The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Has anyone ever noticed that the word DIET contains the word

just a thought...


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Fat Tuesday Everyone! I imagine this is a festive time this year in New Orleans with things back up and running. I also can't imagine spending a Mardi Gras in that town. It might be one of my worst nightmares. I've spent a New Year's Eve in the French Quarter and that was enough madness for me. I can't even imagine the magnitude of this special New Orleans event!

So, that means I get to go to church tomorrow at lunch and return to the constant, "you have something on your forehead" comments! It's oh so clever. So, warning to all of you that forgot tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, when you see someone walk by with ashes on their head, don't be alarmed. They didn't just put out a 4 alarm fire or fall in the dirt or wipe their mascara on their face.

Had an interesting weekend. Drinking with friends, drinking with family. Did not leave the house AT ALL yesterday. The hubby and I were laughing when we went to lock up to go to bed last night and realized that we never even unlocked the front door. It was a lazy Monday remembering our former presidents and wishing others were gone too...I made Chicken Parmesan for the first time in my life for dinner last night. It was YUMMY! If anyone is interested I used Bobby Flay's recipe. It was simple and deelish. Try it out if you're a fan of the chicken parm.

Anyway, back at work and so glad it's a short week. I am sick of working lately and I'm gonna blame it on the weather. It's supposed to go up to about 50 later this week and I've never been more excited to be less cold in my life, except for the fact that I'm fat and this just reminds me that it will be 80 degrees sooner than I think and then I'll have to suck my fat ass into a bathing suit! OY...the treadmill is calling.

Have a great day everyone...


Thursday, February 15, 2007


So...although the hubby and I have never really been big into Valentine's Day I figured this year, being our first married Valentine's Day together I would buy him a fun gift. So, I got him this...

and this!

I think they're very cute. I plan to break them in this weekend. Kind of an extended V-day.

Happy Thursday Everyone!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

So I totally forgot that I had a "presentation" workshop for two days in my office. I feel like I've been in a time warp. BUT I have learned the art of effective speaking and presenting. Actually it was a very good class. Got some much needed eye contact skills, learned to pause between points rather than say "um" or "like". It was fun.

So, it's been snowing, sleeting, raining since Monday and finally caused a little bit of a commotion. I left work a little early last night because it was getting icy and right now I am sitting at home. All of the schools are closed and even the government is on a delayed schedule. I will at some point, begrudgingly, try to get to work, just not any time soon. I don't' mess with snow and I SURE as hell don't mess with ice!! AND apparently a lot of my managers are not even trying to get in so we'll just see. I am just glad that we aren't getting pummelled like the rest of the interior north east. If there were two feet of snow outside I think I might cry. It really is a desperate feeling if you've never experienced it. It's fun for the first day or two but then you start to feel like you'll never be able to go anywhere again until spring comes and melts it all away!

Okay well I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday. Don't forget to watch the best show on television shouldn't need a reminder, but just in case you do, LOST!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

hmmm, the weekend...there are few good things about being broke but one of those few is joining your parents for dinner. One reason is that well, you get to spend a lovely evening with your family, the other is of course a free meal! My bro was in town from Minnesota on Friday night so TSO and I met my parents, bro and his girlfriend at The Chart House in Annapolis for dinner. All I can say is YUM- a free meal doesn't get better than this. The food was phenomenal and of course the company was even better. We had drinks, we ate one of the best meals ever and we ended up hanging around and gabbing for hours. It was a great night. Oh, and the fact that my parents treated us all made it even more spectacular!

Saturday I started the day by working on a baby/diaper bag I am making for a family member that I have to admit is turning out pretty fucking great! If you need a baby bag, I am on it (for a very reasonable price). Once I get this one done I am putting it on my web site so I will expand my bag selection for any of you in the baby bag market. The only bad thing is that the colors are very muted and not what I would choose for a cute/fun baby bag but hey, it was her choice. Anyway, nothing huge on Saturday night - more drinking with friends and hanging with fam...blah, blah, blah.

