The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Friday, July 28, 2006

Okay, so for the most part I have a really low tolerance for stoopid people. I mean, the stoopid, they irk me. They make my brain hurt when in actuality it's their brains that should be hurting. The stoopid usually just piss me right the fuck off. (And yes, I know the proper spelling of STUPID)

Here's the thing though...sometimes I am genuinely envious of them! I mean, think about it. Ignorance is bliss. They know nothing of what's going on around them. Problems just seem to roll right off their backs. They aren't affiliated with a political party. They probably don't even know who the president is right now (lucky for them). They don't over concern themselves with problems of the world. They don't worry endlessly for our society and what will become of this fucked up world. They don't worry about the homeless guy that sits outside of the coffee shop they go to everyday. Hell, I would be surprised if they even saw him there...

Then there's people like me that worry constantly about...EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! It's not fair. Sometimes I wonder what's more appealing. Brains or no brains. Okay, I'm done with my tangent

It's going to be a busy weekend. One of my very favorite friends and her hubby are moving to Pittsburgh, PA and tonight is the going away party. It will be quite bitter sweet. Tomorrow we have the annual "White Trash" party AND another friend's 35th birthday party to go to. Not quite sure how to handle this situation because we've been alerted that if we don't dress up for the WT party we are banished to the porch but we can't continue on to the next semi "adult" party with wife beaters and hickeys. Guess we have a decision to make....I've made mine, he he...Bring on the PABST BLUE RIBBON!

Hope everyone else has a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

So, I did like the most adult thing I've ever done last night. I left one of my friends Birthday celebrations after like 4 beers and got home a little before 10pm so I could get a good night's rest and get to work early today. I don't know what's happening to me but it's scary!

I had an interview today...I didn't mean to but I kind of had to. I told you all about the guy from my past that called me last week out of the blue to ask if I was interested in a new job. Well, today I went to see him and ended up basically interviewing with his boss for about 45 minutes. It went extremely well but the whole time I felt this little pang of guilt. Not that my boss or other co-workers would ever find out but it kind of made me feel bad. Long story short, I really think it's the perfect opportunity at the wrong time. I just don't know how I would make it work right now with all of the other things going on in my life. I can't imagine a new job/new boss being cool with my two week honeymoon, my scattered weeks of time off for wedding prep and then my week off in November for Thanksgiving. Oh well...I guess everything happens for a reason. I just have to hope this is the right thing to do right now.

Anyway, My fucking computer died again today. When I got back from the non-interview interview. Maybe it was mad at me? They think it's the hard drive but THIS TIME I was smart! I backed my shite up! So, I should be alright. Everything should be recovered with no problems. Still quite annoying. So, that's it for me. Hope everyone's having a great day!

Monday, July 24, 2006


Well, this is what the living room looked like when I got home and we unloaded the car from the shower on Saturday evening.

The shower was amazing. My girlfriends really hooked it up. There was a ton of food, great sangria and other tasty beverages and lots and lots of wonderful gifts! I have so much to be thankful for. There were a ton of people there and it was so nice and a little overwhelming, knowing that all of these people want to do such nice things for me.

On Sunday the real fun began! The Sweet One and I started cleaning, purging and moving crap around to make room for the new stuff and the fact that he will one day soon be moving in! We got a lot done but there is still SO much left to do.

I got my makeup done on Saturday morning by a MAC makeup artist. I was a little nervous b/c they had an event at the store that day and my girl looked a little frightening. She was VERY done up and I was like, lord, please don't let her make me look like a clown! She didn't. She did a great job and she will be used for the wedding. Hooray! One more thing to cross off my list.

Anyway, it was a lovely, productive, fun, weekend! I hope everyone else's was just as great!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Okay, so I decided to "clean up" my blog a bit yesterday. I went into my template and deleted any of the blogs that I had previously linked to that I either no longer visit or I visit often in the hopes that the long lost blogger will one day come back to play. They never do (*sobs*)

So, I missed my one year blogaversary (it was July 8th) but what I find really weird is that as the time goes on I've shortened my link's list as opposed to adding more and more to it. Is that bad? I seem to have found a stable few that I really enjoy reading and that I really like all around and it almost seems like I can't get into any more than I have in my "circle" at this time. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to new bloggy friends but there hasn't been any interest shown on my side or anyone else's for that matter. Just thought I'd share.

