Okay, slump officially over! I just talked to my magical MAC genius IT guy and he said he was able to recover almost EVERYTHING. I have learned a very important lesson here. I WILL back my shit up as often as I can. So that will be like everyday. I suggest everyone get on the ball and do the same.
It has obviously been frustrating not having all of my stuff (they say they will try and get me my computer back by this afternoon, we'll see) but even more frustrating are the people that keep hounding me about things I can't get to or produce yet because I just DON'T HAVE IT! Prime example...the soon to be mother-in-law!
Now, I know her, and I know that she likes to drama-fi everything. That's fine. I've lived and learned and learned to love, whatever. I spoke with her on Monday night and she asked if I would send her some of the invitation lists the next day. Well, the next day was D day and since then I have had no invitation lists to send her, electronically anyway. And there was no way I was re-typing all that shite yet until I at least heard if I was going to get the old stuff back or not. Well, The Sweet One calls me this morning telling me that his mother REALLY needs to talk to us about wedding stuff and when can we get over there to go over rehearsal dinner menu's and invitation lists, etc, etc. Okay, I sympathize because she's had another son's wedding to deal with up until a couple of weeks ago but guess what? We've been planning this wedding for the last 9 months. Don't get all crazy and jump down our throats now! I don't know, I just do things at my own pace and I don't take well to people that get all frantic on me about my shit that I know will get done. I mean we've known about this rehearsal dinner for about 6 months now we SHOULD have been planning the details sooner but it's cool that we haven't. And to be honest, there is still a month and a half left. We all know that menu's are the last things to be completed. Sometimes I just want to tell her to chill the fuck out.
Okay, sorry. That was one of my only MIL rants. Let's hope there are never too many more!
This Saturday is my BIG bridal shower. I think there may be close to 70 people there!!! YIKES. It's going to be FUN, FUN, FUN though. This is the shower that my best girlfriends are throwing for me and I have to admit I'm actually really looking forward to it. AND it's not supposed to be a billion degrees on Saturday and that makes me happy. Okay, well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I'm hoping I can visit all of you today since I haven't really been able to very well all week.
It has obviously been frustrating not having all of my stuff (they say they will try and get me my computer back by this afternoon, we'll see) but even more frustrating are the people that keep hounding me about things I can't get to or produce yet because I just DON'T HAVE IT! Prime example...the soon to be mother-in-law!
Now, I know her, and I know that she likes to drama-fi everything. That's fine. I've lived and learned and learned to love, whatever. I spoke with her on Monday night and she asked if I would send her some of the invitation lists the next day. Well, the next day was D day and since then I have had no invitation lists to send her, electronically anyway. And there was no way I was re-typing all that shite yet until I at least heard if I was going to get the old stuff back or not. Well, The Sweet One calls me this morning telling me that his mother REALLY needs to talk to us about wedding stuff and when can we get over there to go over rehearsal dinner menu's and invitation lists, etc, etc. Okay, I sympathize because she's had another son's wedding to deal with up until a couple of weeks ago but guess what? We've been planning this wedding for the last 9 months. Don't get all crazy and jump down our throats now! I don't know, I just do things at my own pace and I don't take well to people that get all frantic on me about my shit that I know will get done. I mean we've known about this rehearsal dinner for about 6 months now we SHOULD have been planning the details sooner but it's cool that we haven't. And to be honest, there is still a month and a half left. We all know that menu's are the last things to be completed. Sometimes I just want to tell her to chill the fuck out.
Okay, sorry. That was one of my only MIL rants. Let's hope there are never too many more!
This Saturday is my BIG bridal shower. I think there may be close to 70 people there!!! YIKES. It's going to be FUN, FUN, FUN though. This is the shower that my best girlfriends are throwing for me and I have to admit I'm actually really looking forward to it. AND it's not supposed to be a billion degrees on Saturday and that makes me happy. Okay, well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I'm hoping I can visit all of you today since I haven't really been able to very well all week.
At 2:14 PM, July 20, 2006,
Oh great One said…
YAY! You got your stuff back! PartAY!
Mother in law drama...it happens. You just gotta learn to roll with it. I've been doing it for nearly 14 years now. You'll get the hang of it!
It sounds like you'll be rakin' in the booty on Saturday! Rock on!
At 2:59 PM, July 20, 2006,
Suze said…
Ooh, no HNT this week. *pout*
Happy HNT anyway sweetie ;)
At 4:50 AM, July 21, 2006,
AMS said…
I've been putting the old backing up routine on the long finger....must get around to it sometime.
Enjoy the bridal shower - oooooh the excitement!
At 8:34 AM, July 21, 2006,
peachy said…
I love drama-fi. hee hee.
That's great that you got most of your stuff back, and send that list to your MIL asap so she stops hounding you.
Have a great shower. 70 people. I think I'd kill myself. hee hee.
At 11:14 AM, July 21, 2006,
Sassy said…
Yay!! glad things were sorted out and you got your files back!
Enjoy the bridal shower!!!!!! This one sounds like fun!
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