So, I have been missing in action lately!! I didn't realize it was going to be this bad. I had to take a class last week through work but it was held from 8:30am to about 6:30pm every day with no access to computer or telephone and let me tell you, it was really weird. I felt like I was completely removed from my world and had no communication with anyone. BUT, the class was fun and interesting. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot!
Unfortunately, I don't have anything to really report since I've been holed up, and anything I did have, my brain hasn't retained. So, here we are.

My parents and two grandmother's came over yesterday for a little cook out and our Little Lucy did so well! She didn't maim any of our guests and even ended up falling asleep with her little head on one of my grandmother's feet. She's so cute and she is really starting to become a good girl. I knew she would, it just takes some time for some dogs to stop acting like a puppy all the time. Don't get me wrong, she's still a maniac and I'm sure this won't continue consistently, but it was nice to have a good day with the pooch and family for once with no real injuries...
Anyway, hope to get back into the swing of things this week and I plan to go read all of you now so I can catch up! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Unfortunately, I don't have anything to really report since I've been holed up, and anything I did have, my brain hasn't retained. So, here we are.
My tomato and pepper plants are starting to produce fruit ALREADY! I am so pumped. I have two little tomatoes on one plant and one on another. The other 3 plants don't have anything going on yet. And my cayenne pepper plant has 2 peppers growing. My basil has succumbed to the massive rain we've had and it drowned. However, my arugula, parsley, chives, rosemary, dill and mint are thriving! I'm so excited. I guess I have a green thumb.

My parents and two grandmother's came over yesterday for a little cook out and our Little Lucy did so well! She didn't maim any of our guests and even ended up falling asleep with her little head on one of my grandmother's feet. She's so cute and she is really starting to become a good girl. I knew she would, it just takes some time for some dogs to stop acting like a puppy all the time. Don't get me wrong, she's still a maniac and I'm sure this won't continue consistently, but it was nice to have a good day with the pooch and family for once with no real injuries...
Anyway, hope to get back into the swing of things this week and I plan to go read all of you now so I can catch up! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
At 2:30 PM, June 02, 2008,
Cold Hands said…
I was wondering where you were!
I'm glad to see Lucy is having some calm moments finally, we are experiencing those around here as well, but that is due to the Prozac Rudy is on for the moment.
Have a great week!
At 3:25 PM, June 02, 2008,
Anonymous said…
You might find that your tomato plants will grow like weeds! My former husband and I had a tomato plant in our garden in Idaho and the thing was prolific to the point of us having to beg people to take bags of tomatoes!!
At 3:49 PM, June 02, 2008,
Oh great One said…
I have tomatoes growing too! I've got several fruits on it but they are still green. I have a cayenne pepper plant too! This is the first time I've ever tried it. It had several peppers on it when I bought it they are drying in my kitchen right now. I don't have herbs like you but I have jalepenos,cukes, and zuchinni's. I can't wait!
I'm glad you are doing ok. I missed you!
At 4:36 PM, June 02, 2008,
The Funky Bee said…
OMG, It probably sounds weird, but I really missed all of you too!
DK - I tried to grow tomatoes a while back in our back yard and they shriveled up and mocked me! I was sure it was me until I realized there just wasn't enough sun light back there. Now they're in the front yard where they can soak up the sunshine all day long, and thankfully, mother nature can do all the work and make me look good. I'm hoping to have to give out bags of tomatoes at some point...ooh! And perhaps make tomato sauce at the end of the season to freeze :O)
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