I am in a fabulous mood today. It's Friday, I have my computer back with all of my things properly restored which is just amazing and it's lovely outside. Oh, and they haven't called to say that my car is ready at the shop yet so I'm still driving the awesome new car. Maybe they forgot about me...I WISH! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Okay, slump officially over! I just talked to my magical MAC genius IT guy and he said he was able to recover almost EVERYTHING. I have learned a very important lesson here. I WILL back my shit up as often as I can. So that will be like everyday. I suggest everyone get on the ball and do the same.

It has obviously been frustrating not having all of my stuff (they say they will try and get me my computer back by this afternoon, we'll see) but even more frustrating are the people that keep hounding me about things I can't get to or produce yet because I just DON'T HAVE IT! Prime example...the soon to be mother-in-law!

Now, I know her, and I know that she likes to drama-fi everything. That's fine. I've lived and learned and learned to love, whatever. I spoke with her on Monday night and she asked if I would send her some of the invitation lists the next day. Well, the next day was D day and since then I have had no invitation lists to send her, electronically anyway. And there was no way I was re-typing all that shite yet until I at least heard if I was going to get the old stuff back or not. Well, The Sweet One calls me this morning telling me that his mother REALLY needs to talk to us about wedding stuff and when can we get over there to go over rehearsal dinner menu's and invitation lists, etc, etc. Okay, I sympathize because she's had another son's wedding to deal with up until a couple of weeks ago but guess what? We've been planning this wedding for the last 9 months. Don't get all crazy and jump down our throats now! I don't know, I just do things at my own pace and I don't take well to people that get all frantic on me about my shit that I know will get done. I mean we've known about this rehearsal dinner for about 6 months now we SHOULD have been planning the details sooner but it's cool that we haven't. And to be honest, there is still a month and a half left. We all know that menu's are the last things to be completed. Sometimes I just want to tell her to chill the fuck out.

Okay, sorry. That was one of my only MIL rants. Let's hope there are never too many more!

This Saturday is my BIG bridal shower. I think there may be close to 70 people there!!! YIKES. It's going to be FUN, FUN, FUN though. This is the shower that my best girlfriends are throwing for me and I have to admit I'm actually really looking forward to it. AND it's not supposed to be a billion degrees on Saturday and that makes me happy. Okay, well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I'm hoping I can visit all of you today since I haven't really been able to very well all week.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am in a funk today. This computer thing is totally depressing. I have almost nothing to do at work today b/c I can 't get into any of my old documents or databases. From what I understand Mercury is in retrograde right now which essentially means that electronic things are not functioning properly. This may also have something to do with the fact that I had to take my car to the shop again. Nothing major but still...

I have a loaner computer, which sucks, and a loaner car which I am tempted to keep. I am in LOVE with this car. I think when they call to let me know that my car is ready I'm just going to let them know that I'll be keeping the loaner. It's a brand new VW Toureg. It is so, so nice!

I got a call yesterday from an old colleague yesterday offering me a job. It's kind of flattering as I've never been sought out by a company/individual for a position before. The problem, or not, is that things are really going very well here at my current job and I don't know if I could consider leaving. On the other hand, if this other job offers me a MUCH higher salary I could be swayed. Money CAN buy my happiness.

Anyway, I'm going to wallow in my sadness. I'm not even quite sure if it has everything to do with the computer or if I'm just a depressed loser, who knows. I plan to shake this thing by this evening. I will MAKE myself feel better by all means possible, that is a promise. To myself.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I am currently, ROYALLY put it mildly.

My computer may have lost EVERYTHING, and by everything I mean my life. I am going to TRY and keep a positive attitude about this and pray that my super amazing IT guy can retrieve all of my documents, files, work, shit but he may not be able to and then I will cry.

I love my computer but I am a dumb ass. I haven't backed up my files in months and that is a very, very bad thing. All of my wedding shit is on there and everything. AAAHH. Okay, I'm going to stop freaking out.

I have nothing to post about because I'm pissed and I'm sad.

Friday, July 14, 2006

wash your mits

The back of a bathroom stall in my office!

Okay, so I understand when you work in the food industry or the "hospitality" industry, as it were, that you, by law, must have postings reminding people to wash their hands and sometimes explaining how to do it.

I DO NOT work in either industry. I work in an office building. We are the FURTHEST from food and hospitality. However, recently I guess our HR department has decided that we need to re-learn how to wash our hands! I'm sorry but, WHAT THE FUCK?

I'm big on washing the mits. I do it every time I use the can and sometimes I do it for NO REASON at all! Can you believe it? I truly am baffled by the sudden enforcement of hand washing in my building. Has there been an outbreak of disease spread through the place? I mean, it's not winter, there aren't tons of colds being spread around. I just think it's weird.

