So, I've finally come to
understand what all those experienced parents out there have been warning me about..."Get some sleep, Get some sleep"...You hear it all the time when you're pregnant and even when the baby is first born. People are always asking, "are you getting any sleep? Is the Baby sleeping?", and other similar questions. I now FINALLY know what they mean. And I now know what functioning on literally no sleep feels like. And for all of you who don't know, it doesn't feel so good.
It was one thing to go out drinking until all hours and have a hang over and function on little sleep the next day. You know, you grab some coffee, maybe a coke or two, eat a greasy cheese burger and some french fries, for those of you who partake in the ganja, a bong hit perhaps, a nice nap in the middle of the day if you're not working and
blamo, you're good to go! HA! Good luck new parents...
You know that whole nap thing? It doesn't happen with a baby. Unless of course you are the smart cookie who can sleep when your baby sleeps. Which, is the advice that everyone gives you. And believe me, I try, and I'm sure most new parents do try that but I think everyone would agree that this tactic is not always possible. Yes, the dishes will be there when you wake up, or in 6 months, that is if you're finding time to eat, let alone eat things off dishes...Yes, the house work will wait around for you, but there are things that you just can't let go and when can you do them? When the baby sleeps. Your windows of opportunity are small. You have to take them when you can. You have to answer phone calls, emails, etc that have been already sitting for 6 days. There's laundry and bottles that need cleaning and Oh yeah! You have a poor dog that needs a walk, some affection, some attention and, oh right, to be fed.
I am also not quite sure how people do this on their own. I admire single parents more than I could ever imagine. I am very lucky to have such a wonderful, attentive, helpful, thoughtful husband who gets up in the middle of the night when he knows I've done it more times than we can count, who makes us a bottle at 6am when he's got to get up for work in an hour and probably won't be able to get back to sleep. He takes baby duty when he gets home from work so I can do things like pee and shower and to just get a break even though he's been working all day...This is definitely a two person operation. If I had to do this alone I think I would be in tears constantly. I mean I know you just do what you gotta do but having a baby is not easy.
NOW...with all that said, it's all worth it. 100%. Having this cute little monster look up at me and smile with his big blue eyes. Having him coo and gurgle at me and try to tell me about his day. It makes my heart swell. He is such a good baby. He only fusses when he truly needs something - we'll see how long that lasts. And I know that he is going to grow up so quickly and that kills me. I am trying to hang on to every moment of this amazing time. I really am a proud mama. And with that said, and I hope I didn't scare any of you non-child having peeps, here are some pictures of my adorable babies:
One who needs no explanation, our Lucy:
And, our little Kai, who for some reason, every time we bathe him, his hair sticks straight up on his head. It's adorable and hilarious and another reason why I love this kid to pieces: