So, I went on an interview on Friday. It went very well. More later when I know more or hear from them...
This weekend was a lot of fun. I celebrated my birthday AGAIN with another crew of girlfriends. We headed out to some bars in DC and did our thing. Oddly it was a night of "what not to wear's". Seriously, the outfits out that night were hideous. And I know I'm no beauty queen for fashionista but let me tell you, some of these women appear to have no friends, or at least none that are honest with them...At one point, as the drinks were flowing freely, we noticed this chick and I couldn't help but take a picture.
Anyway, we ended up partying for a while then the whole crew came back to our house where we continued the party and had a big old sleep over. It was fun.
Sunday the hubby and I went out for Dim Sum with a friend at a very authentic Chinese restaurant. It was so yummy. I could have probably not eaten again until today.
Yesterday the hubby was off work so it was really nice to spend another day with him. Being the great man that he is, he set up a nice day for us. We went out for lunch at a super cute little Belgian cafe in Georgetown then walked around down town and explored the National Gallery of Art's sculpture garden. It was a lot of fun and I even ended up playing with the camera and taking a lot of funky pic's using the color swap function.

Anyway, that's about all I got. I hope everyone had a nice weekend and happy Tuesday! Oh, and here's a picture of the pooch, Ears McGee, for good measure!
This weekend was a lot of fun. I celebrated my birthday AGAIN with another crew of girlfriends. We headed out to some bars in DC and did our thing. Oddly it was a night of "what not to wear's". Seriously, the outfits out that night were hideous. And I know I'm no beauty queen for fashionista but let me tell you, some of these women appear to have no friends, or at least none that are honest with them...At one point, as the drinks were flowing freely, we noticed this chick and I couldn't help but take a picture.
What do you think is going on here? I just couldn't stop laughing. My theory is that she spent the night at her hook up's house the night before and had no shoes (or shirt) to wear out to the bar so she decided to wear his...just down right gnarly. It kind of looks like in the back of the US Weekly how they take pic's of people with no head and show you the "do's" and "dont's". Another chick, who I failed to take a picture of, was wearing a tight fitting, yellow, satin, halter dress with black leggings underneath. It was worse than it sounds...Maybe we were celebrating Halloween a little early in the District this year?
Anyway, we ended up partying for a while then the whole crew came back to our house where we continued the party and had a big old sleep over. It was fun.
Sunday the hubby and I went out for Dim Sum with a friend at a very authentic Chinese restaurant. It was so yummy. I could have probably not eaten again until today.
Yesterday the hubby was off work so it was really nice to spend another day with him. Being the great man that he is, he set up a nice day for us. We went out for lunch at a super cute little Belgian cafe in Georgetown then walked around down town and explored the National Gallery of Art's sculpture garden. It was a lot of fun and I even ended up playing with the camera and taking a lot of funky pic's using the color swap function.

Anyway, that's about all I got. I hope everyone had a nice weekend and happy Tuesday! Oh, and here's a picture of the pooch, Ears McGee, for good measure!
At 1:26 PM, October 09, 2007,
Cold Hands said…
Ha- "But I wanna drive mom!"
The weekend sounds fantastic! As for the girl in the pics, maybe she lost a bet?
At 1:37 PM, October 09, 2007,
Oh great One said…
Sounds like you had a terrific time! I love the skiis er...I mean shoes she was wearing. What was she thinking?
At 5:26 PM, October 09, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Puppy love!!!!!!!!!! And almost as importantly, what kind of camera do you have? I LOVE that effect and want to steal it.
At 10:57 PM, October 09, 2007,
The Funky Bee said…
DK - I have a Canon Power Shot SD1000. I think it may actually be on sale right now on if you have a card. I LOVE it (I've had good experiences with Canon cam's). there are so many functions that I know I'm not even using right now and should be!
At 8:30 AM, October 10, 2007,
Chick said…
I watch that show too much...some people seem to not look in the mirror while getting dressed...leggings?? Ugh...I'm just not a fan.
Great photos...all of them.
At 5:43 PM, October 11, 2007,
Andi said…
LOL, cute puppy ears! I just wanna nibble on 'em. But I won't. Because that would be weird?
Sounds like a great time. And dear GOD, yes that girl needs help.
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