More Drama...
So, in my last post I told you all about our lame neighbors and how they called Animal Control. Well, the story gets even better. Not only did the crazy bitch call to complain about our pooch, she gave Animal Control the woman across the street's contact information (name/telephone/etc).
I won't go into the whole story of how we even found this out. In a nut shell, the officer called our neighbor across the street and she thought they had the wrong number until she figured it all out! There might be a war brewing. How very exciting in a lame, suburban kind of way!
So, not only is the next door nut case a weirdo, she is a coward and apparently a fraud. I wonder how much trouble she can get in for using someone else's name in a semi-legal matter? I hope it's a lot.
In response to the comments from my last post:
OGO - I think if there is an obvious reason to call Animal Control, like cats not being cared for and breeding like it's the end of the world, then by all means. I mean, pet owners should know better. BUT, it's always best to confront the people first, IF they are approachable. If not then I understand. Ours was just unwarranted and caught us completely off guard. And, I missed you too!
Sassy - you are too cute, and you're probably right! Those jerks...
Danjerus - A barking dog is one of the most grating things on earth. When Lucy barks, which is usually just when she hears something "alarming" outside, someone approaching our house, OR when the weirdo neighbors and their pooch are around, I want to murder her myself. Then I have to remind myself that I love the little bitch. Barking = annoying but guess what? The neighbors are gonna have to deal with it from now on because revenge is a bitch. A black little bitch named LUCY!
Chick - The stadium is very cool. If you ever make it down here to check it out I think you'll enjoy it. And yes, South East DC, better known as THE HOOD/THE GHETTO/SCARY/DON'T GO THERE, is looking better and better. It always makes you feel better when your city goes through a positive change!
This weekend we have a crab feast to go to and I can't wait. I also can't wait to sleep. I have been so sleepy this week. I think it's the heat. And I also plan to play in my garden. We now have TONS of tomatoes growing on all of the plants and lots of peppers popping up too! I added some dirt from my dad's compost pile. I like to call it Black Gold! I have a feeling it's going to add a nice little growth spurt to my garden. I was playing in it yesterday for about 10 minutes and managed to only get about 25 mosquito gross is that? I used Lucy's dog brush to scratch, you know, the kind with the little steel bristles!! I looked like I had flees. It was amusing but I just couldn't stop the damn itching. I guess I'm just delicious.
Anyway, I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and enjoys some sunshine, oh and margaritas!
I won't go into the whole story of how we even found this out. In a nut shell, the officer called our neighbor across the street and she thought they had the wrong number until she figured it all out! There might be a war brewing. How very exciting in a lame, suburban kind of way!
So, not only is the next door nut case a weirdo, she is a coward and apparently a fraud. I wonder how much trouble she can get in for using someone else's name in a semi-legal matter? I hope it's a lot.
In response to the comments from my last post:
OGO - I think if there is an obvious reason to call Animal Control, like cats not being cared for and breeding like it's the end of the world, then by all means. I mean, pet owners should know better. BUT, it's always best to confront the people first, IF they are approachable. If not then I understand. Ours was just unwarranted and caught us completely off guard. And, I missed you too!
Sassy - you are too cute, and you're probably right! Those jerks...
Danjerus - A barking dog is one of the most grating things on earth. When Lucy barks, which is usually just when she hears something "alarming" outside, someone approaching our house, OR when the weirdo neighbors and their pooch are around, I want to murder her myself. Then I have to remind myself that I love the little bitch. Barking = annoying but guess what? The neighbors are gonna have to deal with it from now on because revenge is a bitch. A black little bitch named LUCY!
Chick - The stadium is very cool. If you ever make it down here to check it out I think you'll enjoy it. And yes, South East DC, better known as THE HOOD/THE GHETTO/SCARY/DON'T GO THERE, is looking better and better. It always makes you feel better when your city goes through a positive change!
This weekend we have a crab feast to go to and I can't wait. I also can't wait to sleep. I have been so sleepy this week. I think it's the heat. And I also plan to play in my garden. We now have TONS of tomatoes growing on all of the plants and lots of peppers popping up too! I added some dirt from my dad's compost pile. I like to call it Black Gold! I have a feeling it's going to add a nice little growth spurt to my garden. I was playing in it yesterday for about 10 minutes and managed to only get about 25 mosquito gross is that? I used Lucy's dog brush to scratch, you know, the kind with the little steel bristles!! I looked like I had flees. It was amusing but I just couldn't stop the damn itching. I guess I'm just delicious.
Anyway, I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and enjoys some sunshine, oh and margaritas!
At 3:12 PM, June 28, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I hate mosquito bites. What I hate most is that by the time I realize they are on me it's too late! I always forget to put on the spray stuff too although the one that goes on dry is nice.
At 2:49 PM, June 30, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
Oh. My. Gawd. No they didn't!!! I cannot believe they called AC on y'all and sweet Lucy Lou!!
Crazzzzzzzzzy seems to be the best term to describe them indeed! Uggggg. I hate people (in general.)
I am so jealous of your garden- I want one of my own but know I would just let it die and that would make me sad. Kudos to you!
At 8:39 AM, July 01, 2008,
Chick said…
Why do some neighbors like to start wars? I'll never know.
Thanks for answering our comments so well : )
Have a great bitefree weekend.
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