The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I got my camera...hooray!! And, lucky for you, it was an eventful drive in to work today.

First I caught a family of deer hopping across a pretty busy street as I was driving in. I tried to get a picture of the mama but it came out blurry. She was literally at the front door of a house that I drove by. Can you imagine opening your front door, or looking outside and seeing a huge deer at your door? Anyway, here are two of the little one's crossing...

oh deer!

Also on my way to work, I decided to get a shot of the most obnoxiously decorated house I've ever seen. And it doesn't even have anything to do with my opinion on candidates. If I saw someone with Obama signs in their yard like this I would have the same reaction. I mean, these people are the one's that are just SCREAMING for a confrontation. This to me just says, "hey look at me! Do you agree? GREAT! Don't agree? I'll fight with you about it!" I'm surprised these morons don't have curtains inside their house fashioned out of these ridiculous signs. AND, where the hell do you even get signs this size?



And now for the part that's my opinion...REALLY? You're that much of a Sarah Palin fan? I mean, it's one thing to like McCain. He's not that bad really, but you will admit that you LOVE Sarah Palin? What a bunch of morons!!! And they have kids. The poor little things.

I guess I should just be glad that we live in a society that we are free to be morons and tell the world about it with no consequences. And hey, I have a new camera! YAYYYY!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So I got an email from my camera manufacturer telling me that they can fix my camera - hooray! For the low, low price of $110!!! BOOOO. Now, I'm sorry but why would I get my camera fixed for $110 when I can buy a new one for $180? As a matter of fact, that's what I decided to do. I told them to send me my broken camera back and I ordered a new one from, which also came with a brand new 2 gig memory card for free! God I love Costco. On a side note, did you know that Costco sells caskets? Incredible! I hope they don't sell them in bulk...

The manufacturer offered me some other options, which I appreciate, but it just wasn't worth it. One of the options was a refurbished camera for something like $150, and the other was like 10% off the cost of repairs. Uhhhh, NO! So now I am DYING waiting for my new camera to show up. It only happens when I don't have my camera - there have been about a million photo opportunities that NEEDED to be recorded and I can't do anything about them. Oh well, I guess Grandma's 80th birthday party will live on in my memories...

Let's hope my next post is filled with photos!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Okay, so my last job was great, I think I've mentioned that before. I had a team that without a doubt was the best team anyone could ever have. We were like a family. I am under no illusion that what we had was something special and that the chances of there ever being a team so bonded and close again is probably impossible.

Now, with that said...the "team" I am part of at my current job is okay. I mean, everyone is pretty nice. I like everyone enough, I am probably closest with the two VP's that I work directly under, which should tell you something (if it doesn't - no one is best friends with the boss). Basically, I don't have much in common with most of the people I work with. In the nicest way possible, I don't really care about any of them. I can't really see myself becoming close friends with any of them outside of work, which is fine, I'm not really looking for that kind of relationship with anyone. However, it is a little disappointing that none of these people really intrigue me. There's no real communication and just a general disregard for each other that didn't happen at my old job. I mean, if nothing else we all had a common interest in one another and kept each other in the loop.

What is all of this getting at? Well...earlier this week, one of my managers mentioned in passing in an email that she'd be coming back to the office for Jack's pre-wedding party. I hadn't heard a thing about it so I asked her when it was. She told me and mentioned that someone was collecting money for a gift. I made a point to seek the money collector out, donate to the cause and sign the card like a good worker bee. I kind of forgot when my boss said the party was but assumed I'd hear about it again at some point. Well, I never did. Not until AFTER the party when one of my co-workers walking past my desk on the way back to her office said, "Hey, why weren't you at Jack's party?". Completely taken off guard, my response was, "uuhhh, I didn't know about it". I mean, I was kind of pissed and as much as I hate to admit this, I think my feelings were a little hurt.

Do you mean to tell me that ALL of my co-workers who sit very close to my desk and see me sitting here ALL FUCKING DAY couldn't have poked their heads around and said, "hey, are you coming to the party", or "don't forget about Jack's party"...??? Whatever. The only thing it did was solidify my feelings about the people I work with. I don't really care about them, nor do I have any real bond with any of them and I suppose it will stay that way.

