I pretty much hate Christmas, I always have...yes, I know, I'm a horrible, HORRIBLE person. I am a product of divorced parents and I have lots and lots of extended family all over the place so Christmas to me has always been very hectic, lots of moving from place to place and house to house (a lot of times by myself), never being able to spend enough time with anyone I really wanted to and lots of guilt. So, needless to say, this have never been my favorite holiday. Plus the whole money thing stinks. I always feel like I have NO money around the holidays and that stresses me out. This year is no different in that regard!
BUT, I have to say that I am really excited about decorating the house and getting all into it this year. I always like decorating, etc but I am kind of pumped about getting the tree, putting up lights and hunkering down to celebrate the birth of our lord, Jesus Christ...he he. I have been listening to Christmas music since Sunday and I'm digging it. It's really getting me into the "spirit" you could say.
Maybe this Christmas will be different...? Doubt it.
BUT, I have to say that I am really excited about decorating the house and getting all into it this year. I always like decorating, etc but I am kind of pumped about getting the tree, putting up lights and hunkering down to celebrate the birth of our lord, Jesus Christ...he he. I have been listening to Christmas music since Sunday and I'm digging it. It's really getting me into the "spirit" you could say.
Maybe this Christmas will be different...? Doubt it.
At 12:22 PM, November 29, 2006,
Oh great One said…
My parents are divorced too which can be good and bad. LOTS of extra gifts but no time with everyone. When you get older there are LOTS of extra gifts to BUY and still no time to spend with everyone.
You are married now so it's time to start your own traditions. My husband and I "hole up" on Christmas. We spend the whole day just us and the kids, no traveling! If anyone wants to spend time with us then they come to our house. That's the rule. His family usually did the "big family deal" on Christmas eve so it worked out.
As for the money. I'm with you on that one. I've managed to whittle off some of the people I used to feel obliged to buy for off my list and that helps.
I got my trees up. Yes I said trees. We have 3 up!
At 6:42 AM, November 30, 2006,
Andi said…
Send some of that spirit my way 'cause I've got nothin'!
At 12:51 PM, November 30, 2006,
Calvin said…
hey.. of course this Christmas will be different.. because you have a new family of your own now.. so time to start a few new traditions!
At 10:51 AM, December 01, 2006,
Cold Hands said…
I am decorating this year even though Im not really in the spirit. I did nothing last year because of my dad and that was jsut sad.... so I am sucking it up and pulling out the ole tree.
Bah (humbug)
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