Okay, so my last job was great, I think I've mentioned that before. I had a team that without a doubt was the best team anyone could ever have. We were like a family. I am under no illusion that what we had was something special and that the chances of there ever being a team so bonded and close again is probably impossible.
Now, with that said...the "team" I am part of at my current job is okay. I mean, everyone is pretty nice. I like everyone enough, I am probably closest with the two VP's that I work directly under, which should tell you something (if it doesn't - no one is best friends with the boss). Basically, I don't have much in common with most of the people I work with. In the nicest way possible, I don't really care about any of them. I can't really see myself becoming close friends with any of them outside of work, which is fine, I'm not really looking for that kind of relationship with anyone. However, it is a little disappointing that none of these people really intrigue me. There's no real communication and just a general disregard for each other that didn't happen at my old job. I mean, if nothing else we all had a common interest in one another and kept each other in the loop.
What is all of this getting at? Well...earlier this week, one of my managers mentioned in passing in an email that she'd be coming back to the office for Jack's pre-wedding party. I hadn't heard a thing about it so I asked her when it was. She told me and mentioned that someone was collecting money for a gift. I made a point to seek the money collector out, donate to the cause and sign the card like a good worker bee. I kind of forgot when my boss said the party was but assumed I'd hear about it again at some point. Well, I never did. Not until AFTER the party when one of my co-workers walking past my desk on the way back to her office said, "Hey, why weren't you at Jack's party?". Completely taken off guard, my response was, "uuhhh, I didn't know about it". I mean, I was kind of pissed and as much as I hate to admit this, I think my feelings were a little hurt.
Do you mean to tell me that ALL of my co-workers who sit very close to my desk and see me sitting here ALL FUCKING DAY couldn't have poked their heads around and said, "hey, are you coming to the party", or "don't forget about Jack's party"...??? Whatever. The only thing it did was solidify my feelings about the people I work with. I don't really care about them, nor do I have any real bond with any of them and I suppose it will stay that way.
It's kind of sad when you long for the good old days. Especially when those days refer to work!
And here's the kicker that is now weighing on me...I have a work "offsite" coming up. 3 whole days with work people! A bus ride to our offsite location a couple hours away, a hotel stay, meetings, meals, drinks and 24/7 time spent with people that I could give two fucks about. I am DREADING IT! Grrrrrrr!!!!
Now, with that said...the "team" I am part of at my current job is okay. I mean, everyone is pretty nice. I like everyone enough, I am probably closest with the two VP's that I work directly under, which should tell you something (if it doesn't - no one is best friends with the boss). Basically, I don't have much in common with most of the people I work with. In the nicest way possible, I don't really care about any of them. I can't really see myself becoming close friends with any of them outside of work, which is fine, I'm not really looking for that kind of relationship with anyone. However, it is a little disappointing that none of these people really intrigue me. There's no real communication and just a general disregard for each other that didn't happen at my old job. I mean, if nothing else we all had a common interest in one another and kept each other in the loop.
What is all of this getting at? Well...earlier this week, one of my managers mentioned in passing in an email that she'd be coming back to the office for Jack's pre-wedding party. I hadn't heard a thing about it so I asked her when it was. She told me and mentioned that someone was collecting money for a gift. I made a point to seek the money collector out, donate to the cause and sign the card like a good worker bee. I kind of forgot when my boss said the party was but assumed I'd hear about it again at some point. Well, I never did. Not until AFTER the party when one of my co-workers walking past my desk on the way back to her office said, "Hey, why weren't you at Jack's party?". Completely taken off guard, my response was, "uuhhh, I didn't know about it". I mean, I was kind of pissed and as much as I hate to admit this, I think my feelings were a little hurt.
Do you mean to tell me that ALL of my co-workers who sit very close to my desk and see me sitting here ALL FUCKING DAY couldn't have poked their heads around and said, "hey, are you coming to the party", or "don't forget about Jack's party"...??? Whatever. The only thing it did was solidify my feelings about the people I work with. I don't really care about them, nor do I have any real bond with any of them and I suppose it will stay that way.
It's kind of sad when you long for the good old days. Especially when those days refer to work!
And here's the kicker that is now weighing on me...I have a work "offsite" coming up. 3 whole days with work people! A bus ride to our offsite location a couple hours away, a hotel stay, meetings, meals, drinks and 24/7 time spent with people that I could give two fucks about. I am DREADING IT! Grrrrrrr!!!!
At 10:50 AM, October 16, 2008,
Oh great One said…
Maybe your friendship with the VP's cuts you out of their loop. I dunno I think they have to be tardo's not to want to party with you but that's just me.
At 11:49 AM, October 16, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
Thanks OGO. I'm not close enough to the VP's that I'd be seen as the "teachers pet" type of person or anything like that. I just think these people are too lame to be worth hanging out with really...That sounds weird and like I'm being a big whiney baby, but they're just not worth my time, which makes being at work and more importantly, having to go AWAY with these people, MISERABLE!
At 1:55 PM, October 16, 2008,
Sassy said…
That is just ridiculous! I'd be pissed for sure and hurt. Who does that?
Good luck with the offsite...*groan*
At 4:09 PM, October 16, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
That is excatly how I am with my new group of coworkers. I think it is because I am friends with the boss and VP.
We went ona team outting yesterday and the only people I spoke to were managers- I just don't have any interest in the others (we call them the OC, they are all in their early 20's and this is their 1st job.)
Blah, it sucks!!
At 2:30 PM, October 17, 2008,
Andi said…
Aww, I'm sorry you're missing the old days, but I can definitely see why! Hugs! Hang in there. Focus on the drinks on the "offsite" trip.
At 10:41 PM, October 20, 2008,
Chick said…
Sometimes I think that people just suck...there is no communication in most workplaces...yeah, people suck.
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