It's kind of sad when you long for the good old days. Especially when those days refer to work!
And here's the kicker that is now weighing on me...I have a work "offsite" coming up. 3 whole days with work people! A bus ride to our offsite location a couple hours away, a hotel stay, meetings, meals, drinks and 24/7 time spent with people that I could give two fucks about. I am DREADING IT! Grrrrrrr!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yesterday the hubby and I decorated the yard for Halloween. I made all new tomb stones and we set up the grave yard, the ghosts and the spider webs all over the front of the house. It looks awesome, and let me tell you, if my camera wasn't broken, I would take pictures and show you all. I sent my camera back to the manufacturer to see if they can fix it but I'm almost tempted to go buy a new one. Anyone that knows me has figured out that I can't really live without my camera. I know it's lame but I am a serial picture taker! Maybe I'm just extremely vain and feel that I need to document every little thing about my amazing life? Who knows, I think I'm just addicted to my camera.

So, the trip to the beach was AWESOME! I would share more pictures that we took but, umm, well, you know. No camera, no pictures.

On Saturday while we were there we went to this super great pet supply boutique called Outer Barks where they hold a weekly "Yappy Hour". It was too cute. Lucy played with all kinds of other pooches, she played in a baby pool, they had snacks for the dogs, and I don't mean lame ones, they had spaghetti, turkey burgers, jerky, ice cream...I mean, good stuff! We also did a paw print picture. They painted Lucy's back paw with paint then stamped it onto a piece of paper. It was so cute and now lives on our fridge. And I know you're all thinking this, yes, we are weirdo's who are in love with our dog. God only knows how we'll be when we have kids! Although I still think I'll like our dog better....he he he.

And now, it's back to the grind. Work is boring as usual but I'm still just grateful to have a job. Hope everyone is having a great day!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, well, well...Look at me being all M.I.A.

Well, we FINALLY got to take a real vacation. Not one that revolves around work trips and things that we are required to do. A real live, adult, do whatever the hell you please, vacation. And that's where we've been, and that's where we still are.

On Sunday night we packed up the bags, the car and pooch and bright and early Monday morning we headed to the sunny outer banks of North Carolina. It has been so nice. I think we've left the house 3 times since being here - in the car I mean. We have been out on the beach with the pooch by about 8am every morning just taking a nice leisurely walk. Then we've come home, made breakfast and coffee, enjoying them out on the deck. By that time the sun is just about blaring and it's time to put on our bathing suits and get onto our lounge chairs. With our Sirius radio playing and books in hand.


By about noon, when the margaritas are flowing nicely and the pooch has just about come around from her mid-morning nap, we take her down to the beach for a nice romp and play in the sand and surf. Let me tell you, this pooch is in heaven! She has been attacking the waves like a born surfer and acting the way a real lab/mystery dog is supposed to act. We've had so much fun with her! She hasn't even harassed any of the fishermen out on the beach.

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Once that adventure is over we've headed back to the house for outdoor showers for all of us. Then it's back in the house for more cocktails. I mean, what's vacation for anyway?

A few nights ago we decided to drive up to a little spot that had a nice long pier leading out to the sound to catch the sun set. It's funny how as soon as the sun begins to set the temperature drops so drastically. Okay, it's in the 60's but when you're sun soaked and it's been in the 80's all day, that feels cold to me!


Anyway, we took pooch along for a nice family sun set. Then we came upon a photo op that we could just not pass up. Behold, DoggieFly!

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I mean, seriously, how cute is that? She's even smiling!! I love it. Oh, and just pretend you can't see TSO behind her keeping her head in the hole.

So, that's what we've been up to and why I have been out of pocket. Just relaxing and spending time with my happy little family, away from life and stress and diets. Nothing but eating and drinking going on here. On Monday it will be back to the grind, but until then, my mind will remain on vacation.

I miss you all and will try to catch up on all of you soon. Hope Everyone is well!