Sunday morning I woke up to a caffeine induced, high speed phone conversation with a fellow blogger who I just may be in love with now. She is HOT, she has a British accent, even though she thinks it's gone, and well, she's just cool! The day must have started on a good note because from there things only got better. The hussy (aka husband) and I went to the Maryland vs. Duke basketball game. And if you know ANYTHING about college basketball MD and Duke are rivals and MD is usually on the losing end of the battle BUT we prevailed and quite frankly kicked Duke's ASS! It was fun, fun, fun. Tomorrow will suck because it's Monday, that's just the way it goes...

I hope you all had as good as or a better weekend than I did. MUWAH!

Friday, February 09, 2007

R.I.P. Anna Nicole Smith - tragic...

Blogger made me switch to the new version...oh well. It's cold.

Not much to say today so I'll use something I stole from Sassy:

10 Firsts

1. First Best Friend: Cindy
2. First Car: 1980-ish blue volkswagen Jetta
3. First Love: Michael Jackson...?
4. First Vacation: Can't parents did a lot of road trips when I was a wee baby and I was always along for the ride so it must be one of those...?
5. First Job: Babysitter
6. First Piercing: My ear lobes and I was NOT happy about it. Think I called the "tech" a dummy - my first version of a curse word
7. First Concert: Cindy Lauper
8. First Record/CD bought: Probably tied between Michael Jackson, Madonna, Cindy Lauper tape (there were no cd's back then!)
9. First Real Love: My DADDY. and then of course the one and only Mr. Funky
10. First Screen Name: Gurlbee

9 Latest

1. Latest Alcoholic Beverage: Yellow Tail Shiraz
2. Latest Car Ride: To work this morning - boo!
3. Latest Movie Watched: the WHOLE movie - Ricky Bobby Talladega Nights (horrible movie and SO not funny), parts of - Nanny McPhee and I can't wait to watch the whole thing, it's so cute!
4. Latest Phone Call Made: Gabbing with Mom
5. Latest Jacuzzi Bath: Couple of months ago before our hot tub died!
6. Latest CD Played: Gnarles Barkley
7. Latest Time You Cried: this morning...I dreamt my step dad died and I woke up crying. I hope it never happens...
8. Latest Meal: Din din last night - leftover jasmin brown rice dish with bacon and tomatoes and cabbage - sounds weird, tastes delicious!
9. Latest Curse: umm, probably the last word that came out of my mouth. Sometimes I feel I need my mouth washed out with soap, it's that fucking bad...

Play if you want...and if you don't that's fine too. Have a great Friday!!


Thursday, February 08, 2007

snow blow

Work has been kicking my ass this week. I am so tired and worn out. I haven't had any energy to do anything and I haven't been to the gym at all. AND, I don't plan to go. It's too damn cold out. This week has literally felt like a month and it's not even over yet. I've gotten hives twice this week and my stomach is in constant turmoil and I am not quite sure why. I'm feeling a little bit better today but really just can't wait to sleep this weekend and hopefully come back to a much calmer work place next week!

It snowed again on Tuesday night into Wednesday which was weird because it was cold as hell and usually doesn't snow when it's this cold out. It snowed juuuust enough to be a nuisance. Some schools were closed but of course it was nothing near what has to happen to cancel work. Can you tell I need a day off? TSO and I are heading to New Orleans for a wedding in mid March and I am counting down the days at this point. Here's a picture of our lame snow ride home on Tuesday night leaving the Maryland basketball game:

Last night my LOST came back for the mid season premiere! OMG, if you haven't watched it yet I won't talk about it or ruin anything but it was so good. I really love this show and I am so excited we get 15 more new episodes in a row. YAYY.

