So, my company was offering flu shots yesterday for just $10. So, I figured, why not? There is always such a big deal about people not being able to get them so if I have the opportunity I should go for it, right? Well, BIG mistake. I don't know if the nurse didn't know what she was doing or what but that shit HURT. I've had flu shots every year for the last few years and it's never hurt, not like this. It hurt going into my arm and my arm is STILL sore now. I feel like I have the limp arm. I'm all tingly and it hurts to just move. Although I am a big baby when it comes to needles and all that crap, I am not being a wuss. I am bruised and pissed. Nurses should know better, don't you think?
Anyway, I voted this morning. I am very proud of myself. I will admit that I've never voted for anyone other than the President of the United States. And I will admit after the last two elections I have had a very bad taste in my mouth about the whole electoral system. I really, really believed, and still harbor a little of these feelings today, that my vote really does not count. BUT, I have turned over a new leaf. I am counting on "the system" to make my vote count and make me see the results that I really expect in this election. We'll see what happens.
Last night hubby, Bro in law, our friend S and a few of the BIL's friends and I all went to see The Black Keys at the 9:30 Club here in D.C. It was a great show. If you have the opportunity to see them I highly recommend it! They are White Stripes-ish in the sense that they have only two band members - a drummer and a basist. BUT they are more blues-ie, soulful. They pretty much rock! The only bad part is the guy next to me was a chain smoker. I mean, I know when I am in for a smoke filled night but this dude was an exception to the rule. I could not breathe two songs in. SO, my friend S switched spots with me. Two songs later (and he's a smoker) he looked over at me and said, "damn, you weren't kidding". We were gagging half way through. I can't wait until the smoking ban goes into effect in 2007 in DC! It will make going out so much more enjoyable. Anyway, that's all folks!
Anyway, I voted this morning. I am very proud of myself. I will admit that I've never voted for anyone other than the President of the United States. And I will admit after the last two elections I have had a very bad taste in my mouth about the whole electoral system. I really, really believed, and still harbor a little of these feelings today, that my vote really does not count. BUT, I have turned over a new leaf. I am counting on "the system" to make my vote count and make me see the results that I really expect in this election. We'll see what happens.
Last night hubby, Bro in law, our friend S and a few of the BIL's friends and I all went to see The Black Keys at the 9:30 Club here in D.C. It was a great show. If you have the opportunity to see them I highly recommend it! They are White Stripes-ish in the sense that they have only two band members - a drummer and a basist. BUT they are more blues-ie, soulful. They pretty much rock! The only bad part is the guy next to me was a chain smoker. I mean, I know when I am in for a smoke filled night but this dude was an exception to the rule. I could not breathe two songs in. SO, my friend S switched spots with me. Two songs later (and he's a smoker) he looked over at me and said, "damn, you weren't kidding". We were gagging half way through. I can't wait until the smoking ban goes into effect in 2007 in DC! It will make going out so much more enjoyable. Anyway, that's all folks!
At 2:43 PM, November 07, 2006,
Oh great One said…
I'm sorry about your arm. I wonder what this nurse did different than the last nurses that did your shots. Did you tense up your arm? Who knows.
Planning on voting this afternoon when CCB gets home. Yay for you!
At 4:58 PM, November 07, 2006,
Sassy said…
I still haven't got my flu shot..and who knows if I will. I'm lazy. I didn't get it last year and I think I was the only one who didn't get sick!
Hope your arm is feeling better :)
At 6:15 PM, November 08, 2006,
AMS said…
Down with injections!
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