The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh Baby!

Well, we had a doc's appt this morning and apparently the baby has dropped even more, which I can't even imagine without it coming out, and I am 2 almost 3 cm's dilated! The doc doesn't give me until next Wednesday, June 3rd and if I do make it that far she wants to induce, but it's not likely we'll make it.

oh baby!

I'm happy that we made it through last weekend. I'm hoping this kid will give us one more but we'll see how that goes. I would love to last until next Monday. I just want to make it to June but we'll see.

I spent the majority of last weekend feeling quite uncomfortable and having what can only be described as cramps. So, I'm sure we're getting close. All I can say now is that I'll keep you posted! Wish me a painless delivery...HA!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So, we bought a new car! The dealer decided to give it to us for what we wanted...he he we are now the proud owners of a black, 2009, Chevy Traverse. It's purdy and it has the new car smell...mmmm!

The car

In baby news...We had a doc's appt on Tuesday and the doctor says that this little guy is fully cooked and ready to go. He has dropped and is in the eject position. I have been feeling very uncomfortable and kind of crampy lately, which the doc assures me is probably a little bit of false labor pains. Our doc is also pretty sure that we won't make it to our June 10th due date. YIKES! Basically, this little dude can come any time. I, of course, have been making myself very nervous and doing a lot of praying and talking to the baby, asking him to please give me another week or so. We have our hospital tour on Monday, a doc's appt on Tuesday and an appointment to have our car seat installed on Wednesday - HA! Both my mom and my MIL are away this weekend and I would hate to have to cut their fun short with the call that, "hey, guess what? we're in labor, time to come home!" I'm certain they wouldn't mind but a frantic drive home when you're hours away is not really a lot of fun.

SO - Please pray for me that this kid will just hang in there for a little bit longer - bet you've never heard a pregnant lady wish for a longer pregnancy have you? But, I just need to do a few more things before our little man arrives. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you all posted!

Monday, May 18, 2009

So, we're trying to buy a new car...why is buying a car such a monumental pain in the ass? I mean, even when you psych yourself out and tell yourself I won't get into the whole haggling with the dealer, it just never goes smoothly. It just never does.

So, because we're having a child and we currently only have one child friendly car we decided we'd start looking to purchase a "new" one. By that I mean that we were ready to consider used, new, whatever was cheapest, what have you. Well, with all of the government incentives and the state of the automobile industry as a whole, we can pretty much afford to buy a brand new car. Probably the one and only time in our lives. And, since we'd like to do our part to help the economy, we decided we'd try our hardest to buy American.

We drove every crossover type vehicle on the market and decided to narrow it down to the GMC Acadia and the Chevy Traverse. Pictures Below:

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Chevy Traverse

Well, we've had some quotes and decided on Saturday that we'd go on in to the Chevy dealership and possibly come home with a new car. Well...that didn't happen. Why, you ask? well, because car dealers are a bunch of donkeys. Why is it that they HAVE to play the car dealer game? You know, the one where they tell you the price, you tell them what you want to pay and then they have to leave you for 15 minutes while they go talk to their "boss" to see what they can do.

Well, long story short, the dealer we were working with would not budge. Not one, stinkin bit. He wouldn't lower the price AT ALL. SO...we left. He also made it a point to let us know that he would have no trouble selling the car he brought in "especially for us" (ummm, thanks for doing your job you ninny), and that his dealership was doing GREAT. Oh yeah? Is that why we were the only people there for 3 hours on a SATURDAY? Good luck buddy...

So, now we wait. The continuation of the car buying/haggling game. We wait to see what kind of offer he calls us with and in the mean time, we call other dealerships, tell them what we want to spend on what car and see who bites.

Thankfully, we are in no rush what so ever for a new car. We can deal with one car for months after our child is born and have no problems. It's funny how these dealers think they have you at their mercy. Well guess what dude? We watch the news. You don't really have the upper hand here. You'd think our money would be better than no money but I guess we'll just have to see about that...

