The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Friday, November 10, 2006

Workin' Girl

So Last night the hubby went to play cards with the boys so I stayed in and worked my little fingers to the bone. This is the living room with all of my fabrics and supplies strewn about. That little spot of carpet is where I stayed until about 1am and today my back is paying for it. I wish there was a more ergonomic way to sit while cutting purse patterns.

After a while I decided to be fancy and break out the new champagne glasses, we haven't used them yet. And, since yesterday was our two month anniversary I decided to celebrate! Here is my single glass of champagne. It was tasty! And celebrating alone isn't as sad as it sounds ;O)

My bestest friend is currently in the hospital having her first baby!!! She should deliver around 1pm. She was at 7-8 cm's around 9:30 this morning so it could be any time now! I am so excited and I can't wait to meet her new baby girl. She thinks she's having a boy - they didn't find out ahead of time - but I am SURE it's a girl, I just know it...

Updates later...


It's a GIRL! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Ava was 8lb's 11 oz's 21" - she was like a little Turkey! I can't wait to meet her!!!!


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