All I can say is, WOW!
Today I am so proud to be an American. I am thrilled that finally, after 8 years, the American people's voices are being heard and the best man won.
I woke up around 2am or so and the television was on, and of course, the news was apparent. I heard John McCain's concession speech first and I was extremely impressed. I have always considered him a good man, but he kept it positive and classy, unlike many of his supporters. Some of his supporters on their way out said things like, and I quote, "we now have a Muslim, black panther in the white house" and "he is not my commander in chief, he is not my president, and he never will be"...keep it klassy republicans. Anyway, I won't go there too...I'll only say that I'm happy this is the closest Sarah Palin will ever be to the White House.
I think this gives the United States back our respect in the international forum. The people finally feel like they've spoken and they've been heard. Children of every race, color, religion, can strive for greatness and know that they can do whatever they put their hearts and minds to.
And honestly, let's be thankful for the best part...NO MORE SCATHING, POLITICAL COMMERCIALS! YAYYYY
At 9:48 AM, November 05, 2008,
Andi said…
Amen amen amen! Woot woot! HAPPY DANCE!!! I am proud of McCain, too. He really is a respectable man, although it's sad that the crowd reacted they way they did.
Yay President OBAMA!!!! I think I'll buy a flag magnet to stick on my car today!
At 12:36 PM, November 05, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
It will be interesting to see what happens, that's all I can say.
How is my little doggie doing?? WE need some more pics!
At 1:23 PM, November 05, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I voted early and for the first time EVER ... and for Obama. :D
At 5:14 PM, November 05, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
I'm proud of you DK!
At 12:56 AM, November 06, 2008,
Chick said…
I was so excited to vote...yay.
My county had a 78% voter turnout...that's huge!
At 12:02 AM, November 07, 2008,
Chick said…
I really do like that illustration.
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