We bought TSO's suit for the wedding and his tie last night. I will post pictures ASAP. I love it all. He looks so hot in his suit. You'll have to take my word for it...

Anyway, TSO and I are going to hang with my parents at the beach this weekend. we invited our friend Mike who recently broke up with his girlfriend and Mark who continually breaks up with his whore girlfriend. I love them both and we're totally gonna have a great weekend! I love hanging with the boys. I've known them all so long it's just natural at this point. My best friend and her husband are supposed to be down at the beach this weekend too so that will be fun to have my girl with me, even though she is totally preggers, but it's a good thing! I hope you all have a great one as well!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Invitation hell

I was up until 2:30am working on this! That's right, it's ON. The proverbial wedding shit has hit the fan! Less than 2 months to go and we're getting to the good stuff!

So, if you can't tell from the mess, that is invitations. I got them all done and am sending out the invites to the people we want to come pronto. There is a separate pile for the people that I don't care about or the white trash portion of the family that I hope doesn't come. Those will be sent out later. Perhaps in a couple of week...he he (I'm EVIL!)

So, the wedding last weekend was so great. We partied from Thursday until Sunday morning and let me tell you, I'm paying for it this week. I am SO tired. It's funny though, The Sweet One's bro and his friends are older than us, yet they party a lot harder than we do. By Saturday night TSO and I were beat. At 3am we had to excuse ourselves and go to bed.

(Wrightsville Beach)

It was a beautiful weekend. The wedding was amazing but now that it's over the pressures on. It seems like ours will be here before we know it and that makes me excited and a little sad.

I don't want this time to be over, as silly as that sounds, but I can't wait to be The Sweet One's wife, as silly as THAT sounds! It's such a weird time. I'd like to say that I'm worried that things aren't done and how things will turn out but I know no matter how our day goes it will be perfect. Okay, I'm getting sappy and totally lame here so I'll stop.

I've missed you all so much! I am now consumed with work (I got home at 8pm last night) and wedding stuff but I plan to catch up on all of you today and hopefully stay in the loop from now on. Hope everyone's had a nice week so far!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Work is currently kicking my ass. It doesn't seem fair that just two days out of the office can have this type of effect when I return! Lord only knows what will happen when I'm away on my honeymoon for two weeks!!!

The wedding last weekend was phenomenal, Wrightsville Beach was so much fun. More later when I get out of the weeds...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Independence Day

Well, there is something to be said for watching the fire works along the Potomac River in our nation's capitol. This 4th of July was another great one. Of course, since the weather here is now that of an action movie we couldn't go through the day unscathed. We had one of our now famous thunder storms. And by thunder storms I mean tornado-like downpours, green skies, 90 mile per hour winds, flooding, downed tree limbs and power lines, all within MINUTES! I'm not kidding. Luckily we got to our spot right around the time all of this action started so we sat in our cars and waited it out.

After the rain subsided it was a glorious evening. The temperatures dropped, there was a cool breeze and the clouds disappeared. We had lots of yummy food, great company and tons of fun.

One thing that I could do without in DC is the "children" that live in the hood setting off fire crackers/works for the remainder of the evening and into the early morning. For some reason independence DAY means a week's worth of fire works to the little fuckers. Try sleeping, or better yet, avoiding a heart attack with M-80 type explosives going off outside your door...I woke up at 6am on Tuesday to firecrackers popping across the street - not fun! I smartened up last night and drove back to my suburban abode so that I could get some sleep. The drive home was nothing short of an adventure. It was like a war zone. I was driving through a cloud of smoke from all of the fire works. It was a mess.

I am just getting my voice back. Apparently the "cold/flu" I had last week wasn't really ready to leave so quickly. I have been talking like a frog since last Friday and I have been coughing like crazy. I'm probably dying...oh well.

Today is my only day in the office this week. I have a ton of work to get done then the Sweet One and I are heading to North Carolina butt ass early tomorrow morning for his brothers wedding, which he is the best man in. It should be a good time but I foresee no opportunity for me to get any better since I will probably be drinking non stop for the next five days. I haven't been to the gym in almost as long and I don't see myself getting any exercise while we're away. I am destined to be a fat ass...oh well, at least I'll be happy!

I hope that everyone had an amazing 4th of July with family and friends! If I can't update the rest of the week, enjoy your weekend! What a nice short week!!!