyway, enough of that crap. I'm leaving for en why see this afternoon for a conference and to have some good old Manhattan fun so I'll be MIA for a few dias. Hope everyone has a great week!
Okay, so for those of you who did watch. What did you think? I'll tell you what I think...I think it sucked ass, just like I knew it would. I wanted to hope that it would end in a great, possibly grandiose way but no such luck. Look, I'm no idiot. I actually consider myself to be quite smart, however, when i watch television I don't want to have to recognize the symbolism and what everything means to figure out the in's and out's of a fucking television show! I watch TV to be entertained and when a series ends I want it all wrapped up. I'm not saying in a tight little bow and every story line is cleaned up and settled. I'll even take some crazy shit that doesn't "end" each story line but please, don't insult me by going to black so that I think my cable just went out and not giving me ANYTHING. Pathetic.
Yes, I understand that what the creators/writers were trying to do is have the viewers decide the ending on their own. Fine. No, actually, not fine. After 7 long, tedious, boring, uneventful seasons of this damn show I wanted some kind of pay off, and NO, I don't feel like I got it. No one should. Great, we all feel what it's like to be a mob boss and constantly look over our shoulders but PULEEESE! that just plain old sucked. I knew I shouldn't have gotten sucked back in by the whole "last season" pull but I did and for that I'm the moron. And the cat thing...OMG that was so dumb. AAHHH! So annoying. I guess more than anything I am pissed at myself for watching this garbage.
Anyway, enough of that crap. I'm leaving for en why see this afternoon for a conference and to have some good old Manhattan fun so I'll be MIA for a few dias. Hope everyone has a great week!
At 12:01 PM, June 11, 2007,
Andi said…
I've never watched the Sopranos! Scary eh? So yeah, the post wouldn't have made a bit o'sense to me, but I do hope you have a fantabulous time in NYC.
At 2:00 PM, June 11, 2007,
Oh great One said…
I've never watched the Sopranos either. I do hate lame series enders though.
Have fun on your trip!
At 11:31 PM, June 11, 2007,
Chick said…
I may be the only one who didn't think it sucked...I'm such a girl...because I didn't want any of the family to get whacked...& in every scene you thought one of them was about to die...I was on the edge of my seat...I'm sad that it's least Phil bought it in a horrific way.
Hope to see you having a great time in NYC.
At 11:57 PM, June 11, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
Chick, I agree, the suspense that the writers built up and the feeling I had the entire show was kind of phenomenal. I mean, since when can a television show make you feel like you are gonna have a panic attack at any moment...BUT, they never really made good on any of the "feelings" (in my opinion). I guess I just need more out of my finales!
To all of you that don't and have never watched...good for you. You've saved yourselves a lot of wasted time!
At 5:25 PM, June 12, 2007,
Sassy said…
When shit like that happens you feel so ripped off!
Have a great trip!
Shop! Shop! Shop!
At 10:50 AM, June 13, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
I wanna go to NYC... you should have taken me with you!
At 12:49 PM, June 13, 2007,
Anonymous said…
I didn't see the finale, even though I was planning to do so ... and now I am glad I didn't because I've been reading about it ad nauseaum in everybody's blogs! Sounded like a cop-out ending to me.
At 1:50 PM, June 13, 2007,
Kelly said…
They were talking about it on the entertainment news last night how fans are really disappointed in how they ended the series.
At 8:12 AM, June 17, 2007,
Calvin said…
enjoy NYC.. i love that city!
At 1:15 AM, June 23, 2007,
blahblahblog said…
that ending left room for the movie that is sure to come down the pipe w/in a few "hold onto that feeeelin'"
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