wash your mits

The back of a bathroom stall in my office!
Okay, so I understand when you work in the food industry or the "hospitality" industry, as it were, that you, by law, must have postings reminding people to wash their hands and sometimes explaining how to do it.
I DO NOT work in either industry. I work in an office building. We are the FURTHEST from food and hospitality. However, recently I guess our HR department has decided that we need to re-learn how to wash our hands! I'm sorry but, WHAT THE FUCK?
I'm big on washing the mits. I do it every time I use the can and sometimes I do it for NO REASON at all! Can you believe it? I truly am baffled by the sudden enforcement of hand washing in my building. Has there been an outbreak of disease spread through the place? I mean, it's not winter, there aren't tons of colds being spread around. I just think it's weird.
We bought TSO's suit for the wedding and his tie last night. I will post pictures ASAP. I love it all. He looks so hot in his suit. You'll have to take my word for it...
Anyway, TSO and I are going to hang with my parents at the beach this weekend. we invited our friend Mike who recently broke up with his girlfriend and Mark who continually breaks up with his whore girlfriend. I love them both and we're totally gonna have a great weekend! I love hanging with the boys. I've known them all so long it's just natural at this point. My best friend and her husband are supposed to be down at the beach this weekend too so that will be fun to have my girl with me, even though she is totally preggers, but it's a good thing! I hope you all have a great one as well!!
At 9:46 AM, July 14, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Wow! Another fun filled weekend! I'm so jealous. When we get a weekend off we have to factor in naps and crap for the kids.
When I was younger I always had more guy friends than females. They are a hoot to hang out with. No drama! Now it's mainly women friends and I don't get to see them nearly as much as I'd like. Did I mention that I was jealous?;)
At 12:11 PM, July 14, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
again- i wanna go to the beach!!!
At 1:42 PM, July 14, 2006,
Sassy said…
I think those signs must be there because some people still don't wash their hands after the being in the can...I want to vomit when I see people leaving without washing.
I am jealous of your weekend! I want to live near a nice beach!!
At 4:08 PM, July 14, 2006,
The Funky Bee said…
I wish you all could come with me...
At 5:00 PM, July 14, 2006,
Andi said…
Have a great weekend! Sounds like it'll be a good time. :)
At 9:11 PM, July 14, 2006,
aughra said…
Well, at least you know that it's not for you. It's for those other fucking slobs!
At 6:15 PM, July 15, 2006,
Oh great One said…
Wait a second! I just had a thought. (scary I know) You said "Lord only knows what will happen when I'm away on my honeymoon for two weeks!!!" I know that was several posts ago but I'm slow ok? TWO WEEKS? What in the name of all that is holy am I supposed to do with you gone for TWO WEEKS? CRAP! I think I'll need to start drinking again. *sigh*
At 12:16 AM, July 17, 2006,
peachy said…
That's definitely a weird sign at your workplace, but, hey, if it works, great!
I avoid people that don't wash their hands in the bathroom.
Hope you had fun at the beach!!
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