The Funky Bee

My own personal blah, blah, blah...

Monday, September 21, 2009

This weekend was another one of those running around the whole time type of deals. We had ANOTHER wedding to go to on Saturday, which was very nice, but sometimes I just wish I could spend the weekend with my husband, baby and dog with the freedom to do whatever we want whenever we want. It's funny how working all week makes your weekend time very important!

Today the hubby is off work and so he gets to spend the day with our little man. The only thing better than my mom watching the baby is my husband! If I could have a stay at home husband I totally would. Too bad I don't make enough money to bring home the bacon for the family, but that's okay!

The weather here was perfect all weekend but I wish it would just stay this way. There was a slight chill in the morning and evening but the days are sunny and in the 70's. I don't want winter to come. I can feel the bite of fall in the air but that's as far as I would like to go in terms of the seasons...I love being able to wear a light sweater or sweatshirt at night but I don't want to have to bundle up in big, bulky winter clothes.

This week is going to be a doozy in terms of work. I'm going to be very busy, but I think that's a good thing. Makes the days go by faster and hopefully get me home sooner to my family. Hope everyone had a great weekend and a wonderful week ahead. I plan to, I'm trying to anyway!

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Positive Attitude...Positive Attitude...I will keep a positive attitude...

Smile on my face

Happy, Happy

And all that good stuff...

It's Friday after all, right?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Uggghh! This whole working thing sucks! Why can't we all be rich, or better yet, why does money have to rule the world? This week has been pretty tough.

It's raining today so that means that no one in the D.C. area knows how to drive anymore.

I woke up this morning around 6am, before the husband, before the baby, before the dog...Got myself ready and packed up the car. I even had to wake the poor baby up to go meet my mom to drop him off. And I was out of the house before the hubby or the dog even woke up. It's a rainy, dreary day out. No one feels like going out on a day like today!

I got the boy off for his drop off and then headed to work. It took me over an hour to get in. The beltway was like a parking lot. I will never understand why rain does this to the roadways but I should always expect it because it's a constant around here.

It's days like today that just break my heart. It's days like today that I just want to be home with my baby. He was so cute and so sweet this morning. He woke up with a smile, even though it was an abrupt wake up. His little smile and gurgling just melts my heart. But, unfortunately, it's what has to be done. Since I am not inherently rich I do have to work. So, I've decided that I am coming to work with a good attitude and a smile on my face because let's face it, there are lots of people out there that don't have jobs and need them. Time to suck it up and do the right thing. Maybe if it wasn't 9/11 and raining cats and dogs I might feel a little better...Thankfully it's Friday. Let's just hope next week goes better.

the bird

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Today is my 3 year wedding anniversary to my wonderful TSO! And, because he is the best husband ever he sent me these beautiful flowers to my office:

Happy Anniversary!

It's hard to believe we've been married for 3 years, let alone together for over 11!!! It still feels like yesterday when we met for the first time. He is the best husband, partner in crime, best friend and father to our son that I could ever ask for. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life, not to mention he's super sexy too (sorry, had to throw that in there, you can all gag if you want!). I'm a lucky, lucky girl (and so is Lucy and Kai!)...

I LOVE YOU TSO! Here's to many, many anniversaries and thanks again for my beautiful flowers.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Well, we've been in the Outer Banks all week enjoying the clouds and intermittent drizzle. I wish I could say we've been experiencing sun and sand but that's just not the case. We've gotten some sunny moments here and there and have taken full advantage of every ray we can get out on the deck but for the most part it's just been pretty overcast and not so "beachy". I guess we can't be too bitter, we've had some really good beach weekends over the summer in Maryland and have been able to take Kai every time without it being too hot or unbearable for him.

Lucy has had some serious quality beach time. She and Daddy have trooped down to the surf a few times this week where Lucy has made a mad dash for the water (I'm such a proud mama) and has chased the birds with a vengeance. That's my dog! She has also been super spoiled, as usual, by getting a special trip to the doggie store for treats and even got her own burger on our last outing to Five Guys. What other dog do you know that gets a $5 burger all for herself?

OGO commented a while back asking if I ever got my midnight purchase, the exercise machine I bought after seeing it on television while feeding Kai in the middle of the night. Well, the answer is yes. I did get it! It sat in the box in the back room for about 3 weeks. Then, I finally had a chance to put it together and I've used it a total of 3 times since putting it together. It's funny how little time you have to yourself when you have an infant to take care of. That being said I have vowed to myself to make a point to work out at least three times a week once we're back and we're back to a real routine - work, exercise, etc. I have to say, using the machine, it was kind of fun but also felt like it was working the areas that it's meant to - the abs and legs. I am looking forward to using it when we get home!

I am so not looking forward to being back at work and into the real deal routine as of Tuesday. I have to say, this week has been great for Kai's routine. We've had him bathed, fed and in bed by 7/7:30pm every night and HE HAS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT THE LAST TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW - I know, I'm jinxing myself by saying this, and hell, we may get home to discover that he only sleeps in North Carolina, who knows, but I sure as hell hope not! He has been fussing around 3/4am but he has just wanted his passi then it's right back to sleep until around 6/7am. That's almost 12 hours of sleep. God, if this continues it will be a blessing.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the world's cutest baby, Enjoy!

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