Okay, that's pretty much all I got! Hope everyone has a lovely, warm, Thursday!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My little cold miraculously went away when I realized how much work I had to do today. Not only was I at work until 7:30 last night there was no getting out of coming in today. There's another possibility of snow tonight so maybe that will be my excuse for not coming in tomorrow instead. When I mentioned the threat of snow to my boss he called me a fragile flower or something goofy like that. I just responded with, “look, I don’t drive in the snow, okay?” He seemed fine with that.

Well, I noticed a nice nail sticking out of my tire last night so I sat in the tire repair shop for 2 hours waiting for them to fix it. It was so fun. As a matter of fact I am writing this from the shop right now. Thank god I was smart enough to bring my laptop. I actually played Text Twist until I couldn't see straight and I had to plug my laptop in for more juice and then decided to move onto a new activity. So blogging it was.

The saddest part of this whole scenario is that I really don’t have much to say so this post is pointless and it means I’m gonna have to go back to playing Text Twist.

It’s still cold as balls out. Every time I go outside I think of the poor homeless people that have no choice but to be outside. I know that the state/city sends out “hypothermia” vans that pick these people up and takes them to shelters but there are some that just don’t want to or can’t go. It makes me really sad and thankful for the warm home I get to come home to every night. Hug your peeps tonight, keep them warm and tell them you love them!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Ahhh the weekend...let's see what I can remember.

Friday night was a nice, cozy night in with the hubby. It was cold and rainy out and just felt good to chill. Saturday the hub and I got up early, went grocery shopping for the week and for super bowl guests then I cleaned the house from top to bottom.

Saturday night I went out with the girls. It was one of my friend's b-day and her boyfriend got us all a hotel room, a VIP table at a club in Georgetown and bottle service for our table. OY! The night started right. A little pre-drinking in the suite, hanging with the girls and just went down hill from there. We danced, we drank, we laughed, we hung out with a group of the biggest Kanye West look a like boys you have ever seen (seriously, you've never seen so many argyle sweaters in one place), I fell down at some point - I vaguely remember it - and I have a huge bruise on my arse to prove it! YAYY.

I am seriously starting to realize that I am OLD! I just can not drink like I used to. I physically could not get out of bed until about 3pm yesterday and even that was pushing it. Thank GOD I made most of the food for the super bowl on Saturday because everything I did made me want to throw up, especially handling food. I started feeling not drunk anymore and semi normal by about 5pm and even today just don't feel quite myself.

So, we had a few friends over to watch the game. We had yummy food, good company. The game was entertaining. I really wanted the Bears to win but really could care less to be honest. AND I really like Tony Dungee so good for him. It is SO cold here. The low today is supposed to be 7. SEVEN! SEVEN DEGREES. I am not going to the gym tonight. As a matter of fact I am not going anywhere but in my car to my house and no where else. And if it is as cold tomorrow as it is today I don't know that I can make it to work, I may be coming down with something (cough, cough). The cold weather makes me angry. I just can't take this.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope it's warmer where you are than it is here!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Okay, I am a DORK. With bitter sweetness I pre-ordered the LAST Harry Potter book today. I can't wait to get it, to read it, to savor it BUT I am so, so, sad. No more Harry Potter. And that makes me want to cry. It comes out on July 21st and I'm so excited.

Anyway, not a whole lot going on here. It's cold as poop outside. It's supposed to snow, sleet, ice, rain, whatever here tonight into tomorrow. I really hope it does. I told TSO this morning, don't you wish it could be like when you were a kid and you wake up one morning and there's like a foot of snow outside and you can't go anywhere except sledding? Oh a girl can only dream.

I've been really good about going to the gym. I went 4 times last week and twice this week so far. I'm taking tonight off and planning to go tomorrow. It feels good to get back in there. I'm also considering trying the Reverse Diet. It kind of makes sense. Basically you reverse your calorie intake so you eat the bulk of your daily calories in the morning and afternoon and a very small amount at dinner. We'll see how it works. I've tried every diet on earth so why not one more right?

Okay ladies and gents. Have a lovely Thursday!