So a few weeks back, after a long hiatus, I triumphantly made a trip to the gym. I jokingly made a remark about not getting back to the gym for another three months after that. Well, I haven't been back since and it's quite disturbing that I might "jokingly" be writing my miserable fate...It's just been a combination of things that have kept me from going. Number one being that it's obviously not top priority. Then comes laziness, making things for the web site, it's so dark and cold when I get off work, more important invitations like drinking and eating, and so on and so forth...
The bad (and good) part of it is that I'm going to Florida in about two weeks and it's with my mom and step dad. You know, the one's who help me remember that I'm fat, or at least don't let me forget that I am not skinny. I had the huge blow up with my mom months ago and we (I) decided we would never speak of this touchy subject again. The other day my mom, in all of he subtlety says, "If I came to you every morning to work out, would you work out with me?". Hmmm, I wonder what she meant by that? My mother lives at least 45 minutes away from me. She would have to be here at 7am every day and battle rush hour traffic so that would put her at an hour - hour and a half drive. She's impossible some times!
I'm going to try to not worry about it. It's winter time for God's sake, right? Plus I can still wear a bikini, I just won't look like the Hawaiian Tropic model I once was (HA!)
I need a new pair of high boots. I really want to buy some on-line and spare my self a visit to that horrible place called the mall but it's too risky. I have what I like to call calves and that means that I have to actually try on every pair of high boots before I can buy them. It's quite annoying. I have a pair that I bought a few years ago in Vegas but it's time for an upgrade, and dammit I deserve it!
I am currently preparing for a show at the end of November. I've completed all of the lingering orders from my web site and I am now working on building up my inventory to get ready to sell, sell, sell for the holidays. I expect to be up all hours for the next month or so getting all of my new bags, toy chests, piggy banks, etc made. Looks like the gym is really gonna get pushed off the radar...shocker!
Hope everyone is having a nice day. It is unseasonably warm here today and I plan to go enjoy the 70 degree weather, Brittney's impending deevorce from Fedderfuck (there may be hope for her yet) and the fact that the republicans are the big LOOSAH's! YAYY