Invitation hell
I was up until 2:30am working on this! That's right, it's ON. The proverbial wedding shit has hit the fan! Less than 2 months to go and we're getting to the good stuff!
I've missed you all so much! I am now consumed with work (I got home at 8pm last night) and wedding stuff but I plan to catch up on all of you today and hopefully stay in the loop from now on. Hope everyone's had a nice week so far!
So, if you can't tell from the mess, that is invitations. I got them all done and am sending out the invites to the people we want to come pronto. There is a separate pile for the people that I don't care about or the white trash portion of the family that I hope doesn't come. Those will be sent out later. Perhaps in a couple of week...he he (I'm EVIL!)
So, the wedding last weekend was so great. We partied from Thursday until Sunday morning and let me tell you, I'm paying for it this week. I am SO tired. It's funny though, The Sweet One's bro and his friends are older than us, yet they party a lot harder than we do. By Saturday night TSO and I were beat. At 3am we had to excuse ourselves and go to bed.
It was a beautiful weekend. The wedding was amazing but now that it's over the pressures on. It seems like ours will be here before we know it and that makes me excited and a little sad. 
I don't want this time to be over, as silly as that sounds, but I can't wait to be The Sweet One's wife, as silly as THAT sounds! It's such a weird time. I'd like to say that I'm worried that things aren't done and how things will turn out but I know no matter how our day goes it will be perfect. Okay, I'm getting sappy and totally lame here so I'll stop.
I've missed you all so much! I am now consumed with work (I got home at 8pm last night) and wedding stuff but I plan to catch up on all of you today and hopefully stay in the loop from now on. Hope everyone's had a nice week so far!
At 9:24 AM, July 13, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I was so happy to get the wedding over with! It was an amazing day to be sure, but I wanted everything to settle down so I could just be Mrs. CCB. You are right, everything will work out beautifully no matter what.
At 11:02 AM, July 13, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
the pics are lovely! must go to the beach soon.....
At 11:17 AM, July 13, 2006,
Andi said…
I'm so excited for youuuu!! Can't wait to see pics of your very own wedding. I love planning stuff, so I'm living vicariously.
At 11:59 AM, July 13, 2006,
Sassy said…
Enjoy every minute..even the crazy stress parts, cuz it goes by so quick and all of a sudden its over! We had such a blast at our wedding, we were actually the last to leave..the ppl were pulling the table cloths off and everthing! We just continued the party back at our house with some friends since we had to stay awake to leave for the honeymoon in a couple hours!
Oh and you're not evil. We actually had an A list and a B list. The b list were those we really didnt care if they came, so they got invited later, or if someone onthe A list couldnt come.. Bad I know.
At 8:53 PM, July 13, 2006,
CaCaBoy said…
Wedding planning is awesome! (If you're the dude!) It will seem chaotic right up until you start down the ailse, and then all the planning won't matter one bit!
At 11:29 PM, July 13, 2006,
Chick said…
All I can say is...ENJOY it all...sounds like you goes by sooo quickly.
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