Well after 3 awesome weeks of LOST we get a real lame-o episode last night...Oh well. They can't all be
Emmy worthy I presume.
Other than that, I really have to apologize because I am at a total loss. I have
absolutely NOTHING to say, and that seems odd, even to me.
Every time I get ready to write something it ends up being so boring and lame that I erase it. Maybe that's what happened to the LOST writers last night. Anyway, I'm going to catch up on all of you since I have nothing to contribute. Hopefully I'll do something exciting tonight/this weekend and have something to spew about.
Adios amigos!
EVER complain that you're boring, have nothing to talk about, nothing has happened...whatever. I totally jinxed myself.
I just came back inside from an hour + of trying to get my fucking dog from my neighbors yard! I am bleeding, I am dirty, it decided to POUR while I was out there, the dog is muddy and wet, I WAS in a white sweatshirt but I don't know that it will ever be white again. I almost started crying at one point I was so frustrated.
So, back story...the other night my dog found a spot in the gate between our house and our weird neighbors house where she could shimmy under to the other side. Thankfully this happened when my husband was taking her out and the neighbor was in her yard so she opened the gate for him to come get her.
Well today I decide to go into work a little late. I'm home, I'm doing some work on the computer and hey, the poor dog needs to go out, I'll take her real quick. The little shit goes straight for the spot. I yell for her. She taunts me. I pull out a treat. She runs in circles in the neighbors yard. I walk away. She comes towards the fence.
WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO? I go check the neighbors gate and it's bolted shut and too tall to jump. I go to the other side and the fence is about 7 feet tall with no handle so that's out. I go to the door and no one comes. I knock, I knock, I knock...nothing but
yippy dog barks from inside.
I go inside and get the step stool and place it on the other side of the fence for the dog to step up and I'll grab her and pull her over. Yeah...right! I put the step stool on the outside of the fence and place my recycling bin on the inside of the fence. I try to climb over but it's still too high so I can't reach the bin meaning if I get over I will never be able to get back.
I go get the leash and somehow get it on the dog through one of the gate posts. At this point my arms and hands are scraped and bruised. Then I hear thunder. I swear it was like a bad joke. Then it starts pouring and my dog is running back and forth in the dirt. FUCK!
I go back into my yard and try to coax her back to the spot where she climbed through. She comes for a treat and I grab her collar. She's pissed. I'm shaking I'm so mad. I grab a hold of the leash and thread it through the fence until I get in the right spot. More scrapes and bruises. I pull the fence up so she sees she can come back through. I start pulling her leash. Finally she's close enough that I can grab her legs. She starts flailing wildly and trying to bite me. I wanted to
KILL HER. I was really on the verge of tears at this point. So I've got the fence in one hand trying to pull it up. I have the leash in the other hand, the dog is pulling so hard I think my fingers are gonna get snipped off. Finally she pulls really hard and the fence slips through my fingers...slice. There's blood all over. NOW I AM READY TO FUCKING KILL! I'm laying in dirt and ivy and whatever excrement that my dog leaves in that particular spot. My husband is on his way home to help me. I am done. She can fucking rot over there for all I care. I tie her leash to an azalea bush and I get up and walk away. Before I could get to the back door that little bitch comes right under the fence on her own.
She is currently in her crate where she will stay until I calm down and feel like letting her out. Now I have to go take a shower because I look and smell like a wet dog!