So, we bought a new car! The dealer decided to give it to us for what we wanted...he he he..so we are now the proud owners of a black, 2009, Chevy Traverse. It's purdy and it has the new car smell...mmmm!
In baby news...We had a doc's appt on Tuesday and the doctor says that this little guy is fully cooked and ready to go. He has dropped and is in the eject position. I have been feeling very uncomfortable and kind of crampy lately, which the doc assures me is probably a little bit of false labor pains. Our doc is also pretty sure that we won't make it to our June 10th due date. YIKES! Basically, this little dude can come any time. I, of course, have been making myself very nervous and doing a lot of praying and talking to the baby, asking him to please give me another week or so. We have our hospital tour on Monday, a doc's appt on Tuesday and an appointment to have our car seat installed on Wednesday - HA! Both my mom and my MIL are away this weekend and I would hate to have to cut their fun short with the call that, "hey, guess what? we're in labor, time to come home!" I'm certain they wouldn't mind but a frantic drive home when you're hours away is not really a lot of fun.
SO - Please pray for me that this kid will just hang in there for a little bit longer - bet you've never heard a pregnant lady wish for a longer pregnancy have you? But, I just need to do a few more things before our little man arrives. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you all posted!
In baby news...We had a doc's appt on Tuesday and the doctor says that this little guy is fully cooked and ready to go. He has dropped and is in the eject position. I have been feeling very uncomfortable and kind of crampy lately, which the doc assures me is probably a little bit of false labor pains. Our doc is also pretty sure that we won't make it to our June 10th due date. YIKES! Basically, this little dude can come any time. I, of course, have been making myself very nervous and doing a lot of praying and talking to the baby, asking him to please give me another week or so. We have our hospital tour on Monday, a doc's appt on Tuesday and an appointment to have our car seat installed on Wednesday - HA! Both my mom and my MIL are away this weekend and I would hate to have to cut their fun short with the call that, "hey, guess what? we're in labor, time to come home!" I'm certain they wouldn't mind but a frantic drive home when you're hours away is not really a lot of fun.
SO - Please pray for me that this kid will just hang in there for a little bit longer - bet you've never heard a pregnant lady wish for a longer pregnancy have you? But, I just need to do a few more things before our little man arrives. We'll see what happens. I'll keep you all posted!
At 11:07 AM, May 22, 2009, Cold Hands said…
Awwwww B I am so excited for you! I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet little baby!
The car looks awesome, congrats on that!
At 1:47 PM, May 23, 2009, Sassy said…
HA! In their face! I'm glad you got the car for what you wanted! Congrats!
Hang in there BabyBee for a little longer...momma needs some time! :)
At 10:53 AM, May 24, 2009, Oh great One said…
YAY FOR YOU! Stinky ole car guy got what he deserves. OH I hate the car buying process!
Hang in there with the little guy. You may need some extra tummy rubs if you wanna keep him ni place for another week!
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