I'll keep you posted on which dealer wants to sell us a car!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I have the best hubby in the entire world...

I know, I know, you can all tell me I'm lame and I'm sure you don't want to hear it, but he really is the best!

My husband is really bad with gifts. And by that, I mean that he can't keep it a surprise. If he's got it in his possession, he can't hold on to it. It's like a hot potato in his hands. SO, I benefited from this recently when he gave me a pair of sapphire earrings!!!

I suppose you would call this my "push" present, but since I haven't quite pushed a kid out, this is going to be considered a "thanks for carrying my kid" gift. Either way I am so very appreciative and they are beautiful!

The earrings match my engagement ring which is a diamond with two beautiful sapphires on either side. Unfortunately I haven't seen my rings in months because my little fingers are too swollen to wear them. SO, once this kid is out I will have another great thing to look forward to! Wearing my real rings again. Currently I am wearing a $6 ring from Claire's that I bought in order to not look like a knocked up hussy running the streets until I can wear my jewelry (no offense to any knocked up hussies out there).

Anyway, I am very lucky to have such a thoughtful man. Now I hope that all of you have the same in your life. Yayyy!

I'll post pictures one day when I can get my rings and the earrings all on at the same time :O)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Whoo, I swear I can't go without posting for weeks at a time...I feel bad because I can't say my life has changed that much lately (YET) but I just can't seem to come up with anything of any interest to post about. Well, here we go, try not to be bored to sleep...

So, my second shower went off without a hitch. It was at my sisters house and it was so nice. We did play a few games but thankfully they were not bad at all, I won't go so far to say they were fun, but I did have some chuckles and I didn't hate it! I got lots of really nice gifts and it was just a really nice day. Here's a picture of my cake, it was so pretty:


On Saturday I had my mom come over and we went through all of my gifts from both showers and separated any duplicates and then went through the piles of clothes and decided what should be returned, etc. I ended up returning over $200 worth of clothes and toys and I was able to get everything that was left on my registry that I didn't get and really needed. Things like the changing table topper. You know, the important things. There are still things that I don't have and I'm sure I'll be running to Babies R Us the day after the baby's born, but from what I understand, you can never be completely prepared and that is just going to be the case!

Mother's Day here was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect, low 70's, sunny, not an ounce of humidity. It was like a miracle with the amount of rain we've been getting here. We had brunch at my mom's house and I made an Asparagus - sun dried tomato Strata and a Blueberry French Toast Casserole. Holy lord they were good - if I do say so myself. I even took pictures. Oh Yum, I wish I had some now!

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So we've been working on our little Lucy, trying to get her as prepared as we can for our new family member. I started playing her the sounds of a baby crying yesterday and she looked at me like, "what the hell is that?". After a few minutes she was just resigned to the "noise". I have to admit, it made me crazy and I almost started crying! hahaha...Was that the effect that it was supposed to cause? It was really scary to think that this is what we need to prepare for and we can't shut it off. I just hope we're able to control it somehow. I've been doing lots of reading but I don't think anything prepares you like just getting in there and doing it. I have to admit, it's getting closer and I'm getting a huge combination of nervousness, fright, excitement and almost a longing for it to be over so I can just get this show on the road.

According to the doctor the baby has turned so at least we're heading in the right direction. Believe me, I feel it! I feel so heavy and stretched to my limit. I am totally waddling now and it aint pretty...

We went to an open house last night at a pediatricians office. One more thing you have to do before you have a baby - get a doctor for them! Who knew? The practice we visited was great but we have one more to visit before we make our decision. I hope we can handle this whole parenting thing, or at least stay on top of it.

Anyway, wish me luck, and wish me no early labor. I don't want to have this baby too early (or too late for that matter). I have my whole maternity leave planned out and going back to work earlier than I planned is not part of the program so wish me luck in having this kid either on time or late! haha...Wow, how my priorities are going to change.

Anyway, I'm going to check on all of you. Thanks for hanging with me ladies!