So Miami was a blast of course. The weather was perfect. I was nervous that it was going to rain the whole time since there were remnants of a hurricane passing by the east coast last weekend but it didn't effect us thankfully.
The temp's were in the 80's and we got to lay on the beach 3 days in a row. Pure heaven. Saturday night our hosts dropped what the hubby seems to think is close to $10,000 for us all to have fun. Crazy? YES! But hey, whatever floats your boat.
We started off doing lemon drops at the hotel bar then proceeded to the two large limo's waiting for us all outside. I would say there was about 30 of us. Then we went to dinner at a place called Tantra. The picture below of my feet on the grass is a shot of the INSIDE of the restaurant. The food and drinks were amazing and our hosts paid for all of it! I don't think there was an entree, let alone an appetizer for less than $30. We all ate, drank, had a champagne toast, cake for the b-day girl then a hookah just for kicks. I can't imagine what that bill looked like but I hope to never see one that big in my lifetime. At least not one that I have to pay for.
After dinner and mini-dancing as I like to call it, we headed back to the limo's and on to the club. Now, at this point I was already getting a little loopy - couldn't have been the 4 vodka shots pre-dinner then lord knows how many drinks at the restaurant...So I don't know what the club was called. It may have been Mansion but the hubby said it was just numbers. Who knows or cares? Anyway, we were ushered in to VIP past the mobs and mobs of people waiting in line. It was NUTS. I mean, I've been to clubs before and I've seen lines to get in but this was madness.
We went upstairs and proceeded to our VIP area where our host had 4 bottles brought to our table. Now, if you've ever been to a club and gotten bottle service it can run anywhere from $100 - $600 a bottle depending on what you get, etc. I am pretty certain bottle service at this club was no less than $500 a bottle and we had 4!! I know there was a bottle of Patrone and a bottle of Grey Goose but I can't remember what the other two bottles were. I had hoped I would have stopped drinking at this point but I didn't. Instead I got lost in the club and ended up hanging with Diddy's and his peeps. I barely remember this point but apparently told the hubby all about it when I got back with him. Lord...what a night.
Apparently when we got back to the hotel I crashed face first into the bed - fully dressed! HA!! I woke up in a panic - fully dressed - and had to shake the bed out to find my wedding ring! I almost had a heart attack. And believe me, I paid for it most of the day. The delayed hang over is never fun. NEVER.
Sunday we spent the entire day on the beach and if you check out the picture below of Mr. Incredible you will see some of what we saw. This guy was HUGE and hilarious. He couldn't even lower his arms to his sides. I don't know who thinks this is sexy or looks good but I think it's just comical. This dude stood for like 4 hours. I'm thinking he was unable to even sit down but I wouldn't challenge him on it, that's for sure. There were also lots of topless sunbathers which I think the hubby enjoyed. All in all it was a great weekend. I was happy to get home to the pooch who was in turn so excited to see us!
The temp's were in the 80's and we got to lay on the beach 3 days in a row. Pure heaven. Saturday night our hosts dropped what the hubby seems to think is close to $10,000 for us all to have fun. Crazy? YES! But hey, whatever floats your boat.
We started off doing lemon drops at the hotel bar then proceeded to the two large limo's waiting for us all outside. I would say there was about 30 of us. Then we went to dinner at a place called Tantra. The picture below of my feet on the grass is a shot of the INSIDE of the restaurant. The food and drinks were amazing and our hosts paid for all of it! I don't think there was an entree, let alone an appetizer for less than $30. We all ate, drank, had a champagne toast, cake for the b-day girl then a hookah just for kicks. I can't imagine what that bill looked like but I hope to never see one that big in my lifetime. At least not one that I have to pay for.
After dinner and mini-dancing as I like to call it, we headed back to the limo's and on to the club. Now, at this point I was already getting a little loopy - couldn't have been the 4 vodka shots pre-dinner then lord knows how many drinks at the restaurant...So I don't know what the club was called. It may have been Mansion but the hubby said it was just numbers. Who knows or cares? Anyway, we were ushered in to VIP past the mobs and mobs of people waiting in line. It was NUTS. I mean, I've been to clubs before and I've seen lines to get in but this was madness.
We went upstairs and proceeded to our VIP area where our host had 4 bottles brought to our table. Now, if you've ever been to a club and gotten bottle service it can run anywhere from $100 - $600 a bottle depending on what you get, etc. I am pretty certain bottle service at this club was no less than $500 a bottle and we had 4!! I know there was a bottle of Patrone and a bottle of Grey Goose but I can't remember what the other two bottles were. I had hoped I would have stopped drinking at this point but I didn't. Instead I got lost in the club and ended up hanging with Diddy's and his peeps. I barely remember this point but apparently told the hubby all about it when I got back with him. Lord...what a night.
Apparently when we got back to the hotel I crashed face first into the bed - fully dressed! HA!! I woke up in a panic - fully dressed - and had to shake the bed out to find my wedding ring! I almost had a heart attack. And believe me, I paid for it most of the day. The delayed hang over is never fun. NEVER.
Sunday we spent the entire day on the beach and if you check out the picture below of Mr. Incredible you will see some of what we saw. This guy was HUGE and hilarious. He couldn't even lower his arms to his sides. I don't know who thinks this is sexy or looks good but I think it's just comical. This dude stood for like 4 hours. I'm thinking he was unable to even sit down but I wouldn't challenge him on it, that's for sure. There were also lots of topless sunbathers which I think the hubby enjoyed. All in all it was a great weekend. I was happy to get home to the pooch who was in turn so excited to see us! |
At 5:52 PM, November 08, 2007,
Andi said…
Wow, that was a total rock star weekend without any of the expense!!! Glad y'all had a good time!
At 12:25 PM, November 09, 2007,
Oh great One said…
Holy cow! That must be how the celebs do it! To bad you don't remember the club! Then again that's how the celebs do it! HA!
At 3:24 PM, November 09, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
Wow - it sounds like a total blast!
Miami is crazy... I was in line at some club when this random dude pulled up in a Ferrari and pulled me and my girlfriend out of line and paid the $50 (!!!!) cover each and we went on up to VIP. The rest is a blur.
I'm glad you had fun! How is Lucy?
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